Counter Boy Pt.2

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Pubs were never my scene. Drunk men hitting on me was a daily occurrence in my life since becoming a server at a truck stop diner, so the need to enter their space never seemed necessary. My comfort zone was now being expanded as we sat at the bar. Country music flowed through the speakers while people danced around on the floor. Even though my family moved here years ago, witnessing this many cowboy hats in this rural town was a first for me. Charles looked adorable in his hat with his buffalo plaid shirt. Neither of us drank liquor, so it's hilarious that he'd invited me here for a first date, but he seemed to have come here a lot.

Everyone inside already knew him. The older women, especially as they all had a little crush on him. Each one took the time to tell me they'd try to snatch him up if they were still younger and how they'd love to be the girl in my position. He was the gentleman they'd all wished they'd had at our age. It would've raised suspicion if we hadn't gone to the same high school; all those compliments unprovoked seemed almost premeditated, but Charles was just that outstanding.

"Did you pay all those women to be your wing-women before this date or something?" I questioned. "I've never seen that many people praise one guy and say the same thing each time."

"If I did, would it have worked?" he joked. "I'm kidding! No, I didn't. I've been coming here since I was seventeen. It's my comfort space. No one judges here or bothers you; everyone only cares about having fun."

"I think the other ladies care more about having fun with you, specifically." I kidded.

While we discussed the other women, a red-haired one staggered over to us. The curly-haired lady was his coworker at the truck stop. We'd crossed paths many times but never had a conversation. The woman was drunker than an alcohol tester as she sat on a stool next to us.

"I thought I recognized you two kids!" the lady exclaimed. "Charles, you forgot to introduce me to your new friend."

"I was going to wait a while first." he expressed. "Peg, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Peg. She's like my mother and..."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/n. We've seen each other in the store a few times, haven't we?." Peg greeted. 

"Yeah, a few times. It's great to meet you as well." I countered.

"Okay, great. You've had your introductions..." Charles stated.

"You know, Charles won't shut up about you. He's been freaking out about your date for heaven knows how long." Peg interrupted. "Although, I'm not surprised you're a beautiful girl, so I understand why he liked you since high school."

My eyes widened along with Charles', but for two different reasons. This was all news to me as I was more than positive that my crush was one-sided, but the truth comes out whenever there's liquor involved. 

"Oh, is that so?" I giggled.

"Alright, Peg, I think you've had enough!" Charles panicked. "Here. Take my water. Did you drive here?"

He tried to hand her his glass, but the plastered woman pushed it away. Her truth would not be kept inside.

"The party has just begun for me, sweetheart." she slurred. "But as I was saying, Charles used to talk about how shy you were and how he thought it was adorable. And I was like, "Maybe she likes you too!' And he was like, 'Why would she like me?' And I was like, 'You're a good-looking boy and sweet.' And now look. You're on a date. I called it!"

His face was in disbelief as Peg aired out all his hidden secrets. At this rate, it wouldn't surprise me if she told me his social security number next. He couldn't even look at me because he was too embarrassed. Peg patted his back to comfort him as if she hadn't been the cause of the calamity that now occurred in his mind.

"Aw, chin up, kid. It's not like I told her you think you're in love with her. I've got to find my girls now; our favorite song is about to be played. Next time, Charles, I would like a proper introduction to my new goddaughter." she stood from the stool. "And Y/n, it was lovely to meet you. We will pick out your wedding dress when you are ready. I could see myself being a god-grandmother. Do you want kids? Has he asked you if you want kids?"

"He has not, surprisingly," I tried to hold in a laugh.

"Peg, I think your song has started." Charles proclaimed.

"Oh, shoot!" Peg gasped.

Peg ran into the crowd to find her friends, leaving Charles in me in the most hilariously awkward atmosphere. The Most Honest Drunken Woman award went to her and her only. Charles stared at his glass of water and attempted to avoid eye contact with me. The reflections in the mirror had switched as our roles were reversed. Usually, it would be me acting shy around him while he smiled because he thought it was cute, according to Peg.

"Can we pretend like that didn't happen?" Charles suggested.

"Truthfully, I would much prefer we didn't. If anything, I think it would be best you use that camera to add this moment to our album of memories." I joked. "But I will say that maybe we should spend our next date somewhere more private."

Charles smiled as he turned to face me.

"Wait. So even after that, you're saying there will be a next one?" he questioned.

"There already was going to be one, but now, it's solidified." I verified. "Now come on and get that camera out. I think Peg's future God-grandkids would deserve to see a picture of this moment."

Evan Peters Imagines and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now