Creepypasta x insane male reader pt2

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Hel and Y/n walked into the mansion to see Toby and Jeff running around "Y/n Y-Y/n!" Toby called as he tackled Y/n rolling across the floor with him "Toby!" Y/n shouted "y-you did it" Toby said as he sat up before he was dragged off by Hel "Y/n well done taking care of your family, I've made you some food, we'll talk about your deal after the celebration" Slender said as he helped Y/n up "sure- Hel" Y/n called as Hel grabbed his ankle and dragged him to the kitchen "why?" Y/n sighed as he was pushed into a chair then Toby pushed a cake over as everyone else walked in "Toby wanted to make you a cake, I wouldn't eat it" Masky said as he held a beer, Y/n smiled as Hel put a bottle of whisky by him "hurry up and eat, I wanna drink" Hel whined before Jeff held out a small baggie of white powder "you want the drugs?" he teased like Hel was a dog "give ya pale bitch" Hel said as he went to grab the bag but Jeff ran off making Hel chase him "this is gonna be a long night" Hoodie sighed as they all walked out leaving Y/n and Toby to talk while he ate, Y/n walked out a bit later drinking from the bottle of whiskey to see everyone was drinking and talking and ben was playing music.

After a while nearly everyone was drunk and Y/n was talking with Hoodie, Toby ran over and grabbed Y/n's hand before pulling him to another room "Tobs-" Y/n was cut off as Toby kissed him and carefully pinned him to the wall, he pulled back with a smile as Y/n tilted his head "mine" Toby said before they both heard Hel's demonic growl from the rafters then a rope wrapped around Toby's neck and he screamed as he was pulled into the rafters as Y/n sighed and crossed his arms "drop him" he said hearing another growl before Toby dropped to the floor and Hel jumped on his back "whose a good psychopath" Y/n said with a smile as he pat Hel's head, Hel stood up and wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist as Toby got up and shook his head then saw Hel quickly pull Y/n into a kiss "h-hey!" Toby growled as he grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled him over holding him "mine!" he said making Hel growl as he grabbed Y/n's arm "oh my fuck, I'm to drunk for this" Y/n mumbled before he moved his head to the side watching as Hel's fist connected with Toby's face knocking him back "hey idiots, I don't care what one of you fucks me but someone better" Y/n huffed as he crossed his arms making Hel and Toby look over as Hel had hold of Toby's collar and was getting ready to punch him again, he punched Toby and got up walking over then picked Y/n up throwing him over his shoulder then ran off to his room as Toby ran after shouting.

Y/n groaned softly as he woke up in the morning naked against Hel's chest in his bed, Y/n turned over and cuddled into Hel's chest waking him a bit, Hel pulled Y/n closer and kissed over his shoulder making him shiver "I hurt" Y/n mumbled "didn't hear any complaints" Hel said as he sat up and clicked his neck "no, and I wont object to more" Y/n said with a smirk before he was pulled into a kiss. Y/n and Hel walked out the bedroom a bit later to see Toby sitting outside the door with his arms crossed looking annoyed "aww its pouting" Hel chuckled as he poked Toby's head making him growl before he got up and grabbed Y/n pulling him downstairs and out the house "Toby" Y/n sighed as Toby pulled him through the woods "where we going?" Y/n huffed before Toby pushed him into a hole "Toby what the fuck!" Y/n shouted as he quickly got up and looked around before Hel appeared in his shadow form over the hole and dropped in a small vile that smashed at Y/n's feet making him cough "let me out!" Y/n shouted as he fell to his knees coughing but Hel just waved as Toby pushed a wooden lid over the hole leaving Y/n in darkness.

Y/n shielded his eyes as a bright light flashed before the tunnel extended with a small flickering light at the end, Y/n looked around and stood up seeing the tunnel was longer and the walls were covered in roots and bones half buried in the dirt "Hel, Toby?" Y/n called as he started walking down the tight tunnel hearing whispers getting louder before he saw his brother pull himself from the wall looking the same as he had when he died, Y/n gasped and stepped back looking for a weapon as his brother laughed and held up his bat "look what you did? how many more will they make you kill, how many until your satisfied big brother?" he said as he walked closer his eyes missing and half his face slashed as a large gaping smile cut into his face started leaking blood making Y/n step back before his arms were grabbed, he turned and quickly ripped the arm from the wall pulling what looked to be his mothers body out before many unrecognisable faces pushed themselves from the wall and started laughing and calling out "Y/n wont you come home, join us. they don't care about you they're not your family" the faces called out but Y/n just burst into laughter laughing so hard he had to hold his sides "what, what makes you think I care?" he laughed as he wiped a few tears away "all anyone's ever done is hurt me or stood by while I suffered, you learn not to care about anything then you don't" Y/n said as he walked over his face and eyes void of emotion "I don't feel anything for anyone anymore. even myself, I'm alive but it doesn't feel like it" Y/n said as he picked up the bat making his brother and mother step back "but this" Y/n said as he ran his hand over the bat and looked over smiling "this brings me so much joy seeing others in pain, I get this tingle and then this feeling of peace and joy washes over me when I'm the one inflicting the pain, its erotic" Y/n said as he pressed a small button on the bat and small needles pushed themselves from the wood nearly invisible before he heard Hel's deep laugh and the faces disappeared and his family started shaking and going transparent and shadowy then merged as Hel appeared in his shadow form but he was colossal.

Dark purple clouds surrounded them with them swirling above him as small green rays of light shone through the cracks, the ground below was sandy and rocky with hills and other skeletal beings of similar sizes to Hel littered the ground "Hel? what is this?" Y/n asked as he looked around seeing stone alters and strange rusty looking buildings could be seen in the distance the large beings scattered among them "the new cosmic forces of this universe are out of balance, they've been twisted, I need help to correct this and find new beings to keep the balance, your like me and the others, your perfect" Hel said as a stone alter rose from the ground in-front of him "if you accept you belong to me, in return you'll get everlasting life, you'll be faster, stronger an elite predator" Hel said as his form faded into a cloud that shrunk as it got closer then Hel appeared in-front of Y/n still as a shadow with all the golden symbols on his body glowing as well as his wings as he gently grabbed Y/n's hands and led him to the alter where there was a knife and a small bowl with three mirrors, Hel stood behind Y/n with his hands on his hips as Y/n watched from the mirror "you'll be one of us, have everything you could ever want" Hel said as he picked up the knife and put it in Y/n's hand holding it in his larger clawed hand "will you accept?" Hel asked as there was a deep breathy rumble from the ground as Y/n stared at the reflection.

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