creepypasta x child male reader pt2

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Y/n woke up to hear shouting coming from Hel's office, he rubbed his e/c eyes and picked up his fox toy as he climbed out of bed and walked out the room, he looked around and shivered as the main room was cold and all the fires were out, he padded over to the office and knocked "dad?" he said as he pushed the door open making Hel look over as he was sitting on his desk on the phone, he sighed "I'll call you back" Hel said as he hung up and put his phone down "why you up I put you to bed hours ago" Hel said as he picked Y/n up and carried him out the room "why were you yelling?" Y/n asked as Hel carried him to his room "don't worry about it, go back to sleep" Hel said as he lay Y/n back in bed and tucked him in "is it about that guy your seeing?" Y/n asked making Hel sigh "its, complicated" Hel sighed "is it because of me?" Y/n asked as he curled up a bit "no, he doesn't like a few of my habits" Hel said "the basement habit or the strange pills?" Y/n asked as he looked up at Hel with his head tilted softly "both, you'll understand when your older, humans are complicated, but you need rest. go to bed" Hel said as he got up "can we go hunting tomorrow?" Y/n asked as he cuddled under the covers with his fox "sure, but only if you get some sleep" Hel said as he walked to the door "night dad" Y/n said with a smile as he yawned and closed his eyes "night Y/n" Hel said as he walked out and closed the door before pulling his flask out and taking a long drink as he heard his phone going off.

Y/n woke up early in the morning to hear the birds singing, he quickly got out of bed and ran out the room holding his fox as he looked around to see empty vodka bottles on the table with a tray next to it, Y/n sniffed the air and walked over to Hel's room then opened the door to see him asleep on the bed, Y/n snuck over and climbed into the bed "dad wake up" he said as he shook Hel making him groan "Y/n, to early" Hel mumbled as he turned over "can I go play in the woods then?" Y/n asked with a large smile making Hel sigh softly "not by yourself" Hel mumbled "then come on" Y/n whined as he shook Hel again but he groaned, Y/n huffed and put his fox toy in his mouth before squeaking it like it was a squirrel watching as Hel sat up "ok I'm up" he said making Y/n smile as he jumped off the bed and ran to the door "hurry up" Y/n said as he walked out and back to his room to get dressed, he walked out the room a bit later to see Hel sitting at the table with a joint in his mouth and a beer next to him as the bottles and tray were gone "can we go explore?" Y/n asked as he climbed onto the table "sure, you want to go now?" Hel asked as he took a drag of his joint watching as Y/n nodded "can we fly for a bit?" Y/n asked as Hel got up "sure" Hel said as Y/n jumped into his arms making Hel catch him "you want to fly like this or you want the dragon?" Hel asked as he carried Y/n outside "like this" Y/n said as he excitedly tried to jump "ok, just calm down and hold on" Hel said as he opened his wings then took off into the sky making Y/n cheer as they flew up through the clouds, Hel threw Y/n into the air and caught him as they fell making Y/n laugh as Hel opened his wings and turned around before shooting back into the clouds doing a few small tricks as Y/n laughed, he smiled and flew down over a large lake letting Y/n touch the surface of the water before Hel slowed a bit landed at the edge of the water tucking his wings back as he put Y/n down.

Y/n looked over to the bushes a bit later tilting his head "what you hear?" Hel asked as he looked over "uncle Toby" Y/n said with a large smile as Toby ran out from the bushes with Masky chasing him, he tripped over and fell into the lake making Y/n laugh as Hoodie walked out the bushes "uncle Hoodie" Y/n said, Hoodie pat his head and sat next to Hel "they been like this all morning?" Hel asked as he handed Hoodie a joint "yep" Hoodie sighed as he took his mask off and let Y/n crawl onto his lap "can I stay with you for a bit? I need a few days away from this" Hoodie sighed as he lit the joint and pet Y/n's hair as he played with his fox "sure, we're going hunting soon though" Hel said as he watched Masky hold Toby under the water "Masky he's had enough" Hoodie said making Masky growl before he dragged Toby out the lake by his hair as he gasped and coughed up water "why does uncle Masky always hurt uncle Toby?" Y/n asked as he looked up at Hoodie with a cute innocent look "uh, how do I explain insanity to a kid?" Hoodie asked as he looked at Hel "Y/n, you know when I spend time in the basement" Hel said as he moved a bit closer "when you hurt people to make you feel better?" Y/n asked "yeah, its kinda like that but he likes to hurt Toby when he gets to annoying" Hel said making Y/n nod before he heard whining in the bushes, he got up and walked over "Y/n don't go to far" Hel said as he checked over Toby, Hoodie walked over "what do you hear?" he asked as he crouched down "whining" Y/n said as he walked into the bushes with Hoodie following, they walked for a bit before Y/n saw a small blood trail and followed it to a cave, he looked up at Hoodie before they heard a low growl and a whine of pain making Y/n tilt his head before he walked in and to the back where he saw a strange looking wolf with long limbs and large antlers, he knelt down and reached out but the creature growled and moved away as Hoodie walked over "Y/n be careful" he said "but its hurt" Y/n said as he pulled out a small pouch of meat cubes that was tied to his belt loops "you want some food?" Y/n asked as he tipped some out onto his hand and held it out with a smile.

the creature tilted its large skeletal head and sniffed the food before gently eating it from Y/n's hand before it sniffed him and tilted its head "what's wrong?" Y/n asked as he picked a few cubes out the pouch and ate them, the creature moved its large hoofed leg over showing a large bite in it "want me to go get your dad?" Hoodie asked as he crouched down but Y/n shook his head and pulled another small pouch off his trousers and pulled out some blue and white flowers and picked up a rock "dad taught me to heal myself if I got hurt, I think I can help" Y/n said as he crushed up the white flowers with the rock and dusted a little silver powder onto it and some water before he put it in his hands and gently put it on the teeth marks as the creature whined in pain watching as Y/n took some bandages out the pouch and wrapped the creatures leg before he crushed some meat with the blue flowers then picked them up and covered it in his hands before he whispered a few words in russian and blew onto the mixture before he held it out "this will help with the pain" he said with a smile, the creature sniffed him before licking it from his hand and sighed softly as it lay its head down "there, you'll be ok when you wake up" Y/n said as he took his water bottle from his pocket and tipped some into a grove in the rocks like a bowl as the creature made snoring sounds "come on" Hoodie said as he held his hand out, Y/n smiled and ran over grabbing his hand as Hoodie led him back out and over to Hel who was on the phone again sounding angry but he wasn't shouting, Y/n listened for a second before Hoodie picked him up making Hel look over before he hung up and threw his phone into the lake "him again?" Hoodie asked as Hel walked over "yeah, come on lets go on a hunt" Hel said making Y/n smile "can we hunt human?" he asked as they walked "if we can find any" Hel said as he looked over hearing Y/n laugh to see Hoodie playing with Y/n's toy making him laugh, Hoodie looked over with a smile "what?" he said making Y/n look over "nothing" Hel said as they heard talking along one of the trails "I'll wait here" Hoodie said as he put Y/n down "try not to have to much fun in-front of him" Hoodie said making Hel smirk "I save that for when he's asleep" Hel said before he crouched down "you ready?" he asked looking over at Y/n who was crouched down, he nodded with a large smile as he put his fox by Hoodie "go" Hel said before he took off on all fours with Y/n crawling behind nearly as fast as Hel leaving Hoodie sitting on a rock.

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