Eyeless Jack x male reader

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Eyeless Jack crawled up the side of Y/n's house to his window and pushed it open before he crawled in, he creeped over to the bed while taking his scalpel out then crawled over the bed and carefully cut open Y/n's skin to see the bleeding organs underneath, Jack took a breath before he pulled out his kidney and took a bite, Y/n groaned and woke up a little, he mumbled then passed out again, Jack tilted his head then shook it and carefully stitched the wound up before he walked back to the window and crawled out.

Y/n woke up in the morning and groaned softly as he sat up barely noticing the pain in his side as he sat up and rubbed his head before he got up and noticed blood running down his side, he looked down and sighed softly as he painfully pulled his top off showing a large deep gash in his side hurriedly stitched up, Y/n rolled his eyes before he pulled on a long sleeved black top and pulled his trousers on then walked over to his bathroom to brush his teeth, once he was done he walked out his room to see his foster brother and sisters running around the halls screaming and shouting, Y/n picked up a piece of toast from the kitchen and walked out picking his bag up. Y/n walked out of school taking the long way through the woods on his way home and sighed softly as he walked to the lake and sat down, he took a deep breath and relaxed as he heard the water moving downstream before whispers brought him out of his relaxing thoughts, he looked around seeing shadows in the trees moving around before he saw a faded royal blue mask in the bushes, Y/n moved back as the figure moved out the bushes and walked over sitting by him "hey Y/n" Jack said as he looked over, Y/n stared for a second before he answered "who are you?" he asked as he shuffled away "a friend, my boss wants to meet you" Jack said as he looked over "why?" Y/n asked as he kept his knees to his chest and didn't dare look over "we're only three, we need more" Jack said as his voice sounded like it faded away, Y/n looked over to see he was alone and sighed softly as he stood up then slowly made his way home, he got in and walked up to his room before he closed the door and took his shoes off then lay in bed sighing softly as he hoped he could take a nap without a nightmare this time.

Y/n's room darkened as he slept and and a large dark shadow crawled onto his celling watching him sleep, Y/n groaned and turned over curling up as he felt eyes watching him, he woke up a few minutes later and tiredly looked around his room to see nothing out of the ordinary, he sighed and lay back down before he fell asleep again strange dreams dominating his thoughts, Y/n woke up in the morning to his younger brother like friend shaking him "Y/n get up" he said as he shook Y/n who groaned and opened his e/c eyes a bit "Max go away" he mumbled as he turned over but Max shook him again "she's coming" he said panicked making Y/n's eyes shoot open as he sat up and looked around to see Max smiling and no-one else in the room "max" Y/n mumbled as he rubbed his eyes "I had a visit from my friend last night, I want you to meet him tonight" Max said with a smile as Y/n sighed "max, I don't have time for your imaginary friends" Y/n said as he got up "he's not imaginary!" Max huffed as he crossed his arms and looked away "fine, what does he want?" Y/n asked as he rolled his eyes but Max smiled "he wants to meet you tonight after school" Max said happily before he skipped out the room, Y/n sighed and rubbed his face before he got dressed then walked out his room, it was friday morning so once he got back and finished his homework he could do whatever he wanted, Y/n pulled his top up and looked at his wound to see it wasn't a dream and he had a large cut down his side, Y/n sighed and grabbed his bag off the floor before he pulled his shoes on and walked downstairs to see his siblings at the table eating and shouting as their caretaker Marissa was cleaning and humming a song, Y/n grabbed a snack and his lunch "morning Y/n" she said with a soft smile as she looked over "mornin" Y/n mumbled as he turned and walked out the kitchen.

Y/n walked back home from school taking the same route through the woods but it felt different, darker and like someone or something was watching him, Y/n sat down by the river and pulled his sketch pad out ignoring the strange feel of the woods as he lost himself drawing a small rabbit not noticing that Jack had crept out the bushes, he crawled over like a feral animal and crouched next to Y/n making him jump and look over "you gonna keep sneaking up on me?" Y/n sighed as he watched Jack take his sketch book and look through it "I wasn't sneaking" Jack said as he put the book down "sure, what do you want?" Y/n asked as he put his book back in his bag and looked over "just to hang out" Jack shrugged "well I have homework to do, so I'm gonna head home" Y/n said as he stood up and picked his bag up "be careful in your dreams, the creatures can hurt you" Jack said watching as Y/n walked off, Y/n walked into his house and straight to his room dropping his bag on the floor and kicking his shoes off before he sat at his desk getting started on his homework, after a while Y/n heard screaming and shouting breaking him from his thoughts, Y/n sighed and opened the door seeing the other younger foster kids running around as a tired looking Marissa was trying to calm them all down, Y/n closed his door and walked over to his bed before laying down and sighing softly as he felt like cold fingers were running over his skin as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Y/n woke up in the early hours of the morning panicked and looking around as he hyperventilated "hey, calm down" Jack said softly as he looked over from looking through Y/n's desk "what, what are you doing here? the fuck happened?" Y/n said as he caught his breath then groaned in pain as he looked down at his chest to see large scratches across it "I was bored" Jack shrugged as he walked over and knelt on the bed "what's happening? I've never had this many nightmares" Y/n mumbled "he's getting you ready" Jack said as he pulled Y/n's top up to look at the scratches "ready for what? I don't want any of this I have plans for my life" Y/n sighed as he curled up a bit "to join us" Jack said as he lifted his mask a bit, Y/n sighed then quickly sat up as he heard whispers from outside the door as the lights started to flicker "I'm sorry" Jack said as the door handle rattled "what's going on? Jack?" Y/n said as he turned to Jack but he was gone and the window was open, Y/n's breath sped up as the rattling stopped then the closet door creaked and slowly opened making Y/n move back staring at it in fear as he saw a shadowy hand reach out then what looked like a shadowy body with a large toothy grin and glowing ice blue eyes looked out into the room before the door swung open showing a larger shadowy figure with a large sharp toothed grin as it had bright red eyes, Y/n scrambled away to the corner of his bed hyperventilating as he stared in fear at the creature in the doorway watching as it quickly crawled up the wall and onto the celling the room filling with whispers and quiet laughter, Y/n jumped as the creature from the closet was now at the end of his bed its sharp claws lightly scratching the wood before it moved closer as Y/n stayed frozen from fear, the shadow reached out and touched Y/n's head making his eyes roll back as he went limp but didn't move "kill" a low raspy voice said before the shadow moved away, Y/n's eyes rolled back looking a little darker and he got up in a trance and walked out the room as insane laughter filled his head and whispers surrounded him telling him that he needed to kill, to taste blood to let his fear go, Y/n stopped in the kitchen and looked over the knifes before one of the shadows pointed at one of the larger ones, Y/n grabbed it and looked over it before he looked at the shadow to its grin larger as it was now standing outside Marissa's bedroom door in the hallway, Y/n walked over and watched the door open as the shadow pointed into the dark room laughing as Y/n walked in.

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