Gentleman - SpongeBob

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The number of times I fixed my hair in Julie's compact mirror was too much to count. Julie, Yancy, and I stood by the mall's entrance as we entered. I told my mother we wanted to roam, but in reality, I was here for a date; she would lose her mind if she knew I was here to meet a boy, so Julie and Yancy were my scapegoats and my lookout if she came inside.

"How does this look? I moved this bang to this side instead. It makes me look like Aaliyah," I asked.

"The same, but I can see the influence. Try not to worry. I highly doubt he'll notice your hair, Y/n," Yancy chuckled.

"Ugh- I'm so nervous, you guys. I've never been on a date before," I admitted.

"I don't know why. You're going on a date with SpongeBob, of all people," Julie chuckled.

"Hey, he's not as bad as you think," I defended.

"I'm sorry. Do you not recall finding your bra in his room at your birthday party," Julie questioned.

"And him admitting he snuck into your window, stole it, and keeps it under his pillow," Yancy continued.

"That just means he likes me a lot. Besides, he was younger back then. He has chin hair now," I declared.

"Y/n, his birthday was last week," Yancy acknowledged.

"See, he stole it before the party. He's so much more mature now. He even lets me ride his skateboard while he walks and holds my hand like a gentleman," I boasted. 

"Oh, such a gentleman," Julie mocked.

"Speaking of your knight and shining armor," Yancy chuckled.

Russell entered the entrance doors and waved as he saw me. I waved back and smiled at him. He was the cutest boy I'd ever seen. I felt like the luckiest girl on the earth as he approached us. I shut the mirror and handed it to Julie, who was still ashamed that I'd agreed to go on this date, especially since I said yes after finding the bra.

"What is he wearing," Julie murmured.

"I think he's trying to dress like a real man," Yancy joked.

"He is a real man," I defended.

"A real immature one," Julie countered.

Russell had on his typical clothes but added a bowtie to the outfit. Julie and Yancy could be haters all they wanted, but I felt his outfit made a statement. It said, 'I'm too gnarly to be too formal, and it worked. It truly resonated with his aura,

"Hello, ladies. Y/n, you look beautiful, by the way," he greeted.

"Hi, SpongeBob," Yancy and Julie spoke.

"Hello, Russell," I swooned.

"Y/n, you look beautiful as always, and I like what you've done to your hair. It reminds me of Aaliyah," he praised.

None of us were ready for the endearing compliment. We were expecting him to call me 'hot stuff' or 'boobies,' but we were proven wrong.

"Thank you. You look very handsome, and I like your bowtie," I complimented.

"Thanks, Y/n, I wore it just for you. May I hold your hand," he responded.

Even Yancy and Julie were shocked by how polite he was being. Russell was trying to make a big impression on the three of us, and it was safe to say it was working. I hadn't stopped smiling since he'd appeared.

"Sure," I responded.

He grabbed my hand and smiled as he pulled me closer to him. 

"Now ladies, If you don't mind, I'm going to steal Y/n," he informed.

Evan Peters Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now