CHAPTER-42 Karma

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As soon BabaSa said he was putting forward a candidate I was sure it must be Mrunal. Unknowingly he did help me as it was fun seeing her lost in front of me. I am kind of confident that I have distracted her. She must be thinking that I have been acquiring properties to get the money to support myself and slam on that Kabir but I have bigger plans. As expected she didn't get much time to buy shares and she is way lower than me.

The conference started buzzing with people talking and whispering among them. BabaSa signalled one of his secretariesmembers and she went away. Maybe to bring that good-for-nothing girl. I gestured to one of the old and very influential member and he nodded to me with a smile. he started telling BabaSa how he couldn't slam her like this. He continued spitting about how she was not capable, having never seen her in office whereas I joined the work as one should. I have trapped them well.

BabaSa, didn't stay back he also countered them. I expected Mrunal to come and challenge the meeting but here it seems these two are working behind everyone or it's BabaSa who is melting a way too much.

"We can't forget she is married to one of our prominent rival." one of them raised a good point. I have good soldiers in my army. I was enjoying the drama as the door opened and the secretary entered followed by Lian Rathore.

i chuckled she didn't have any confidence to come alone anymore but who cares this will fuel the fire against her. However, nobody came after Lian. I looked at BabaSa who also looked confused.

"A very Good morning everybody." Lian said as he waltz in the room in is usual aura.

"Where is Mrunal?" BabaSa asked as Lian sat down at the other side of the table like he owns it and put his glasses on the table.

"My wife, is kind of busy as she has much more important things to do other than this. So, i have come her as her representative. you may proceed with your meeting as usual don't mind me. Oh just one more thing, as i know your business is going ----" he said as he looked at everyone and gestured with his hand downwards. "So, obviously we will be supporting the business out of crisis if my wife gets the position." he finished. Mrunal is playing dirty. i looked at everybody around the table.

Majority of them are in my pocket as i have hold them with money but they also started discussing. God, bless me please. Don't let them waver.

People were whispering among themselves. I looked at Vijay uncle he blink his eyes in assurance. As the conference room again went silent voting started.

It started with BabaSa, who obviously voted for That Mrunal, it was expected. Next was MaaSa, she looked there perplexed as she continued to look at me and BabaSa. She open her mouth to speak and then closed it a few times and then slowly mumbled the name. I smiled. She chose me.

no, counting was needed as I won it with huge majority. my dream came true. Ahh! i won it. Poor Mrunal she must have expected it that's why she didn't even dare to come for the conference. i looked at Lian who was looking pissed. He thought they will nag about RAthore's helping this business but they don't know how egoistic and money minded all these are.

BabaSa slowly got up from the head chair and step aside. Ha! he deserve that for cornering me. i smirked at him as went to the end of the table and i sat down as everybody clapped. Nobody, could stop me now.

The conference successfully finished as the legal things were done and i gave a speech. All the members were cheered and congratulate me with bouquet. i smiled at everybody as they came with their pleasantries to coax their new boss. I smirked at their pettiness.

I saw BabaSa, talking with Lian Rathore at a corner. MaaSa was also standing their silently. Poor Lian, because of his bad taste in girls he had to face such humiliation. I went towards them, after all you get the best taste of your victory when you see the sadness in your enemy. I excused myself from the crowd but before i could reach them Lian said his goodbyes and left. Shit!! i looked towards the lobby from the first floor to stop him but the person i saw made my day. Mrunal!

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