Hoodie x male reader pt2

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Y/n gasped and sat up before pulling the body bag off himself and falling off the table, he groaned and sat up rubbing his neck as he looked around to see he was in a morgue, his neck was still cut open and his skin looked dead and bloody as his eyes were dull and had red circles under them, Y/n sighed and stood up looking at his reflection in one of the fridge doors, he touched his face and his neck before he screamed and punched the reflection denting the metal as he cried softly, his knuckles were cut but no blood leaked from the wounds and he felt no pain nor the cold in the room as no air left his lips, Y/n grabbed some clothes that were left on one of the tables and put them on before he walked out looking around the dark streets as he pulled his hood over himself more trying to hide then walked down the street.

Hoodie walked through the empty streets a little blood staining his orange hoodie, he stopped and looked around as he felt like he was being watched but saw nothing as he kept walking until he heard footsteps behind him making him quickly turn around to see nothing there, he sighed and shook his head then walked into the woods hearing footsteps following behind him and angry eyes staring at him, Hoodie turned around again to see something black quickly move behind a tree, Hoodie growled and pulled his knife out as he walked over then quickly looked behind the tree to see nothing there making him growl before his hood was grabbed and his head was slammed into the tree as the knife was pulled from his hand, Hoodie quickly spun around holding his gun to see Y/n standing a few feet away playing with the knife "who the fuck!" Hoodie growled as Y/n looked over his eyes glowing e/c angry before Hoodie noticed his neck was cut open "I killed you" Hoodie said as he pointed the gun and shot, Y/n's head snapped back before he slowly looked back over and used the knife to pull the bullet from his head "what are you! what do you want!" Hoodie said as he kept the gun pointed at Y/n "anger is a powerful emotion" Y/n said before he ran at Hoodie who quickly rolled out the way and shot Y/n in the leg but he turned and slashed Hoodies face with the knife making him fall back before Y/n pinned his arms down and punched Hoodie in the face a few times before a long tendril wrapped around Y/n's neck and pulled him away holding him in the air, Hoodie coughed and spat some blood out "what happened who is this?" Slender asked as he wrapped Y/n in his tendrils keeping him still "its some kid I killed last week" Hoodie said as he stood up "how is he alive?" Slender asked as he pulled Y/n's hood off to look at him as Y/n struggled and kept a tight grip on the knife "maybe Hel will know" Slender said as he started walking back to the mansion with Hoodie following behind.

"Hel" Slender called as they walked in, Hel appeared at the top of the stairs with a bottle of vodka in his hand "what!" he growled before Jeff ran over, he put a joint in Hel's mouth and took the vodka before he ducked and Toby drop kicked him down the stairs, Hel grunted as he hit the floor as Toby and Jeff ran off laughing, Hel got up and went to run after them but Slender stopped him and turned him around "what is this thing?" he asked as he dropped Y/n on the floor, Y/n quickly got up and went to attack Hoodie but Slender grabbed him in a tendril and held him a few feet in the air, Hel sighed and lit his joint before he grabbed Y/n's face and looked over him then looked over the cut in his neck "Druga, a very angry one" Hel said as he dropped Y/n's face watching as he struggled "how do we kill it? or get it to stop trying to kill Hoodie?" Slender asked as Hoodie stood next to him with his arms crossed "you don't, he'll stay in this state until he kills Hoodie. you might be able to get rid of him if you appease him or whatever" Hel shrugged as Slender sighed "well what do we do with him?" Slender asked "not much you can do, he's like half sprit so containments out the window" Hel said as he pulled a book from his pocket and looked through it "well what would you want instead of killing Hoodie? he's still useful to me" Slender asked "there's nothing I want but him dead!" Y/n growled as he struggled against Slender's tendril more "well, would you hold off killing him for a while?" Slender asked but Y/n shook his head "what if I can bring you back?" Hel said as he glanced up noticing Y/n stopped struggling "you can bring me back?" he asked with his head tilted a bit "It might be possible, but you'll have to at least hold off on killing him" Hel said as Slender let go of Y/n "fine" he said as he crossed his arms "you can still haunt his arse though, come on" Hel said as he walked up the stairs as Y/n sighed and followed.

Hel walked into his room and dropped the book on the desk as Y/n looked around seeing the far wall was covered in strange looking plants as a desk was next to the single bed under the large window "how'd he kill you?" Hel asked as he sat at the desk and a few other books floated over "he basically raped me and slit my throat then burned me" Y/n said as he sat on the bed noticing Hel was barefooted and wearing an old looking long sleeved black top with a hood on and two horns poking out of it with similar black trousers on "how long have you been dead?" Hel asked as he glanced over his cat slit gold eyes with the white black looking over Y/n "three days, what is this place? what are you?" Y/n asked with his head tilted a bit "technically I'm death, or a death god, whatever works" Hel shrugged before a small black vile floated over and stopped by Y/n making him gently grab it and look over it "drink that, it'll heal your wounds" Hel said not looking over, Y/n opened it and sniffed it before he quickly drank it and let out a breath as it tasted sweet then he looked at his hand watching as his knuckles healed then touched his neck to feel the cut was gone "as your not to far gone I should be able to bring you back, but its not going to be easy and I'll need a few things not easily found" Hel said as he sat back "how? will I be like I was?" Y/n asked as he put the vile down "no, you wont be human anymore. the only thing close enough to this is either a wendigo or a vampire, or you could just loose the body and stay as an angry sprit" Hel said "so you cant bring me back?" Y/n sighed as he rubbed his head "dude your an angry sprit possessing your own corpse, choose one or move on" Hel said as he lit another joint "or I kill Hoodie then move on" Y/n said as he stood up but stopped as Hel's wings lit up gold "you have options, they aren't the best but its better then being in a decaying body. if your so hellbent on killing him at least hold off for a bit, I could use some help with a few things" Hel said looking over as Y/n sighed "I'm not waiting forever to kill him, and if my body is still decaying it'll fall apart" Y/n said as he looked over his hand "is there really nothing else you'd want? there are other ways of getting what you want without killing him" Hel said making Y/n look over "I want him to suffer! I want to watch his life drain from him like he did with me!" Y/n growled as he gripped the knife tight "then haunt his arse, it would be easier, like Ben" Hel said as he watched Y/n think about it then sigh "I want him dead, I might change my mind if he apologises and means it" Y/n said as he put the knife in his pocket growling slightly as Hel chuckled "yeah good luck with that, your in a house full of psychopathic killers remorse doesn't exist here, for most of us anyway" Hel said "those are my terms, I wont move on otherwise" Y/n said as he walked to the door "fine, I'd suggest talking to dad about staying, I have a few things you can do if you get bored" Hel said as the door opened and Y/n walked out closing it behind him before Slender appeared in-front of him "I expect you know what you want?" he asked "I'll hold off on killing him for now, I want him to apologise and mean it, if that doesn't happen the other option is death and nothing will stop me" Y/n said making Slender nod "I understand, if you choose to kill him I only ask for a few months notice so I may find a new proxy to take his place" Slender said as he led Y/n down the corridor to a room.

creepypasta x male reader one-shots book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon