Conceited Pt. 4

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The message on my phone had to be for one of Kyle's dumb bets. After the last outrageous task, analyzing his messages became a new requirement because this fake 'girlfriend' stunt was wilder than expected. He claimed it would only be fake forehead kisses and hugs in public to sell the illusion. Instead, we were fake moaning in his room to trick his roommates into thinking we slept together. All's forgiven, but flirtatious remarks would never escape my lips again after this favor ends. It wouldn't matter if Evan Peters would be the next cute man to cross my path. It's done.

Kyle: Quick favor?

Y/n: Depends? Will I almost break my back again?

Kyle: Not unless we get into a wreck on our way there. We're already outside, so put on a swimsuit, and pack a bag. We're spending the weekend at the beach.

Y/n: Who is 'we?'

He didn't respond to the last message, which meant more than my stun gun would be present with me for the weekend. It alarmed me when a party bus parked outside my dorm building earlier, but it's safe to assume it belonged to Kappa Lambda Gamma now. He was lucky I'd just stepped out of the shower moments ago because he hadn't given me a heads-up beforehand to prepare. They would not be getting the satisfaction of staring at my body for hours, so slipping a short sundress over my bikini was a must before packing the rest of my stuff for the sporadic vacation. The hot blonde waited at the entrance, ready to escort me to their bus.

"As much as you say you don't like attention, you sure know how to get it, Y/n." he declared. 

The look on his face was too familiar to me. His brown eyes traced every curve on my body with a hungry gaze. The closer I got, the more eager he'd gotten.

"Compliments can't dig you out of this grave, Kyle." I joked. "If you praise me in bed, it might be a different story."

It was odd that my flirtatious remarks didn't annoy him like usual. Kyle didn't roll his eyes or scoff at me. Instead, he let out a little chuckle. No telling me to get my head out of my ass, but a chuckle. Kyle grabbed my suitcase out of my hand and motioned for me to follow him.

"Hey, before you fuss at me, I just want to say that I tried to tell them you were busy, but they insisted. I'm sorry I needed to make sure you come." Kyle declared. "Out. Come out. With us. Not like the other come, where we would- you know. Not that I was thinking about it or anything."

He was being more awkward than usual, slipping up on his words almost like he was nervous to talk to me. Not to mention his mind was completely in the gutter. It surprised me as I never thought I'd see the day Kyle Spencer finally had a thing for me. Just kidding! It was bound to happen. Kyle was the only guy who made me do a double-take, and once I said I wanted him, he was destined to be mine. Ask and you shall receive because manifestation was no myth.

"Thank you for the clarification because you were about to be cussed out and slapped." I professed. "So, can I ask why they wanted me to come?"

It was evident he hoped his current actions went over my head. They didn't. He stared at me like he wanted to rip my dress off and make a physical reenactment of yesterday, but much as riling him up would be fun, it was best to act clueless for the sake of his ego.

"Archie insists posting selfies of us at the beach would make the other frats jealous and solidify our accomplishment." he declared.

"Accomplishment of what?" I questioned.

"Of you." he clarified.

As long as the war of the frat houses continued we were going to be treated like a tourist attraction. It was funny last year, but now they acted like the world had ended and the last girl alive was me. There were plenty of other girls they could've harassed. However, the fact that the souvenir girl was me and not someone else made me feel better because there was no telling what those idiots would try on someone else.

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