Hoodie x male reader

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Hoodie woke up to a loud howling noise outside before there was a flash of blue light, Hoodie groaned and looked around before there was tapping on his window, he groaned and looked over still half asleep to see two glowing pale blue eyes staring at him from the darkness, he sighed and got up walking over "what are you doing here?" Hoodie sighed as he opened the window "am I not allowed to be?" Y/n asked as he stepped in standing taller then Hoodie with a thin black feathered top and trousers on "not after last time!" Hoodie growled "I didn't do anything, she kissed me and I pushed her off straight away!" Y/n growled as he crossed his arms "you slept with her after!" Hoodie growled as he threw a knife that Y/n caught before it hit his mask "because you kicked me out for the night after screaming at me to not come back, I felt like shit I got drunk and fucked someone so what, you called your ex and got them to come over after!" Y/n growled "what do you want?!" Hoodie shouted as he rubbed his head, Y/n sighed "I wanted to talk to you about it. I want to forget it happened, please?" Y/n said as he gently took Hoodies hand in his own "no, no! I loved being with you, but I cant deal with this. I'm human, your a strange cannibalistic sprit user from another dimension. I can forgive and forget about that night, but I cant deal with the problems you bring" Hoodie said a few tears in his brown eyes, Y/n sighed and lifted Hoodies face showing he had turned his mask to the side showing his s/c skin and e/c eyes that glowed softly and his messy h/c hair "I understand, but you are my mate, and always will be. I cant move on" Y/n said softly as he leaned in a bit "I'm sorry, I cant. I almost died last time and nearly got the whole mansion killed just for knowing you" Hoodie breathed as more tears fell from his eyes, Y/n sighed then quickly kissed Hoodie soft and sweet with his hands on his cheeks as Hoodie kissed back "I love you" Y/n said as he pulled back, Hoodie smiled a bit before he pulled Y/n into a quick kiss "just promise me you'll be safe, and if you die you better die fighting" Hoodie said softly, Y/n smirked a bit with a sad look in his eyes "always" Y/n said his voice sounding distant, Hoodie opened his eyes and sighed sniffling as he wiped his tears away his room now empty and cold.

~ 5 years later ~

Y/n woke up in a small room tied to a chair, he groaned and blinked a few times clearing his vision as he took a few deep breaths, he pulled on the rope around his wrists holding him to the chair before a woman walked in "ah your awake" she said as she lent on the wall, Y/n growled before she pressed a button setting off a shock collar around Y/n's neck making him groan in pain as he clenched his jaw his muscles going stiff, the woman let go of the button watching as Y/n dropped his head panting softly "just tell us where it is and this will end" she said softly as she crouched by Y/n "blow me!" Y/n growled as he lifted his head a bit to look at her, she smiled and stood up putting the remote on the desk before putting a book over it holding the button down "I'll come check on you later" she said before she walked out leaving Y/n shaking softly as a gold mark on his hand started to glow bright and burn slightly before he heard a loud roar and screaming, Y/n groaned and tried to move his wrist before a small boy ran over on all fours with a fox toy in his mouth, he put it down and howled like a dog before Hoodie rolled out wrestling with a guy trying to stab him, the boy growled and charged at the man knocking him off before he sank his sharp k9 like teeth into his throat and ripped it out before he gasped and whined falling sideways with a knife in his side "hold on bud" Hoodie said as he quickly ran into the room Y/n was in and cut the ropes off before he unclipped the collar making Y/n gasp as he fell off the chair shaking and trying to catch his breath "Hel!" Hoodie shouted as he ran over to the kid and put pressure on the wound, Y/n caught his breath and sat up rubbing his throat before the wall caved in as Hel kicked a body through it now in his shadow form with glowing gold eyes and a blood halo above his horns as his wings were glowing softly, he ran over to the kid and held him "what's going on?" Y/n asked as Hoodie helped him up "we're here to get you, somehow you summoned the god of the dead" Hoodie said as he helped Y/n walk out the room "I called out, my wolf was destroyed in my last battle, I didn't know I could even summon a god" Y/n said as he held his side watching as Hel healed the child and spoke to him as he handed him the fox toy "we'll talk about it later" Hel said as he picked the kid up and walked out with Hoodie and Y/n following.

Hel landed outside his longhouse and let Y/n, Hoodie and the kid off before he shifted back to his human form and picked the kid up as he walked in "why did you come?" Y/n asked as Hoodie helped him in and to a spare room "I wanted to" Hoodie said as he helped Y/n lay down "but why-" Y/n started but was stopped as Hoodie kissed him "I missed you, I made a stupid decision" Hoodie said softly, Y/n smiled then pulled Hoodie down making him fall on the bed "took you long enough" Y/n said as he pulled Hoodie to his chest hearing Hoodie let out a breath as he cuddled up to Y/n "so, this death god, he's not happy about being a familiar is he?" Y/n asked "not in the slightest, he'll probably try and find a way to swap himself with another familiar or something" Hoodie mumbled "why, he is a powerful entity is he not? even gods can be summoned by really powerful summoners or really lucky ones. its extremely rare but not impossible" Y/n said "tell that to him" Hoodie mumbled as he quickly fell asleep, Y/n smiled and kissed his head before he quickly fell asleep.

creepypasta x male reader one-shots book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora