17: Afterwards

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(Scene change)

(Location: Spy Association)


Female Spy: What?

Spy 2: What do you mean?

Spy 1: The Pro Heroes destroyed The Yozakura Mansion after defeating the members of The Yozakura Family but only took Mutsumi, However a Kaiju came out of nowhere and destroyed UA High and half of Japan, she is saved by her classmate, Taiyo Asano, and was rushed to the Hospital.

Spy 3: Those bastards including that flaming head didn't do anything to prevent The Kaiju Attack.

Spy 1: They will regret destroying The Yozakura Mansion!

Spy 3: Exactly!

Spy 1: Hey, do any of you think we should do something?!

Every Spy started talking and whispering except for those who minded their own business.

(Scene change)

(Location: Hero Public Safety Commission)

Madam President: What is going on?!

Female Cop: President, you're under arrest for corruption and abuse of power.

She says as she is putting the handcuffs on the President of The HPSC.

The Cops were pointing their guns at the Employees and The Agents who are on the Ground.

The Pro Heroes didn't do anything since they knew it's against to attack or assault a cop.

The Cops took the President away as The Agents are Taken to the Police Station for Questioning.

Madam President who is The President of The Hero Public Safety Commission was Arrested for Corruption and Hidden dark secrets from The Public, The Heroes who are Corrupted had their Licenses taken away and were no Longer Heroes, The Authorities checked their history and were shocked while some were disgusted and horrified, they arrested The Heroes who committed Crimes and killed innocent people, Those who made merchandise out of them immediately recall their merchandise and destroyed it, Fans of The False Heroes destroyed everything that is related to the Fake Heroes as for their TV shows being discontinued Immediately after they saw The News, Those who have Quirks that used them to hurt and make fun of the Quirkless were given warnings to leave them alone and continued their day, as for the Teachers and many Others are given warnings to stop those who use their Quirks to harm innocences who have no Powers or Quirks, The Quirkless started to defend themselves by making their own weapons to prevent Villains, Criminals, and Robbers that tried to hurt them.

Some of The Agents Confessed about what they were hiding and told them about the Experiments.

The People who were being experimented on were free after the Police Force found the Lab and destroyed everything that is connected to The Villain Factory.

They were sent to The Hospital and didn't suffer any side effects, they were released and went back to Society.

However The Hero Reputation was damaged even more due to The Inhuman Experiments and The Connection to The Villain Factory.

The Hero Society is no more but there were Pro Heroes to Protect Japan, although some people don't like them but some given them another chance.

Now The Pro Heroes had to get back the trust of the Public in order to have their Forgiveness.

All Might knew what he had to do...

(Scene change)

(Location: Docks)

The Yozakura Family learned what happened and they started to rebuild their Mansion.

The Polynesian Gods heard about Maui's bravery and redemption as they decided to bring Maui Home.

A Angel told Maui about him returning to the Heavens as he is welcome home.

He told Issei and his Friends as they knew, Their Friend is about to return to the Heavens.

They went to The Docks where Pirates and Fisherman Gathered to say goodbye to Maui.

Issei and his Friends Look at Maui as he Looks up at The Sky to see The Heavens are opened as The Polynesian Gods are waiting for him.

Maui turns to Look at his Friends.

I want to thank you all for supporting me and being my friends, I thought I was never going to have friends until I met Issei, he helped me find redemption and find Friendship, we have adventures together, and I learned from my mistakes and I regret everything I had done to the innocent, now it's my time to be The Hero that everyone saw me as, I will never forget about any of you and the times we were happy. Said Maui as he started having tears on his eyes.

Nate: do you really have to go?

Maui: I'm afraid so...

Deku: will we ever see you again?

Maui: we will meet again...

Issei: Hey, at least you don't have to be afraid anymore.

Maui: Yup.

Taiyo: we both are happy you save us.

He said as he holds Mutsumi's Hand.

Maui smiles when he said that.

Whisper: This is so sad...

Jibanyan: I know...

They all hugged Maui as he hugs back.

He started having tears coming out from his eyes as he smiles.

They broke the hug as he turns around to look at The Heavens.

Issei: Hey Maui.

Maui turn his head.

Issei: thank you...

Maui: You're Welcome... (smiles)

He turns into a Hawk and started Flying to The Heavens as everyone started Cheering for Him.

The Polynesian Gods Welcomed Maui back as The Heavens disappeared.

Issei and his Friends smiled as they Looked up at The Sky.

The Sun is shining as he see's Maui's Symbol that is his Fishhook on The Sky.

Issei: We'll Need Again... Friend... (smiles)

To be continued...

The Red Dragon Who Quit being a Pawn Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant