Slender x male Chupacabra male reader pt2

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Slender sighed as he paced his office reading a book on spells before screaming brought him out his concentration, he sighed and put the book on the desk before he walked out and looked over the banister to see Toby on the floor at the bottom of the stairs with Hel crouched over him with a knife at his neck as he held his hair, Slender sighed "Hel get off" he said as he walked over but Hel growled and pushed the knife against Toby's neck more making a little blood drip down the blade before Slender wrapped two tendrils around him keeping his wings and arms down before pulling him off as he struggled "get off!" Hel shouted as Slender carried him back to his office, he dropped Hel on the sofa and closed the door before he dropped a bottle and a bottle of vodka on his lap then walked over to the desk "what ya readin?" Hel asked as he was now sitting on the desk drinking the vodka and looking over the book "I've been looking for a way to free an old friend" Slender sighed as he took the book and sat at the desk "the one in the frozen lake?" Hel asked as he finished the bottle of vodka making Slender sigh "yes" he said as he sat back "easy, its binding blood magic" Hel said as he pulled another bottle of vodka from his pocket and lay down on the desk "you know it?" Slender asked as he looked over "yep" Hel said as he drank from the bottle "what do you know?" Slender asked as he leaned forward a bit "it was made by a powerful white witch to contain something using her blood, but there's a catch" Hel said as he sat up "which is?" Slender asked "only the white witches blood can break the spell, but another entity like us cant be involved in the ritual, it has to be a willing human and they have to get the witch to speak the words in the middle of the lake then the human has to cut their heart out and eat it before getting theirs cut out and placed in the centre so the blood fills in the symbol" Hel said as he dropped the empty vodka bottle in the bin "can you help locate the witch, once we find them we can figure out how to deal with this" Slender sighed "I'll go mess with a few heads, you try find the witch that casted the spell and look through the family tree" Hel said as he jumped off the desk then walked out.

~ six months later ~

Slender sat down in the bushes by the lake as Hel was sitting on the branch in the tree above drinking "your prepared if this thing has any side-effects from this?" Hel asked "what kind?" Slender asked "anything really, being contained like this may mess with its physical body and soul, especially if its human" Hel said as he saw the small group of teens walk over "he's not human, he's some kind of Chupacabra experiment from the early eighteen hundreds" Slender sighed making Hel look down at him "can you control it?" Hel asked as he looked back over at the teens to see the ritual had started "hopefully but I'm not sure if I can get through to him" Slender said as he looked over to see the ice was glowing and one of the teens was in the middle of the lake eating the heart of the female who was laying dead beside him "better get ready, this thing feels angry and scared I think" Hel said as he shifted into his shadow form and crouched in the trees as Slender sat up a bit, the three other teens stepped back as the forth walked over to the male in the middle before slitting his throat and cutting his heart out laying it in the middle of the glowing circle, the ice cracked before the male fell through, the other three teens peaked over before a large wet clawed hand burst through the ice followed by another before a large Chupacabra pulled itself from the water, the teens screamed and ran away as Chupi roared then took off after, he ran through the trees quickly catching up to one of the teens and bit down on their arm yanking them back before he bit down on their neck and quickly snapped it then ran off again.

Chupi walked back over to the lake carrying one of the bodies in his jaws before he dropped it and started to eat, Slender stood up making Chupi look over and take a few steps back growling as it saw Hel crouched in the trees watching "Chupi, calm down. you remember me right?" Slender asked as he took a few steps forward but Chupi growled and stood in a defensive position over his food "you didn't train this thing?" Hel asked as he moved further along the branch so he was crouching on the end by Slender "not entirely, he's my mate" Slender said making Hel look at him before he moved back along the branch "go get him then" Hel said as he pulled a bottle of vodka from his pocket, Slender sighed and stepped back before he shifted into his human form noticing Chupi stopped growling "Y/n you still in there?" he asked as he took a few steps closer and knelt down watching as Chupi took a few steps forward sniffing the air before he let out a low grumble and shook his head going back to his food, Slender sighed "Hel come here" Slender said making Hel look up from his phone "no why?" he growled as he crawled a little closer on the branch "he needs to know he's safe, go back to normal" Slender said making Hel sigh as he jumped from the branch and quickly crawled over before shifting back to his normal form and crouching by Slender, Chupi finished eating a bit later and took a drink from the lake before he walked a little closer and sniffed the air "you feel better now?" Slender asked as he held his hand out letting Chupi sniff it before he circled Hel and let out a few grumbles "he's ok, he won't hurt you" Slender said softly as Chupi carefully walked closer and sniffed Hel's wings then tilted his head and moved closer to sniff his face before he growled and jumped on Hel pinning his wings to the floor and going to bite at his neck but Hel grabbed his jaws and growled as the symbol on his head started glowing gold "Chupi no" Slender said as he wrapped his tendrils around Chupi's torso and pulled him off before holding him in his lap as he wriggled and growled "fuckin-" "don't" Slender growled making Hel stop and stare at him for a few seconds before he got up and walked off.

"Hel wait" Slender sighed as he looked over but Hel was already gone, Slender looked back down at Chupi as he stopped growling "can you give Y/n back please?" Slender asked as he pet Chupi's head and unwrapped his tendrils, Chupi growled then huffed as he closed his eyes before he went limp and shifted back, Slender picked Y/n up and brushed his wet h/c hair from his s/c face "Y/n" Slender said as he checked over Y/n to make sure he was ok before he stood up and carried Y/n back to the mansion, he walked in and up to his room before laying Y/n on the bed and grabbing a cloth to wipe the blood off him as he waited for him to wake up.

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