Laughing Jack x dom male kitsune reader pt2

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Jack groaned and woke up a bit before feeling something next to him move "Jack?" Sally said tiredly as she sat up "Sally? what happened?" Jack asked as he reached up to his face feeling a bandage that was soaked in blood "Toby found you in the woods, Hel said something about Y/n" Sally said as she crawled off the bed "I'll go get him" she said before Jack heard her small feet pad away and out the door, Jack sighed and sat up before he winced softly "lay down" Hel said as he walked in "I'm fine" Jack mumbled as he held his head feeling dizzy, Hel lay him down "rest" Hel said as he drew a small golden circle around Jacks head "how long has it been?" Jack asked as he felt Hel check a few of the bandages "two months" Hel said as Sally climbed on the bed "why, did Y/n do this?" Jack asked as he touched the fresh bandage over his eyes "our last encounter drove him insane" Hel said "you didn't kill him did you?" Jack asked as he curled up a bit "no, I had a better idea" Hel said as he stood up "which is?" Jack asked "how'd you like a pet to take care of all your needs?" Hel said with a small smirk making Jack look over as best he could "you found him?" Jack asked "been in the basement for the last two months. I'll bring him up" Hel said before he walked out "Hel's been teaching him a lesson" Sally said as she picked up a cup of water and helped Jack drink some "does he plan on killing him?" Jack asked as Sally put the glass down "probably" Sally shrugged before Hel walked in holding a glowing chain that was attached to Y/n's neck, Hel pulled Y/n in making him drop to the floor with a growl before he let out a gasp as the chain started burning his neck as Hel walked over to Jack "hold your hand out" he said as Jack did then felt Hel wrap the end of the chain around his wrist, Jack felt it burn softly before he didn't feel the chain anymore "use your anger, think of fire" Hel said, Jack did and heard Y/n fall to the floor groaning in pain as the golden symbols around his neck started burning "if you want the chain just think about it" Hel said as he picked Sally up "thanks" Jack said with a small smile "dad will bring you food in a bit" Hel said before he walked out.

Jack sighed and lay down as Y/n shakily stood up rubbing his neck "at least I know why he kept me alive" Y/n said as he walked over "don't get your hopes up, he'll probably still kill you" Jack said as he curled up then felt the bed dip beside him "why did you agree to this?" Y/n asked as he looked over Jack "this makes my life easier for a bit" Jack shrugged as he turned over turning his back to Y/n "you better heal fast, I'd rather be dead then doing this bullshit" Y/n growled softly before he winced as the symbols on his neck started burning a little "you don't get to die until I'm done!" Jack growled as the symbols lit up more making Y/n double over in pain "fuckin!-" Y/n started but the symbols burned hotter making him fall back as he shook a little "you have no control anymore, get used to it" Jack said as the burning stopped making Y/n take a few deep breaths "good, you sleep on the floor" Jack said as he kicked Y/n off the bed making him growl as Jack smirked "I need a nap, keep quiet" Jack mumbled as he curled up "I cant wait for someone to kill me" Y/n sighed as he crawled over to the corner and stretched out.

~ one month later ~

Jack groaned and woke up blinking a few times his vision clearing, he rubbed his eyes and pulled the bandage off before shielding his eyes from the sunlight coming through the window, he looked around to see Y/n asleep next to him naked with his wrists tied to the headboard, Jack smirked and wrapped his legs around Y/n's waist waking him a bit "Jack, get off" Y/n mumbled as he tried to move his wrists but sighed "nope, I'm horny" Jack said watching as Y/n's bloody eyeless pits opened halfway "look at that your healed" Y/n said as Jack smiled "yep" Jack said happily "great, now can someone just fuckin kill me" Y/n said as he lay his head down making Jacks smile fade a bit "we talked about this" Jack said as he crossed his arms "you and your fuckin emotions can bite me!" Y/n growled as Jack got up "I didn't lie about it" Jack said as he cut the ropes off and walked over to the draws as Y/n sat up and rubbed his wrists "I'm not starting anything if I'm just going to end up dead anyway" Y/n said as he got up and pulled his clothes on "that's not a no" Jack said with a small smile as he glanced over "your enjoyable, but I'd rather die with the whole world hating me, it makes it easier" Y/n said as he stretched "it doesn't have to be that way, you can still learn" Jack said softly as he turned Y/n's head to look at him but he growled and grabbed Jacks hand "oh Jackie, I'm a monster, I enjoy being a monster, no amount of love will save me anymore. I accepted my fate long ago" Y/n said softly as he grabbed Jacks throat and lifted him off the floor by a few inches choking him "Y/n" Jack breathed as he held onto Y/n's arm before the symbols on his neck started burning, Y/n held Jacks neck tighter and growled as his hands turned into claws "drop me!" Jack wheezed as he made the symbols burn hotter but Y/n screamed and slammed Jack into the floor winding him before his body half shifted covering his skin with his f/c and white fur as his head turned into his fox head but a bit bigger as he stood a little taller, Jack pushed himself away but Y/n quickly sank his teeth into Jacks shoulder making him scream as a large strange symbol carved itself into the centre of his chest glowing orange "I do wish things could be different" Y/n said before he quickly jumped out the window just as E.J walked in.

