CHAPTER- 20 Tied Together

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Mrunal came back to her room and noticed Ishita, Dario and her BadiMa was in the room waiting for her. Mrunal slowly walked to her BadiMa and sat on floor in front of her and put her head on her lap.

"BaiSa, what happened? What did they said? " She asked Worriedly.

"BadiMa, he called me by my name today. " Mrunal mumbled making ishita and Anuradha devi shocked.

"RajaSa?" Anuradha Devi enquired and Mrunal hummed.

"They want me to get married before Asmita because suddenly they want to aton for their mistakes. They have already someone in mind and RajaSa just begged me to agree to their arrangements." Mrunal completed.

"That's ridiculous, how pathetic of him to beg and call you by name which he never did just to blackmail for this damn marriage. How Opportunistic he is. " Ishita grumbled.

"Ishita!! Language. Don't forget who you are speaking of" Anuradha Devi scolded Ishita who just rolled her eyes.

"BaiSa what are going to do? I know they never behaved properly with you but I told you, they never thought to abandon you. I can understand why they came with this proposal."

Mrunal quickly got up and hearing her BadiMa's words. She was confused now she is also supporting them?

"BadiMa, what are you saying? " Ishita voiced Mrunal thoughts. "You mean, Mrunal should get married to anybody they pick! Just because suddenly they feel responsible they will can do whatever they want. "

" NO, you guys are Misunderstanding  me. I mean at least go and meet the guy. They won't force you if you don't like him. I know you are feeling to rebel BaiSa and you should because you have blood ties with them. I know I also left you for my own personal havocs and that let you stay with that Chaya but I have raised you BaiSa and love you a lot like my own and I never taught you to hurt someone. Your war is with Asmita, no one else. Please remember that. "

Anuradha Devi got up and caressed Mrunal's head and said, "you have plenty of time. Think calmly, what you are going to do. I will go and check on the lunch now. Ishita come with me. "

Ishita looked pissed but she stormed out following her BadiMa leaving Mrunal with her thoughts and Dario.

Dario sat beside her on the floor and pulled her in his arms and Mrunal out her head on his shoulders. 

"Why did they came to me when I was ready to leave everything? Why did he called me like that? Why are they trying to tie me now?" Mrunal mumbled as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"That's human nature Milli, we often try to hold things tightly only when they start slipping out of our hand." Dario spoke as he caressed her head. "Do you want to fulfil his wish?" 

After a small pause Mrunal said, "I am so pathetic after all these years somewhere I still yearn for them. I want to but I know it's Asmita 's doing she filled Badi Hukum's ears. I can't marry someone randomly and I won't destroy my life. Asmita is clever she spread the trap very efficiently."

"I can give a solution but just don't hit me." Dario said as Mrunal got up and sit across Dario asking about his idea.

"RajaSa, only asked to marry you before Asmita. You can marry anyone of your choice."

"you?" Mrunal said irritatingly.

"Common, I am not joking. You know who I am suggesting." Dario said raising his eyebrow. 

"I think na, you have fallen head over heal for him and planning for a war. Have you gone mad Dario! how can I just go and asked him to marry him. Just in the morning you told me to move slowly and now how can I ?" Mrunal spoke sadly. 

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