Ticci Toby x male reader pt3

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Toby peaked into Y/n's window and tilted his head as he didn't see him anywhere, he huffed and pushed the window open then crawled in and walked to the back door looking outside to see Y/n smoking as he sat at the table, Toby walked out making Y/n look over as he sat down "y-ou ok?" Toby asked as he pulled his mask down and pulled Y/n over getting a nod in response, he finished his joint and got up tugging on Toby's jumper "y-ou wanna do so-something tonight?" Toby asked as he got up and let Y/n pull him in "sure" Y/n shrugged as he grabbed a half finished bottle of whiskey "l-ets go to the p-ark" Toby said happily as he shook Y/n's arm "if you stop shaking me" Y/n said as he sat down and pulled his rolling box over, Toby crouched down and rested his head on Y/n's legs tapping his fingers as Y/n rolled a few joints, once he was done he put them in a few small tubes and grabbed a few bottles of cheap wine before he pat Toby's head "come on" he said making Toby jump up and run to the door as Y/n followed behind "w-hat happened at w-ork?" Toby asked as they walked down the road "don't get me fuckin started" Y/n groaned as he opened one of the bottles of wine "w-hy?" Toby asked with a smile knowing full well he was about to get an annoyed rant "fuckin maria decided to call in sick so she can drinking and marvin is on holiday so I had to cover all their fuckin work" Y/n said taking a drink before he continued with Toby listening and smiling.

They reached the park a bit later and Toby quickly ran off to the slide as Y/n walked over to the swings with a joint in his mouth watching as Toby ran around, he ran over a bit later and dropped a small snake on Y/n's lap before laughing and running off "what the?" Y/n said as he picked up the snake only for Toby to run over again but with a small frog, he knelt in-front of Y/n smiling as he held the frog out "I don't want a frog" Y/n said a little confused "is h-happy frog" Toby said as he put it in Y/n's hand then got up looking around "why don't you sit down for a bit" Y/n said as he put the frog and snake on the floor watching them hop/slither off "you w-anna come back to m-ine for a bit?" Toby asked as he looked over "why?" Y/n asked watching as Toby shrugged "th-ought you'd like a change of sc-scenery" he said as he stood up and walked over to Y/n "sure, I don't have work tomorrow" Y/n shrugged as he got up making Toby smile as he grabbed his hand then dragged him out the park "so what do I have to look out for?" Y/n asked as they walked through the trees "not s-ure whose home" Toby shrugged as they walked down a small dark path deeper into the woods "everyone's like you?" Y/n asked as a large mansion came into view "s-sort of" Toby shrugged as he pushed the door open to hear screaming and shouting, Y/n ducked as a knife was thrown narrowly missing his head before he saw three men in the kitchen fighting and trying to pull three large knifes from the table, a small elf boy was sitting on the sofa playing a game "huh" Y/n hummed as he looked around "what?" Toby asked as he pulled Y/n in and to the stairs "its exactly what I expected" Y/n said before he saw a large dark shadow crawl downstairs on the celling and into the kitchen before there was more shouting making Y/n rub his head "I'll in-troduce you when it calms d-own" Toby said as he led Y/n upstairs and to his room, he pushed the door open and walked in closing it behind Y/n.

"its always this loud?" Y/n asked as he looked around Toby's room "not a-all the time, it g-ets louder when H-Hel gets involved, or an-annoyed" Toby said as he locked the door and walked over to the bed "whose that?" Y/n asked as he sat on the bed but was quickly pulled into Toby's lap "h-he's our resident g-god, Slender's a-adopted son" Toby said as he pulled his mask off and sat back gently stroking Y/n's hips "why did you want to come here?" Y/n asked as he got comfortable and opened another bottle of wine and drank some "I w-anted you to m-eet my family" Toby said with a smile "fair enough" Y/n said before they both heard someone shout Toby's name "w-ait here" Toby said as he got up then walked out, Y/n bit his lip and walked over to the door peaking out hearing Toby's voice coming from downstairs "your human" a small feminine voice said from the floor making Y/n jump a little and look over to see a small girl in a pink dress with bright green eyes and little red circles under her eyes making her pale skin look dead "uh yeah" Y/n said as he looked over the banister to see Toby scream as he was dragged into another room by Hel "are you the boy Toby doesn't stop talking about?" Sally asked with a bright smile before the elf from earlier walked up the stairs looking similar to Sally but with a small stream of blood running from his ruby red and black eyes "oh, Toby said he'd be bringing you back soon, you like games?" Ben asked with a smile "sure" Y/n said before he was quickly dragged downstairs and pushed onto the sofa "guessing Toby hasn't introduced you to anyone yet?" Ben asked as he put on a two player game "I'm Ben, you met Sally, that's E.J, Jeff, Hoodie and Masky, the others are out" Ben said as he pointed to everyone "where's Toby?" Y/n asked as they started playing "Hel buried him again" Sally said as she walked over and climbed onto the sofa "shouldn't we help with that?" Y/n asked as they started the game "Hoodie will dig him up soon" Ben shrugged.