Y/n ran through the trees on all fours before he quickly slid to a stop at the treeline for a large clearing before he heard a whistle and looked over to see Hel standing in the clearing leaning on his sword as he lit a joint, Y/n sighed and looked back towards the mansion before he growled and walked into the clearing circling Hel "if I'm going to die at last answer a question" Y/n growled as his six tails flicked "sure, I'll humour you" Hel said as he took a drag of his joint "why do you keep trying?" Y/n asked watching as Hel froze for a second "you have nothing to loose and nothing to gain, your the most powerful and feared creature, your a monster that does monstrous things like me, but instead of giving in and doing whatever you want you tie yourself down and lower yourself to their standards" Y/n said as he quickly turned and ran at Hel but he stepped out the way as Y/n lunged "If I let go, I'll be like you, an unfeeling monster whose driven by their bloodlust" Hel said as he watched Y/n get up "your already on the edge, why not just take the step? what's holding you back?!" Y/n roared as he lunged at Hel managing to knock him over "I know what I can do, I just don't want to" Hel said as he ducked as Y/n lunged at him "but you lost everything! your family, your race, your mates soul was erased!" Y/n growled with a low chuckle as Hel looked sad for moment before they both heard a twig snap making them look over to the treeline to see Jack leaning against a tree panting softly "your right, I'm nothing but a monster anymore, you want me to let go, fine" Hel said as he walked over to his sword, he pulled his hood down showing red chains on his horns with golden diamonds on them as well as his crown made of bone across his forehead and the choker chain necklace around his neck, he pulled the chains off and dropped them to the floor before he took his necklace off and also dropped it to the floor, he pulled his three wedding rings off his finger and let them drop to the floor as Y/n put his ears back and growled watching as Hel took his crown off dropping it to the floor before he took his blindfolded mask off his hip, he looked over it for a second before his aura turned cold and he looked over at Y/n as he dropped it to the floor, his body shifted into a shadow with his golden cat slit eyes turning completely gold as a blood halo formed above his horns as the tips of his feathers glowed gold softly.

Y/n looked over to Jack before he growled and his eyeless holes started glowing f/c (favorite colour) as well as a few symbols on his body before he charged at Hel but he moved out the way and grabbed two of Y/n's tails before nearly effortlessly ripping them out making Y/n let out a loud scream before he felt scratches across his chest knocking him back and onto the floor, Y/n coughed and shakily stood up before he jumped on Hel biting his shoulder as he scratched at his chest but Hel just grabbed his throat making Y/n yelp as he was held in the air struggling to breathe "Hel please don't" Jack whispered making Hel look over as Y/n glanced over, he felt Hel's grip loosen a little making him growl as he kicked him in the face and used Hel's chest to push himself away, Hel growled and quickly got up as Y/n did the same "Y/n stop please!" Jack called as he went to run over but Jeff stopped him by standing in-front of him and putting his hand on his chest "its what he wants Jack" Jeff said "he marked me! why would he mark me if he didn't want to stay?" Jack cried as tears ran down his cheeks as he felt how much pain Y/n was in "I don't know, just stay here" Jeff said as he looked over his shoulder to see Hel pick Y/n up by the back of his neck before he took off into the sky, Y/n growled and clawed at Hel's chest ripping his top a little "I'll see you soon" Hel said calmly before he let go of Y/n, Y/n felt his heart drop as everything slowed down as he fell, he hit the floor and felt his back and a few of his ribs snap as blood shot out of his mouth as he shifted back to his human form covered in blood, Jack pushed Jeff out the way and ran over as it started to rain, he knelt by Y/n and brushed his h/c bloody hair from his face "you should have stopped fighting" Jack said as the tears rolled down his cheeks "its... better this... way" Y/n managed to say before he went limp and his head rolled to the side the colour from his eyes fading before leaving his sockets empty, Jack sighed and looked over at Hel who was standing over his sword as Slender walked out the bushes "Jack, why don't you go home and rest" he said as he put his hand on Jacks shoulder making him sigh "he died fighting, he deserves an honourable send off" Jack said as he looked over at Hel who looked over before he walked over and crouched next to Jack "dad I need some wood" Hel said as he glanced up at Slender who nodded before walking off "he marked you so he could find you again, he didn't want to keep living like this" Hel said as Jack leaned on his shoulder "he'll be ok right?" Jack asked as Hel wrapped his wing around him "yes, he'll find you again" Hel said making Jack nod as he wiped his tears away.

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