Ticci Toby x male reader

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Y/n walked to the park where he'd usually meet Toby, he sat down on a swing and looked around not seeing the happy brunette anywhere, Y/n sighed softly and waited for a bit as he swung himself a little, after a while Y/n sighed and stood up not seeing Toby anywhere "where are ya Tobs?" Y/n mumbled as he scanned the treeline but saw nothing making him sigh before he wrote a small note and left it on the swings before he walked back home, he opened the door and walked into his empty house then kicked his shoes off and walked upstairs to his room closing the door and laying in bed, he sighed and looked over at the clock to see it was nearly three in the morning making Y/n sigh before he curled up and soon fell asleep.

Y/n woke up in the morning to his window open a bit and a note on the pillow next to him, he quickly sat up grabbing the note and read it 'I have to go for a while, I don't think you'll see me again. I'm sorry I love you Y/n - Toby' Y/n quickly got up and threw on some clothes before he ran out the house barefooted and to the park where he saw a few small blood stains on the swing next to the one he always sat on "Toby" Y/n called as he looked around but saw nothing, he sighed and walked back home again kicking the door shut before he walked to his room and lay in bed curling up looking over a framed picture of him and Toby smiling in the park, Y/n threw the picture across the room and curled up staring at the wall.

~ two years later ~

Y/n woke up on a bed in a small room, he groaned and looked around before he sighed and rubbed his head then got up peaking out the window to see the sun was only just starting to come up, Y/n sighed and rubbed his face as he walked out his room and downstairs to the kitchen where he grabbed an energy drink from the fridge before he noticed a small bloody print on the back door, he tilted his head and pushed the handle down the door opening as Y/n noticed a few more prints on the outside of the door, Y/n closed and locked the door before he walked to the front door and pulled his shoes on then walked out not noticing the brown eyes watching him from the trees, Y/n walked back a bit later with a shopping bag to see a small box on the porch with a few bloody fingerprints on it with what he assumed was blood leaking from the bottom, Y/n pushed it off the porch and into the bushes before he walked in and slammed the door locking it behind him then walked to the kitchen to put the food away before he heard a soft thud from his bedroom, Y/n sighed and shook his head ignoring it as he grabbed a few beers and walked to the sofa sitting down before he heard soft footsteps come down the stairs and Toby's familiar ticcing "Y/n" he said as he walked over making Y/n look over to see Toby looked a little older and dirtier with blood stains on his old hoodie "what" Y/n said as he turned back to the tv "y-ou've been avoiding m-me" Toby said as he lent on the back of the sofa and pulled his mask down "why shouldn't I?!" Y/n practically growled making Toby jump a little "I'm s-sorry I had to le-ave" Toby mumbled as he scratched at his neck "get out, just fucking go" Y/n said as he curled up a bit "can y-ou please let me ex-explain?" Toby asked as he stepped back a bit "explain what! that you dumped me in a note and ran off to fuck knows where for two fucking years!" Y/n shouted as he stood up "I h-ave a good re-ason" Toby mumbled tears in his eyes "you said nothing, I didn't know if you were even still alive! now what the fuck do you want!" Y/n said crossing his arms as he towered over Toby "I-I I don't know!" Toby shouted as his tics got more frequent and stronger.

"I w-ant you, I w-want you to tell me you f-orgive me!" Toby shouted as he crouched down hyperventilating "why should I forgive you, you've done nothing but break in and leave bleeding boxes on my porch" Y/n said as he finished his beer "I-I just wanted to s-ee you again" Toby whispered before he quickly got up and ran out the house, Y/n shook his head and closed the door before continuing with his evening. After a few hours Y/n was laying in bed thinking about the interaction he had with Toby earlier, he said a few things he didn't mean and hated that he made Toby cry but he was angry that Toby just left for so long only leaving him a note breaking up with him, Y/n looked over to the corner to see the picture frame still on the floor facing down with some bloody finger prints on it, Y/n shook his head and got ready for bed before curling up under the covers and soon falling asleep, Toby peaked into the window then opened it and crawled in cutting his hand on the broken glass on the floor, he wiped his hand on his hoodie and placed a small box with a note on Y/n's bedside table before he knelt in the bed and took his gloves off, Y/n mumbled a little in his sleep and turned onto his side facing Toby his h/c hair falling over his face, Toby sighed softly and brushed Y/n's hair from his face then softly ran his fingers over Y/n's jaw and lips feeling him relax a bit before Toby quickly placed a gentle kiss on Y/n's lips and got up climbing back out the window, Y/n groaned and opened his eyes a bit still feeling the kiss on his lips, he sat up and looked around spotting the box making him tilt his head as he picked it up and read the note 'I'm sorry about earlier. I know I have no right to come back. and if you really don't ever want to see me again I'll leave. but I want to see you one last time, meet at the park midnight tomorrow - Toby' Y/n sighed and opened the box to see Toby's promise ring that matched Y/n's that was still on his right hand, Y/n sighed and looked back over to the window biting his lip.

Y/n walked to the park the next evening a little early, he walked in and saw Toby sitting on the swing looking down with his mask off as he chewed on his finger, Y/n walked over and sat down on the swing making Toby look over "you c-ame" he said with a small smile "why did you come back?" Y/n asked as he looked over watching as Toby looked away as their eyes met "I wanted t-to see if I-I still had a chance w-ith you" Toby mumbled as he looked back over Y/n noticing his skin looked paler and he was skinnier "Toby" Y/n sighed softly as he rested his head on the chain of the swing "I k-know I don't deserve a-another chance, but p-please I'll do an-anything" Toby pleaded a few tears in his brown eyes as Y/n looked over his eyes filled with hurt as a little blood leaked through his top "I'm not the same as I was anymore, you'll get hurt" Y/n said as he stood up and went to walk away but Toby grabbed his arm and quickly hugged Y/n breathing in his scent "I d-on't care, I'll make it up t-to you" Toby said as he held on tighter "Toby, I'm going to be dead in a few days" Y/n said making Toby's head snap up to look at him "why?" Toby asked as he looked down seeing the blood then went to lift Y/n's top but he stopped him "I got involved with some bad people, there's a hit on me" Y/n said as he lifted Toby's head seeing the tears in his eyes were starting to fall "you c-an come with me, I c-an protect you" Toby said as he held onto Y/n's hand tightly as Y/n's other hand softly stroked Toby's cheek "I hoped I'd see you again" Y/n said softly before he pulled Toby into a long sweet kiss carefully putting both promise rings in Toby's hand before he pulled back "please" Toby cried as he felt Y/n slip away making him fall to his knees crying catching E.J's attention as he walked over "Toby, what's wrong?" he asked as he crouched down but Toby just lent into him crying "did your old boyfriend say no?" Jack asked as he looked around not seeing anyone else "come on, lets go home" Jack said as he helped Toby up and walked him back to the mansion as he cried.

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