Toby walked back in a bit later to see everyone talking to Y/n and asking him questions, Toby shook the dry dirt from his hair as he walked over "d-id Hel go o-ut?" Toby asked as he sat down next to Y/n "getting us all some alcohol, we're gonna play truth or dare" Jeff said before the door opened and Hel walked in with a bag "finally, make a circle" Ben said as everyone moved to make a circle "Jeff your first" Ben said as he handed Jeff the bottle as everyone else opened they're drinks, the bottle landed on Toby and Jeffs smile got wider "truth or dare" he asked "truth" Toby said as he drank some of his beer "are you two dating?" Jeff asked making Y/n glance over at Toby to see him nod with a smile before Toby spun the bottle it landing on Hel who was halfway through a bottle of vodka with his large black wings twitching every so often "t-truth or dare?" Toby asked "dare" Hel said as he put the bottle down "I d-are you to give me s-ome feathers" Toby said "oh come on, that's boring" Hel sighed as he grabbed a handful of his feathers and pulled them out before handing them to Toby who put them in his pocket, Hel spun the bottle and it landed on Y/n "meat bag, truth or dare" Hel said as he looked over at Y/n a curious and cold look in his fiery gold eyes "dare" Y/n said as he downed his drink and grabbed the other bottle "dare ya to sit on twitchy's lap" Hel said as he sat back, Toby smiled and pulled Y/n over letting him get comfortable before he spun the bottle it landing on Hoodie "truth or dare?" Y/n asked "dare" Hoodie said quietly as he took a drink from his bottle of whiskey "I dare you to put lipstick on" Y/n said with a small smile, Hoodie sighed and got up before he walked off then walked back a few minutes later with dark purple lipstick on, he sat down and spun the bottle it landing on Ben "truth or dare?" he said "truth" Ben said "is it true you've been stalking a human?" Hoodie said making Ben freeze and blush "yes" he mumbled before he spun the bottle it landing on Masky "truth or dare" Ben asked "truth I guess" Masky shrugged as Hoodie facepalmed and Ben smirked "you sleepin with Hoodie?" Ben asked "sometimes" Masky shrugged before he spun the bottle it landing on Hel "dare" Hel said as he picked up another bottle of vodka "I dare you to walk across the banister all the way up shirtless" Masky said making Hel sigh as he stood up, he pulled his hooded top off showing off his toned and lightly muscled grey body, Y/n blushed softly and they all watched as Hel jumped onto the banister and started walking up it as he drank his vodka, Masky pulled his knife out and quickly threw it as Hel reached the top of the stairs, he caught it without looking then glanced over throwing it back hitting Masky in the shoulder knocking him back "he's n-ot drunk enough f-or that" Toby sighed as he put his hatchet down as Y/n yawned "you w-anna go bed?" Toby asked as he looked down at Y/n to him trying to stay awake "no I'm fine" Y/n mumbled as Hel walked back over and picked his top up "you can keep it off" Hoodie said as he stood up and grabbed the chain around Hel's horns "what why?" Hel sighed as he was being dragged off, Toby picked Y/n up and carried him upstairs to his room, he lay Y/n on the bed then pulled his own clothes off and lay in  bed pulling Y/n to his chest making him groan softly "you h-ave fun?" Toby asked as Y/n cuddled into him and nodded "we c-an hang out with ev-eryone tomorrow" Toby mumbled as he got comfortable and heard a few soft snores from Y/n making him smile as he kissed Y/n's head then fell asleep soon after.

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