Ticci Toby x male reader - lost

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Y/n woke up in a dark room, he groaned softly and rubbed his head before he heard metal scraping against the wall down the hall, he panicked and quickly jumped onto a broken beam then crawled up it and lay flat as the sound got closer, he took a few deep breaths before the door swung open and a shadow filled the doorway, its glowing gold eyes scanned the room as it held a shiny sword with a few glowing symbols along the blood stained blade, Y/n closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the light buzzing as it flickered filling his head with the sound before he heard a growl and the scraping move away, he sighed softly sat up looking around as his hands shook softly "I need to get out" Y/n whispered as he bit his lip listening to the sounds of water dripping from the celling, he climbed down and peaked out the room to see the long corridor lined with doors and blood as a few bodies littered the halls most headless as moss and strange plants grew from cracks in the walls and floors, Y/n jumped as one of the flickering lights above him broke and fell before all the lights in the hall started flickering, Y/n stepped out and stayed close to the wall keeping his hand on it to help guide him the dripping water and buzzing from the lights being the only sounds around him as he heard his own heartbeat, he stopped and pressed against the wall as the same shadowy creature from before crawled out of a room and onto the wall, a low demonic sounding growl emanated from it before it crawled onto the celling and through a hole onto the floor above, Y/n let out a breath before he heard something fall and a soft thud from the room next to him, he pushed the door open and looked around seeing a man laying on the floor bleeding from a wound in his stomach as he had a brown mouthguard on and goggles on his head, Y/n carefully and quietly walked closer before the light above the man flickered and stayed on letting Y/n see more of him, he had messy brown hair and half closed brown eyes with a stripped brown hoodie on and blue jeans with boots and two hatchets strapped to his side, Y/n sighed and looked back out the door before the boy spoke "w-who are y-y-you?" he said his voice barely above a whisper as his body twitched "Y/n, how did you get here?" Y/n whispered as he walked closer but the man shook his head "y-ou f-first" he breathed as his eyes closed then opened again "I was with my friends, trying to see if this place was haunted, we got split up then that thing turned up" Y/n said quietly as he looked around for something to help the man.

"h-ow long?" the man asked as Y/n found another body in the corner missing its head and pulled its long lab coat off "a week I think, I'm not sure. its hard to tell" Y/n said as he walked over and knelt down "what about you?" Y/n asked as he ripped up the cloth and held it against the wound "c-cant s-ay" the man mumbled "well, what's your name? how long you been here? were you with anyone?" Y/n asked quietly as he looked around "T-Toby, I t-hink a few d-ays. I w-as with t-two others" Toby said trying to keep quiet, Y/n nodded "do you know where the others are?" Y/n asked as he looked around some of the tables and draws for some tape "n-o, we w-ere sep-seporated" Toby said as he sat up a bit and pushed himself against the wall before they heard feint shouting from the floor above "if I fix you up as much as I can do you think you could walk?" Y/n asked as he walked back over with some tape and some bandages he found in a draw "y-eah" Toby mumbled as Y/n pushed his jumper up to see the wound better seeing it was a similar wound to some of the other dead bodies "what happened?" Y/n asked as he put the stuff down and grabbed a stapler from the table "i-it snuck u-p beh-hind us, I r-remember some k-ind of sword i-n me" Toby said, Y/n nodded "this may hurt, I have to close it" Y/n said "i-its fine I c-ant feel p-pain" Toby said before there was a loud crashing sound and the celling in the corner broke and fell leaving a small hole with the rubble below it "lets hope we can get out of here" Y/n sighed as he quickly stapled the wound on both sides shut then wrapped the bandage around it "I-if we can g-et out I c-can call a f-friend to h-elp" Toby said as Y/n tapped up the ends of the bandage "the exit is three floors up from this one, can you make it?" Y/n asked as Toby pulled his jumper down and let Y/n help him up "I'll m-ake it" Toby said as they walked over to the hole seeing it was only just big enough for them to fit through "I'll help you up" Y/n said as he looked down at Toby who nodded, Y/n put his hands together and crouched down letting Toby stand on them then pushed him up as he crawled through the hole breaking it open a little more, Y/n jumped up and pulled himself up with a small grunt as Toby looked around seeing the floor looked similar to the one they were just on but with smaller rooms.

Y/n got up and walked to the door opening it as quietly as he could and peaked out to see the corridors looked nearly identical to the ones below, he stepped out with Toby behind looking around before the lights buzzed and started to shatter one by one plunging the rooms into darkness with only a small red flashing emergency light to light their way, Y/n sighed and held his stomach as he held onto the wall and took a few deep breaths "y-ou ok?" Toby asked as he put his hand on Y/n's shoulder "fine, just hungry" Y/n said as he shook his head "h-ow did yo-u survive th-is long?" Toby asked as Y/n crouched down by a few small glowing flowers "these, they taste like shit and send you on a hallucinogenic trip but they're edible" Y/n sighed as he picked a few and ate them "we should rest, that thing will be back soon" Y/n sighed as he opened one of the doors closest to them and walked in looking around, Toby sighed and followed closing the door then looking around to see tables across the room with a few large jars on the walls filled with some kind of blue liquid with a few strange looking creatures in them, Y/n looked around before seeing a weak beam on the celling "keep an eye on the door" he said as he picked up a glass and put it to the wall "why?" Toby asked as he walked over to the door "there's a train that passes close by or over this place every hour, if I time it right I can break the beam as it goes past. that thing doesn't seem to notice" Y/n said as he took his ear away and stood under the beam before the whole building started to shake a little knocking a few jars off the tables and rattling the doors, Y/n jumped up and grabbed the beam at its weakest end and pulled breaking it "come on, its not safe on the floors" Y/n said as he climbed up and pushed one of the celling panels up and out the way then crawled into a small crawlspace as Toby followed, Y/n pushed the panel closed after him and sighed as he lay down "h-ow has that th-ing not fo-und you y-yet?" Toby asked as he shivered a bit and cuddled into his hoodie "I played a lot of horror games, I'm good with patterns. this thing hunts on the higher levels during the day and sends others down here to hunt at night. it likes to watch for a while, like a twisted game of cat and mouse" Y/n mumbled as he curled up.

Toby sighed "h-ow do y-you keep w-arm?" he asked "the flowers, your not warm but you feel like you are, they also help with sleep, come here" Y/n said softly, Toby crawled over and cuddled up to Y/n "th-is is k-kinda we-ird" he whispered "survival comes first, its either share body heat or freeze" Y/n said as he wrapped his arms around Toby who was shivering "here" Y/n said as he held out a small blue flower with glowing pink veins, Toby took it and looked over it before he sniffed it a bit and cringed "I know, but it will help you sleep" Y/n said as he curled back up "do I ha-ve to e-at it?" Toby asked "no, it does the same if you let it dissolve under your tongue" Y/n said softly as Toby put it in his mouth "h-ow do y-you know all th-is?" Toby asked as he started to feel his face and hands getting a little warmer "these strange plants grow everywhere, some you cant eat others you can, some have minor side effects others more. I found a small group of people when I first got here, I watched them go through trial and error trying to find what flowers were better to eat, until they just turned to eating the weakest" Y/n sighed softly "wh-at hap-happened?" Toby asked as he yawned and closed his eyes "that creature killed them all, it picked them off one by one, not sure how. I think it whispers to them, uses the voices of people they know to draw them away while we slept until there were only three of us" Y/n said, Toby sighed softly "I hope we find the others soon" he mumbled as he slowly fell asleep with Y/n following after.

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