CHAPTER-6 Wounded

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As we entered everyone was laughing over tea talks. Few of the aunties shot me some glares. To my surprise Kabir's aunt was sitting close to Badi Hukum and her sister Gayatri Devi. Beside them, Asmita was sitting beside Kabir and RajaSa was sitting opposite them with Kabir's father. Gayatri Devi's family was also present. Badi Hukum suddenly put her cup down and gestured for everyone to be silent. I just want this to end quickly so that Maa can introduce Kabir and we can leave from here.

"I want to give good news to all of you." Badi Hukum declared. "Today we have a very special guest among us, meet Kabir Malhotra and his family."

I was so shocked. I glanced at Maa she was also perplexed. Badi Hukum continues.

"He is going to be our son-in-law. Our Asmita and Kabir are in love and I have decided to accept their relationship and get them engaged."

My whole world crashed. Everyone was cheering and I was standing there petrified.

"What the hell is going on" I yelled. My all patience snapped. Everyone went silent and stared at me.

"What do you mean? How dare you to shout in front of us?" Gayatri Devi said those words angrily.

I ignored her and moved in front of Kabir. "What the hell is happening Kabir?" I snarled at him.

"How dare you talk to our son-in-law like that!" this time Geetanjali Devi burst out.

"MaaSa woah---" my mother began but Geetanjali Devi gave her a glare.

"Take this girl away from my house. You have done what you wanted for long. Now It's enough, it's all because of you that this girl has the audacity to come here and raising her voice. "

"You guys are the one who is creating a mess." I growled. "Kabir is in a relationship with me not with your princess."

Asmita quickly got up. "Why are you lying? Kabir doesn't even know you personally."

I looked at Kabir. He was silently sitting there. I opened my phone too show them my chats and photos with him. Alas! There was none. My head was spinning. I am again losing my precious thing and I can't proof anything. I shook myself a bit. I can't lose.

"Kabir and I were in same art college and we have worked together on many projects. He was in Italy for past three years then how can these two be in a relationship." I reasoned.

"We were in a relationship for about four years. We were classmate in school and get together in last year. He went to Italy for further education but we kept in touch and when he used to come in India to meet his family often, we used to spend our time together." Asmita countered.

I very confused now. Did Kabir cheat us both? But Asmita is not one who can be trusted.

"Kabir what she is saying did you cheat us?"

"Shut up! Stop blaming Kabir. He is loyal to me." Asmita said now her crocodile tears were flowing.

"Yes, I only love Asmita. I don't even know Mrunal personally. Yes, it's true she is my junior but we were just friends. We have worked with each other professionally but I never approached her like that because I was already in a serious relationship with Asmita and we truly love each other. I heard that Mrunal have a crush on me but I always ignored it and have always seen her as a junior and friend. We did start hanging out together but it was just because we were working together. I never knew that Mrunal will interpret like this. In fact, I just got to know today only that Asmita and Mrunal are related to each other." Kabir finally spoked making me aghast. I slapped him hard. Kabir's aunt stood up flaring.

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