Creepypasta x wolf male reader

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Y/n lay on a tree branch his long fluffy f/c tail swayed softly and his f/c wolf ears twitched every so often as he was only wearing a pair of shorts and a vest, he let out a breath at the warmth before he heard screaming somewhere close by making him sigh as he sat up then climbed down the tree and walked over to where the scream came from, he saw a young looking man crouched over a human body eating it as he ticced every so often, Y/n tilted his head and watched for a bit until the boy noticed him, Y/n's tail fluffed up and he heard something large and feathery land behind him making him freeze before he looked up to see Hel standing behind him in his shadow form, Y/n fell back and crawled away a bit growling as Hel crouched down watching him before Toby grabbed Y/n and started playing with his ears "h-he's so cute, c-an I keep him p-please?" Toby begged with a wide smile as Y/n stayed frozen, Hel sighed "you cant keep every strange creature you find" Hel said as he stood back up "I'll t-ake care of him p-promise" Toby whined as he stood up and picked Y/n up shaking him a bit as Hel rubbed his head "you know the rules, he has to join" Hel said as his wings twitched softly and his glowing golden cat slit eyes studied Y/n "you can k-ill right? you h-ave anywhere to g-go?" Toby asked as he put Y/n back on the floor watching as he sniffed his hand then moved over to Hel cautiously sniffing him "I th-ink its f-feral" Toby said as he tilted his head a bit then fell over as his head twitched and his neck clicked making Hel chuckle as Y/n jumped on Toby's chest and sniffed him again "fine you can bring it back" Hel said as Y/n's tail wagged.

Toby grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled him to the mansion before he walked in, Y/n looked around seeing everything looked old and there was two other people sitting on the sofa talking and a large strange creature laying on the floor "g-uys I found a t-thing" Toby said happily as he walked over and pulled Y/n with making him growl as he wanted to explore "did Hel say you could keep it?" Hoodie sighed as he sat back "what is it?" E.J asked as he lifted his mask a bit "no i-idea but its c-ute" Toby shrugged as he pat Y/n's head before Hel walked in and shifted back to his normal form making Y/n look over then down as the large creature was sniffing him, Y/n tilted his head and crouched down sniffing seedeater before seed pawed at him and made a growling sound before he ran off with Y/n chasing him "how long it gonna take for something to break?" Jack asked as the three of them watched the two run around and play fight "less then five minutes" Hoodie shrugged before they heard something in the kitchen break "Toby!" Hel shouted from the kitchen making Toby go pale before he ran upstairs.

After a few hours Y/n was wondering around all the rooms seeing most of them were empty but still had a few posters and things in them, Y/n pushed open one of the doors and peaked in looking around to see old dusty games everywhere and a bloody green hat on the bed, Y/n tilted his head and walked over lightly running his fingers over the hat seeing a few old memories of a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting on the floor playing games, Y/n pulled his hand back and tilted his head as he looked over to the floor to see a memory playing out, it was of the boy but he was sparkling softly and not moving like a picture "Y/n" Toby said from the door making Y/n jump and turn around the image disappearing "h-how did you do t-hat?" Toby asked as Y/n walked over but he shrugged, Toby grabbed his hand and pulled him to another room that had empty pill pots and a few empty fag packets in the bin, it looked plain and dusty with a white mask on the pillow, Toby carefully picked it up and ran his fingers over it for a second before he handed it to Y/n watching as it lit up a bit and Masky appeared on the bed glowing softly and unmoving as it looked like he was reading a book and smoking, Toby stared for a second a few tears rolling down his cheeks "who are they?" Y/n asked as he looked around "o-our friends, they d-died a long time ago" Toby mumbled as he held onto Masky's coat that he was wearing and turned to face Y/n "c-come on" he said as he gently took the mask and put it back on the bed before he walked out with Y/n closing the door "w-wait downstairs" Toby said as he walked off, Y/n tilted his head and flicked his tail before he walked downstairs where Hel, Jack and Hoodie were standing in the kitchen talking, Y/n sat down on the floor before Toby ran over holding something of everyone's, he lay them by Y/n catching the others attention "Tobs what ya doin?" Hel asked as they walked over "shhh w-watch" Toby said as he nudged Jeffs knife closer to Y/n who touched it and a still glowing life sized version of Jeff appeared sitting on the floor.

Jack touched it and his hand went straight through breaking some of the small glowing particles that made up the image, Y/n touched a collar and Bens hat making smile dog and Ben appear sitting next to Jeff before he touched all the other objects, once he was done he looked around to see the three men looking over the recreations, Masky was sat on the sofa with Sally, ben and Jeff were on the floor looking like they were playing a game, Laughing Jack was next to Sally eating candy and Slender was standing with his arms crossed behind the sofa with an apron on and a wooden spoon in his hand as his mate was beside him, Y/n wagged his tail softly "what happened?" he asked as he looked over at Hel who was studying Slender and his mate "they died, one by one until only a few were left, the rest died fighting to protect this realm" Hel said as he looked over his gold eyes cold with a hint of pain "you four are all that's left?" Y/n asked as the memories faded "yeah, Jeff and his boyfriend are around the woods somewhere, they help find and train new recruits, sometimes they come on hunts" Jack said as he rubbed his arm "how if they're dead?" Y/n asked with his head tilted "they're some kind of sprits or something" Hoodie said as he pulled his mask back down "why do you need recruits?" Y/n asked "cant do everything by ourselves" Hel said as he pulled out a flask and took a long drink "c-come on" Toby said as he picked up all the stuff and grabbed Y/n's hand pulling him upstairs "did I do something wrong?" Y/n asked as Toby opened his bedroom door and walked in "n-no, we just m-miss our friends" Toby said as he put the stuff down and stretched "how long has it been?" Y/n asked as he sat on the bed and shivered softly as the room was cold "f-ive maybe six y-ears" Toby said as he pulled his coat off and lay down, Y/n yawned and curled up cuddling up to Toby for warmth "I'm sorry you lost your friends" Y/n mumbled as he started to fall asleep, Toby sighed softly and played with Y/n's ears as he stared at the celling hearing Hel's feint screaming from Slender's office.

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