36 : Tangled

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"Gracie!" I shout as I walk inside the house after practice, my body aches and I am so tired.

"I'm here!" She shouts back, I follow her train of voice which leads me too the living room. She is bundled up in blankets with a hot chocolate in her hands watching tangled.

"Hi" she says smiling at me as I walk in the room, I smile back at her because she looks so fucking adorable and I can't resist her as I lean down to give her a kiss.

It's been about three days since we decided to do the whole friends with benefits thing but I'm not really sure if my feelings for her are following our little agreement, however I do know that it feels really fucking good when I get to kiss her or go down on her.

"Where are the guys?" She asks as I sit down next to her.

"Went out somewhere." I say, she hums in response.

"Hey so I'm really tired tonight so I don't really want to do anything is that ok?" She asks looking up at me biting her lip.

"Of course, I'm tired too. We can just watch a movie, don't feel afraid to let me know what you want baby. Thank you" I peck her lips one more time before pulling her into me, she lands on my chest and gets comfortable.

"Are you seeing other people?" She blurts out all of a sudden, I turn to look at her with a frown on my face.

"I haven't seen anyone since you moved in Gracie" I assure her

"If you want to see anyone or something like that will you tell me before"

"I don't want to see anyone else" I say to her, she smiles up at me and presses a kiss to my jaw before snuggling into me.

We sit there in silence, enjoying each others company as the movie plays in the back ground. Every now and then I will pepper her with kisses which will make her laugh and start pushing me away. My eyes close soon and I feel at peace.

"I really like you Logan, please don't mess that up" she whispers, I'm pretty sure she doesn't think I'm awake right now which means she didn't want me to hear that but my god my insides are screaming with how happy I am.

I really like you too Gracie, is what I want to say.

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