Masky x male reader

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Masky rubbed his head as he sat on the sofa, Ben was on the floor shouting at his game, Toby, Jeff and Hel were chasing each-other and shouting, seed and smile were growling and barking as they played and there were loud moans and screaming coming from somewhere in the mansion, the doors opened and Y/n walked in with Hoodie with a few bags of food, they walked to the kitchen and put everything away as they talked about their favorite guns, Masky walked over making them look over "hey Tim you ok?" Y/n asked with a smile as he pulled his mask from his pocket it being similar to Hoodies but with bright red x's for eyes and a large red smile "I'm fine" Masky grumbled as he grabbed a beer from the fridge before Toby, Jeff and Hel ran in, Toby jumped on Masky and shook him a bit as Hel jumped on the table crouching on it and Jeff slipped on the floor sliding into Y/n and Hoodie knocking them over "get the fuck off!" Masky growled as he grabbed Toby's hair and pulled him off making him whine before Hel grabbed Toby's ankle and ran out dragging him with making him laugh, Y/n groaned and stood up helping Jeff and Hoodie up "why are they so hyper?" Y/n asked as he clicked his neck and Jeff ran off after Hel and Toby "no idea" Masky sighed as he walked to the door, Hoodie nudged Y/n towards Masky making him walk over "Tim, you wanna go somewhere quiet?" Y/n asked making Masky look over looking tired "no where's safe from those three" he said watching as Y/n smirked and pulled his mask on before he grabbed Masky's hand and pulled him to the door "where y-ou goin? is it som-somewhere fun?" Toby asked as he stood up from the floor before Hel jumped onto his back knocking him to the floor "you cant come" Masky sighed as he put his mask on "guys! its night time we can go hunting!" Jeff shouted as he slid down the banister and into Hel knocking him off Toby, Y/n and Masky quickly moved out the way as Hel shook Jeff off his wings then all three of them bolted for the door nearly pulling it from the hinges as they ran out and into the woods.

"so where we going?" Masky asked as they walked out and through the woods "you'll see" Y/n said as he pulled a pack of fags from his pocket and lifted his mask over his nose before lighting the fag and taking a drag holding one out for Masky who took it and lit it, they walked in peaceful silence listening to the sound of the wind in the trees and the birds singing before they reached a cave with a few wolfs laying outside, Y/n walked over and took some meat from his pocket as he crouched down smiling as the wolfs ran over wagging their tails and three more walked out from the cave, Y/n pet them and played with them a bit before he looked over at Masky who quickly looked away and coughed a bit "come on" Y/n said as he got up and walked into the cave with Masky behind and the wolfs sniffing at his ankles, Y/n walked into a large cavern and sat down on the floor with Masky sitting next to him "what's going on?" Y/n asked as the wolfs lay over the two "I haven't had a fuckin moment of peace since I got back yesterday, Hel Jeff and Toby have been bouncing off the walls the last few days and heats starting so everyone's horny and fucking like rabbits" Masky sighed as he pet the wolf on his lap "you need to destress" Y/n said as he pulled his mask off making the wolfs look over before they all got up and walked out "where-" Masky stopped as his mask was pulled off and lips were against his, Masky let out a breath and melted into the kiss as his hands moved to Y/n's hair gently tugging on it earning a groan from Y/n as he lay Masky on his back before he broke the kiss and kissed down Masky's neck making him shiver, his hands moved under Masky's top and over his skin "I'm not fucking on the floor, not without a blanket or something" Masky breathed making Y/n stop and sit up "I think I have one somewhere" Y/n said as he stood up then walked to the corner, he opened a large box and pulled out two blankets before he walked over, he lay them on the floor then knelt back down but was quickly pulled into a kiss as Masky's hands quickly moved under his top and over his muscles.

Y/n pulled back and pulled his top off showing off his six pack and many scars with a few tattoos, Masky let out a breath and pulled his coat off "what if the wolfs come back?" he asked as he pulled his top off "they wont, probably went hunting wont be back for a few hours" Y/n said as he undone his belt and jeans with Masky doing the same, Y/n grabbed Masky's jeans and pulled them off making him gasp as he fell back blushing as he watched Y/n pull his own jeans and boxers off, Y/n put two of his fingers to Masky's lips watching as he took them in his mouth and softly sucked on them, Y/n pulled his fingers out and pushed Masky's legs open circling them around his hole before he pushed one in making Masky whimper softly as he turned his head away and lightly bit down on his finger the pain slowly turning to pleasure as Y/n added another finger and thrusted them stretching him out, Masky let out a moan as Y/n found his prostate making him smirk as he circled it and watched Masky moan, Masky sat up and got on his knees before he licked the tip hearing Y/n let out a breath "you want it already?" Y/n asked with a smirk as Masky took him in his mouth sucking and bobbing his head "fuck" Y/n breathed as he ran his fingers through Masky's hair before he pulled off and lay back down opening his legs with a blush as Y/n smirked and crawled over him "you want rough?" Y/n asked as he rubbed his tip at Masky's hole "fuck yes" Masky breathed before Y/n slammed into him and started thrusting not giving him time to adjust, Masky arched his back and dragged his claws down Y/n's back as he let out loud pleasure filled moans and screams "Y/n~" he called as he panted and moaned a dark blush on his tan cheeks and a little drool running down his chin, Y/n groaned and slammed into him Masky's tight warm walls sucking him in "Y/n~" Masky called as he twitched and reached down to stroke himself his other hand on Y/n's back scratching at it making Y/n groan as he twitched then sped up his thrusts hitting Masky's prostate every time making him moan and cry out before he quickly came over himself "Y/n~ to much~" Masky moaned as Y/n continued to pound into him hitting his prostate every time, Y/n groaned and grabbed Masky's hair pulling it a bit before he bit down on his neck as he slammed in and came heavily making Masky let out a loud moan as he collapsed panting, Y/n sat up panting and looked over Masky seeing he was panting with a dark blush over his cheeks as drool ran down his chin and his brown eyes were clouded over with satisfaction.

"that feel better?" Y/n asked as he lay down and pulled a blanket over them, Masky nodded and cuddled up to Y/n "ey you two have fun" Hel called making Y/n sit up as Jeff and Toby laughed from outside the cave "yeah fuck off overgrown pigeon" Y/n called as he lay back down and heard the laughter fade "fuckin prick" Y/n sighed as they heard growling and barking as the wolfs came back "ignore them, they don't have a braincell to rub together between the three of them" Masky mumbled as he put his head on Y/n's chest and cuddled into him, Y/n wrapped his arms around Masky and closed his eyes as the wolfs walked over and sniffed the two before laying down next to and over them "this is nice" Masky mumbled as he started to fall asleep "ya know, you could get it more often" Y/n said softly as he played with Masky's hair "would you date me?" Y/n asked watching as Masky smiled then nodded "took you long enough" he mumbled as Y/n kissed his head then his lips "but I need a nap so shut up" Masky said as he put his leg over Y/n's waist then quickly fell asleep with Y/n following soon after.

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