19: The Most Hated

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(The Next Day)

Issei: Why did you hit her?!

He says to Ataru Moroboshi who has his clothes wrinkled.

Because she and those bastards had always beat me up so I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. Said Ataru.

He was once a pervert that always hit on women and was hated by everyone including his parents, he has brown hair and colored eyes.

(Ataru Moroboshi)

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(Ataru Moroboshi)

Ataru: I just had enough so I snapped.

Issei: Will you could have tell them what you were feeling without attacking them.

Just then Deku walks in as he hears what Issei said.

Deku: What happened?

Ataru: Well after Lum electrocuted me, I snapped and grabbed her horns but they came off, she was shocked so I punched her in the face as the others started attacking me, I punched one of Lum's stormtroopers as he bumps into the other stormtroopers, Mendo was about to strike at me with his sword like usual until I dodged and punched him in the face knocking him out, then Shinobu grabs many desks and throws them at me but I dodged them and punched her in the stomach sending her crushing through the walls, Fujinami punches me but I grabbed her fist and broke it, then Sakura come in as I throw Fujinami at her which hit her causing her to fall to the ground, I immediately ran away as the others started chasing after me, I run out from the School and knew I needed to see you.

Deku: you ran?

Ataru: No, I saw a bus and jumped in, the bus was already leaving so I escaped from Lum and the Others, I told the driver to go to Japan which he was already heading anyways, however all of a sudden this guy pulls out a gun, I knew any delays will not get the bus to Japan so I got up from my seat and headed towards him, he says, where do you think you're going? I said well buddy I got a little surprise for you (makes hitting noises) knocked him him out cold.

Deku: How could you do that?

Ataru: Everybody is screaming because the driver was passed out because all of the commotion, the bus was out of control, so I pull him out of the seat and took the wheel, now I'm driving the bus.

Deku: You're Batman!

Ataru: I am Batman, then the mugger came to and starts choking me so I'm fighting him off with one hand, and I kept driving the bus with the other, ya know? then I managed to open up the door, and I kicked him out the door with my foot, you know at the next stop.

Issei: You kept making all the stops?

Ataru: Well, people kept ringing the bell!

Deku: so they don't know where you are?

Ataru: No, I'm thankful for that... if they do find out where I am, they will definitely kill me.

Issei: so what are you planning to do?

Ataru: I stolen some money from my father since he is still working it his Job, so I will be fine, at long is they don't know where I am.

Just then Issei's phone get a notification and he opens it, he looks at it, then looks at Ataru.

Issei: you might want to see this...

He said as he gives him his phone.

Ataru Looks at it and saw a live stream of The News Channel.

News Man: This is an emergency report, according to these notes, Lum The Invader Girl has been betrayed by her husband, now the invaders are furious and want to hunt down her husband.

A Cameraman gives him a note.

News Man: Oh thank you. this just in, the one who started this, is a student name Ataru Moroboshi who has hit her and attacked the students, and now they're after him! (Looks at The Camera) GET HIM!!

Ataru: I am so screwed...

Deku: Look at these comments, everybody at Tokyo hates you.

Issei: it's not just that... they're already making clubs of those who hate you and want to kill you.

Ataru: What kind of clubs?

Issei: There is The Most Hated led by Lum's Stormtroopers, The Killing of The Pervert let by Shinobu, Justice for Lum led by Mendo, and many others.

Ataru: What am I going to do?

Issei: we are going to find others like us to get away until we find them.

Ataru: well I suppose that won't be bad.

Issei: Good, because we're leaving right now.

Ataru: What?

However what they don't know they will be face many enemies including the supernatural.

To be continued...

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