23: Remembering The Pain

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(The Next Day)

(Location: Fish Restaurant)

Waiter: one catfish, two fish salad for the couple with scarlet and blue hair, one regular fish, three fish and chips, four ramens, and one big bowl of ramen with Fish and boiled eggs.

Iruma: That's me.

Usagi: so you teleported marinette back to Paris?

Issei: she is given the Ladybug Miraculous by Wang Fu and I wish her good luck, I used teleportation magic to teleport them back to Paris, I didn't want to be wanted again.

Deku: At least we said our goodbyes and we might able to see her again.

Issei: Yup.

Kankichi: now what are we going to do now?

Ataru: I don't want to go back to Tokyo to face everyone that now wants to kill me.

Usagi: I'm not going back to be called a crybaby or keep getting bad grades from my teacher who hates me and keep being left outside.

Kankichi: Say what now?

Ataru: Everything in my Life was going fine until Lum and Those Oni-aliens show up and took It all Away, Shinobu doesn't love me anymore but instead she quickly fell Love with that octopus boy who is from The Mendo Clan, but he is a scary cat when it comes to the Dark! He and she became my tormentors as well as the Others including Lum's Stormtroopers, every woman back at Tokyo hates me for hitting on them and tried to get their phone numbers, What is wrong with me?!

Kankichi: it's not you, it's everyone... they keep Judging us for who we are, they never respect us, they always think we're monsters, and they never show respect or love, there is always Evil that takes to make us suffer for no reason.

Ataru: Come to think about it, they never loved me, Shinobu is Just like those people who always gets angry and falls in love with someone without knowing their Personality.

Kankichi: I learned that the hard way when I hit a woman's fiancé on purpose because of my lust, however that ended up causing the cops to come to the Restaurant which me and my friend were able to get out since we were cops.

Ataru: I see...

Kinnikuman: you two should really show women Respect without doing it just for Lust.

Issei: I know what you're saying...

Ataru: What makes you say that?

Issei: Because... (remembers his death) I was killed by my girlfriend who was a Fallen Angel.

They stopped eating and Listened.

Issei: before I formed this Faction... I was once a Pervert who always peeped on the girls and always get beaten up by them, until me and my friends came across a schoolgirl name Amano Yuuma, I went on my first date with her. I thought I finally found love in my life until... (remembers her turning into a Fallen Angel) she killed me with a Light Spear. (remembers being stabbed by the Light Weapon) I wish I should have known... because of my Lust and Perversion... I should have known something was wrong... but it was already too late, I was reincarnated back as a Devil by The Gremory Princess... (remembers seeing rias before he died) However after everything I have gone through, it's still hunts me even after I became a Humanoid Dragon...

He started having tears come out from his eyes.

They just stood there as they didn't know what to say but felt bad for Issei.

Ataru: Wow... (shocked) I never thought about that... I shouldn't have led my Perversion and Lust took over me when Lum shown up, then I will still be with Shinobu, but... that's not gonna happen anymore, now I am hated by everyone and they want to kill me... (sad) I wish I could have married Shinobu without being so Selfish and Perverted.

FILTHY RAT!! Shouted Shinobu in Ataru's Memory.

Ataru: She's right... I am a filthy rat...

Kankichi: No... she's wrong... you're not a filthy rat, you're just someone who is misunderstood.

Issei: That's way It's is against the World, they will try everything to make a suffer, that is way we're going to save the innocent.

Ataru: is that way we became part of your Faction?

Issei: Yes, because The Dragon Faction is going to save The Innocent and Fight The Evil and The Corrupted.

He holds up his glass and shouted FOR THE DRAGON FACTION!!

They also raised up their glass and shouted FOR THE DRAGON FACTION!!

It's The Beginning of The Dragon Faction...

To be continued...

The Red Dragon Who Quit being a Pawn Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora