31: The Kali Familia

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(Scene change)

(Location: Hawaiian Islands)

There were many Ships filled with Amazon Woman who are members of The Kali Familia.

Bache: There's The Island of Hawaii.

She pointed at The direction of The Island, they are sailing forward.

Kali Aka Kumari is The Descendent of Kali The Hindu Goddess of Death and The Goddess of The Kali Familia.


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She Looks at The Island and says Good... Maui is known to be a Trickster demigod, so we need to focus on capturing him.

Bache: Indeed... The Sekhmet Familia did try to take down the Ishtar Familia when they were hired by The Evilus but they were able to take down some of the Amazons but they were all killed by one of the members of The Loki Familia.

Kumari: you mean that Werewolf of The Loki Familia? (Looks at Bache)

Bache: Yes, my Goddess... Ishtar has failed to make her Amazons stronger  by sacrificing Haruhime to the Killing Stone in order to make her Army of Amazoness Powerful, Three God Families destroyed the Entertainment district and The Captain of The Hestia Familia saved Haruhime and destroyed the Killing Stone, that was before he left Orario.

Kumari: I see... who are The Three God Families who destroyed the Entertainment district?

Bache: The Hestia Familia, The Takemikazuchi Familia, and The Freya Familia.

Kumari: The Freya Familia? Why would she be part of the destruction of the Entertainment district?

Bache: When she learn about Bell being there, she destroyed the district and killed Ishtar.

Kumari: What about The others?

Bache: They came there to save Haruhime.

Kumari: All of that destruction just to save a Fox Yokai?

Bache: Yea, my Goddess...

Kumari: The Ishtar Familia had failed to have the ability to have strength, but Maui has the ability to shape shift, if we kill him and take his blood, we'll have the ability to shape shift into any kind of Animal.

Bache: Argana has Blood Drain to raise her status and has snake features when she fights.

Kumari: Yes, but having the ability to shape shift into different kinds of Animals could make us more stronger and no men will ever treat women like objects, my Familia will be Powerful then The Loki Familia and The Freya Familia, No God Familia could never stop us, not even The Dragon Faction.

we are about to Attack! Said one of The Amazons.

Kali turns to Looks at her Amazons and says Today we'll capture The Hero of Hawaii, and will soon have the ability to shape shit, no men or God Familia will never mess with us...

The Amazons Started Cheering.

Everyone at The Hawaii Island saw The Ships and they started running away, they knew The Kali Familia are dangerous and they didn't want anything to do with them.

Maui Looks at The Ships heading towards The Island as he holds his Fishhook.

It's Maui Time! Shouted Maui.

To be continued...

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