Masky x tanuki male reader

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Masky groaned and opened his eyes to see he was laying in the grass in an abandoned building, he groaned and sat up looking around seeing the house was old and rotting with a large hole in the celling, Masky got up and stumbled to the door looking out to see a whole village abandoned and left to rot as nature was taking it over, he sighed and pulled his mask off and rubbed his face before a scuttling noise made him look over to the corner to see a small dog like raccoon no bigger then a large cat stuck inside a small shrine with a rock on its foot, Masky sighed and walked over making the creature let out a growl and some grunting sounds as it tried to scamper away its e/c eyes panicked "hey, calm down" Masky said softly as he knelt down and lifted the rock, the creature scampered out the hole whining in pain as it made a few raccoon like noises and licked its bleeding foot, Masky pulled a small breakfast bar from his pocket and opened it making the creature sniff the air as it stepped closer, Masky watched as he took a bite and put his mask on the side of his head before he broke a bit off the bar and held it out, the creature limped over and quickly took the food before eating it "you know the way out?" Masky sighed as he wrapped the bar up and put it back in his pocket, the creature stared at him for a second before it limped over to the door and looked back at Masky watching as he got up and walked over then followed the creature to the edge of the small town, Masky looked around seeing the woods around the village looked dark and he swore he saw something move in the trees "the fuck am I gonna get back? how did I get here?" Masky sighed as he rubbed his face before he felt the creature climb onto his shoulder "you comin to?" Masky sighed as he looked at it and softly pet its fluffy head making it let out a purring sound "ok" Masky sighed as he started walking into the woods.

Masky sat down in a cave as the sun started to set making the dark woods around them darker, Masky set up a small fire and lit it as he lit a fag and sat back watching the creature crawl off his shoulder and sniff around "at least your legs healed" Masky said before the creature ran off into the trees making Masky sigh "yeah, fair enough" he said as he lent against the wall and wrapped his coat around him more as he finished his fag, the creature walked back a bit later dragging a small goat in its mouth making Masky look over "how the fuck?" he said as the creature dropped it by him and wagged its tail like a dog "how did you? the fuck are you?" Masky asked as he pulled the goat over seeing it was already dead, the creature made a barking sound and happily ran in a few circles around Masky making him smile a bit as he carefully skinned the goat and put a sharp stick through it before putting it over the fire "well if your staying you need a name" Masky said as he looked over at the creature to see it digging at the ground before it looked over at him with its head tilted a bit "how about nelson?" Masky said but the creature growled and turned its back to Masky as it sat down and huffed holding its head up "how bout stuck up raccoon" Masky mumbled as he cut off part of the goat only for a small rock to hit him in the head making him look over at the creature to see it in the same position "what about princess, you fuckin act like one" Masky said only for another small rock to hit him in the head "oh come on that one was good" he said with a small chuckle making the creature look over and huff before it turned away again "alright, what about... Y/n?" Masky asked making the creature look over, it seemed to think for a second before it walked over and sat down "Y/n it is then" Masky said as he lay out some of the meat then sat back eating, once he was done he yawned softly and lay down on his side moving his mask up a bit then felt Y/n push his way under his arm and curled up against his chest "at least your warm" Masky sighed as he closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep.

Masky woke a few hours later and froze as he felt a human like body next to him, he carefully lifted his mask to see a skinny man wearing barely anything with fluffy round raccoon ears only just visible through his thick knotted h/c hair, Masky looked over him seeing he had s/c skin with a few freckles and scars, Masky sat up a bit getting a little better look at his face to see he had a few freckles over his cheeks as he looked peaceful, Masky sighed and looked around to see the sun was starting to come up and the fire had gone out before he looked back at the boy hearing him groan softly as he woke up, Y/n sat up and rubbed his e/c eyes before he quickly moved back into the cave more looking terrified "hey, I'm not gonna hurt you" Masky said as he sat up on his knees, Y/n growled and stayed hidden in the shadows making Masky sigh softly "if I was gonna hurt you I would have done it wouldn't I?" Masky said watching as Y/n tilted his head a bit before he slowly crawled out and knelt on the floor by Masky with his head tilted "what are you?" Masky asked as he stood up and held his hand out, Y/n took his hand and let him help him up "tanuki" Y/n said making Masky tilt his head a bit "what does that mean?" Masky asked making Y/n think for a second "aligma to inu. tanuki" 'raccoon and dog. tanuki' Y/n said with a smile "you know any english?" Masky asked watching as Y/n shook his head "hanase nai de rikai dekiru" 'can understand not speak' Y/n said as he looked up at Masky "I have no idea what your saying" Masky sighed making Y/n huff before they both heard a loud roar making Y/n squeak as he hid behind Masky "and that was?" he asked as he put his mask on and looked around "oni" Y/n said as he shook softly "I know what that means, lets go" Masky said as he grabbed some meat from the goat then started walking as Y/n followed close behind "so how old are you?" Masky asked as they walked through the trees "nineteen" Y/n said as he looked over his shoulder from picking some mushrooms "come on, we'll find somewhere to rest for a few hours" Masky said as he looked at the sky seeing it was around midday "I'll teach you some english to" Masky said as they started walking again soon reaching a small tree with orange leaves.

Masky sat down and sighed softly as he took his mask off before he jumped as Y/n sat in his lap "right feral" Masky sighed as Y/n started picking out some of the dirt from his hair, Masky lent against the tree and relaxed a bit "why?" Y/n asked as he tapped Masky's mask with his finger and tilted his head "to hide my face" Masky said before he felt Y/n taking his mask off then studied his face "how far is it until we're out?" Masky asked making Y/n glance up from running his fingers over his lips before he shrugged "lets keep moving, find somewhere safer to sleep" Masky said as he picked his mask up then watched Y/n get up then they started walking again as the sun sunk lower in the sky as a thin layer of mist started to creep over the ground.

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