Masky x male reader

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Masky was taking his normal walk through the woods to get away from Toby when he heard a strangely human sounding bird call, he stopped and looked around hearing rustling in the bushes before Toby and Hel jumped out and barrelled into Masky knocking him over as Hel used him to jump into the trees, Toby quickly jumped up and pulled Masky up "run" he said before he took off again leaving Masky confused as he looked around before the ground beneath him rumbled making him take a few steps back, the ground opened up as a large blue skinned elongated looking person with a large serpents tail and four small fast flapping fairy wings broke through and shot into the sky with a screech before a tall man in a long leather coat with a matching cowboy looking hat on his head jumped out and grabbed the creature as it came down slamming into the floor, Masky fell back and watched as the man grabbed the rope around the creatures neck as it made more screeching sounds and tired to pull away but the man just let out a deep chuckle and wrapped a long leather strap around the creatures arms keeping them flat to its body "enjoy the trip" he said with a deep southern sounding voice before he kicked the creature back into the hole before he looked over to Masky who was sitting stunned at the base of the tree watching before he tipped his hat and jumped into the hole it seeming to reseal itself, Masky stood up but was knocked over as Hel jumped onto his back "get off me you overgrown rat" Masky said as he wriggled a bit, Hel growled and dug his nails into Masky's back making him wince as Toby walked over to the hole and tapped it with his foot "he n-nearly got u-s this t-ime" Toby said as Hel jumped over and sniffed the hole "this time?" Masky groaned as he got up and rubbed his shoulder, Hel growled and hit Toby over the back of the head with his wing "as Hel's still healing Toby your annoying arse better have a good explanation" Masky said as he crossed his arms "w-well, Hel a-nd I have b-een visiting the un-derground" Toby said earning him another slap from Hel "Hel sit! keep going" Masky said as he pulled a fag out his pocket then lit it, Hel growled and crossed his arms "we f-ound the entrance t-to an underground c-city, and m-ight have started a f-ight, and m-ight have a bo-bounty out on u-s" Toby said as Hel huffed.

"right, I'm gonna pretend I understood that" Masky sighed as he turned and walked off back to the mansion, he walked in and straight to his room rubbing his head softly he lay in bed and put his mask next to him before he curled up and somehow fell asleep quickly. He awoke to the tv at the end of the bed buzzing lightly as it turned on playing static, Masky groaned and sat up his hair a mess as he looked around his head pounding, the room looked like it was covered in red mist as objects floated around the room, Masky got up noticing he was wearing a pale white top and trousers with blood stains on them making him sigh as he opened the door to see the mansion was gone and in-front of him was a vast dense forest but it looked artificial, Masky stepped out and shivered as the ground was cold and felt hard but oddly soft, he stepped out fully then jumped as the door closed before he heard a loud anguished cry from nearby, he bit his lip as he walked following the sound of the cry as it drew closer and louder, Masky peaked out the bushes to see a human woman screaming and begging in a strange language as what looked like code ran over her skin slowly and painfully turning it to the same colour and texture of the trees around her as she had a large chain around her neck that was connected to five other trees around her, Masky went to step out but an arm wrapped around his waist as a s/c hand wrapped around his mouth before he was pulled back against a chest "keep quiet" the same southern sounding voice whispered in Masky's ear making him quickly turn around to see the man from earlier except now he was wearing a thin dark red top and trousers, he motioned for Masky to follow as he walked off with Masky sticking close behind shivering softly

They reached a cave and the man walked in and right to the back where there was a lit fire and two other men with varying amounts of red on their otherwise white clothes "where am I?" Masky asked as he looked around "you do not know? are you new to the program?" the younger man with a blindfold on asked with a polish sounding accent "your the kid from earlier right?" the man with the southern accent asked as he pulled a crate of beer over "would you be fockin civil and introduce yourselves" the third man sighed with a heavy Irish accent "oh right, I'm Mika" the polish one said as he was handed a beer "johnny, that ones Y/n, he's the oldest" the Irish one said as he drank from his beer "Masky" Masky said as he sat down "how did you get here?" Y/n asked as he handed Masky a beer "I don't know, fell asleep then woke up here. what is this place?" Masky asked as he noticed most of the walls had glowing red code floating around them "this is the soulscape, its used to punish criminals. depending on your crime depends on how much red is on your clothes, like markers" the polish one said "so what did you all do?" Masky asked "I robbed a bank and killed all the hostages and a few hunters before they took me out" Johnny said "I lost my mind and wiped out a whole street with mustard gas" Mika said with a small chuckle "what about you?" Masky asked as he looked over at Y/n to see him staring at the fire "war crimes" Y/n shrugged as he looked over his e/c eyes locking onto Masky's for a second "what kind-" "classified" Y/n said quickly "that's all he tells anyone, but your luckier then a leprechauns arse managed to get off the worst punishments because your useful" Mika growled as Y/n's cold eyes glanced over "shut your dumbarse up, I would rather be dead then be forced to hunt my brothers" Y/n growled his aura turning cold and angry before he got up and walked off "we think he used to be apart of the mafia, maybe someone very important" Mika said quietly "what about the others?" Masky asked "those are the ones who have been sentenced, they took the mind of a god and put it in the system, it chooses your punishment, we all get sentenced eventually" Johnny sighed.

Y/n walked back in "mask boy" he called making Masky jump as he turned around, Y/n waved him over then walked off as Masky hurried over "my friends gonna take you back" he said as he lent on the wall "what friend? what happens if I end up back here again?" Masky asked "then I would assume you could help. you'll know what I mean soon enough" Y/n said as a glitchy version of Hel's dragon form landed "Hel? please tell me your dad knows this is what's wrong with you?" Masky sighed as he walked over making Y/n tilt his head a bit as he watched 'he doesn't know, my body is on autopilot, its me but without my memories. I enlisted Y/n to help me escape and get back to my body, but he will soon require help' Hel said as he lent his head down and let Masky pet his white feathers on his head "great, I guess you'll tell me more somehow?" Masky asked as he climbed on 'yeah, I'm starting to think I need dads help' Hel said with a low growl as he opened his large wings then took off as he and Masky continued their conversation, Y/n walked back in and sat down "is everything ok?" Mika asked "yes, I'm going to bed" Y/n said as he grabbed a couple beers and walked off going over what just happened in his head, he lay down on the cold floor staring at the celling watching the code float by as his eyes slowly closed as they filled with code.

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