Intro + charchter aesthetics

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Hi! This is a different type of book I usually write but I had this idea and I really wanted to write it so....

This isn't a smut book so if that's what your looking for I recommend you to look elsewhere, their will obviously be kissing and stuff that will be in detail but that's it really. 

Chapters come out weekly so that I am able to give you guys my best quality💓😁

Also this is lowk slow burn but with lots of tension.

I hope you like it💗💗

Also the title picture is exactly how I imagine Logan and Gracie to look like.

Much love, pixwrites xxx

Gracie Owen's FMC
(Female main character)

Gracie Owen's FMC (Female main character)

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Logan West MMC
(Male main character)

Wessie is Gracie's nickname for Logan 💗💗

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Wessie is Gracie's nickname for Logan 💗💗

Wessie is Gracie's nickname for Logan 💗💗

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