Jeff x hurt male reader pt2

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Y/n woke up panicked and hyperventilating as he held his head seeing nothing but the white padded walls of his childhood home, Y/n screamed and curled up waking Jeff who quickly sat up "Y/n" he said softly as he reached out but Y/n flinched back making Jeff sigh softly as there was nothing he could do "Y/n, your not there anymore. breathe" Jeff said softly, after a few minutes Y/n started to calm down, he took a deep breath and sat back tears running down his face "you ok?" Jeff asked as he lent his head on Y/n's chest and felt him playing with his hair "I'm fine" Y/n mumbled as he got up and grabbed his clothes pulling them on "you've been having more violent breakdowns the last few weeks" Jeff said as he got up and grabbed his clothes "I'm fine!" Y/n shouted before he walked out the room slamming the door making Jeff jump, Y/n walked downstairs and out the door making a few of the others look over "what's wrong with him?" Ben whispered as Jeff walked downstairs "did he leave?" Jeff asked getting a nod in response making him sigh.

Y/n walked down to the river occasionally looking over his shoulder and seeing shadows move through the trees as he heard his own feint insane laughter and screams, Y/n sighed and paced around the river as he heard more screaming and shouting before he heard Jeffs voice break through the screams making Y/n's head snap up and over to see Jeff standing a few feet away from him, his white sleeves were covering his pale knuckles and his hood was down showing his messy black hair and bright blue eyes "what" Y/n said as he rubbed his head "why wont you talk to me?" Jeff asked as he crossed his arms the cold summer morning making his skin look paler "I don't fuckin want to" Y/n said as he went back to pacing, Jeff sighed and grabbed Y/n's hand as he looked up at him "what's wrong, please tell me" Jeff said softly as he reached up to cup Y/n's s/c cheek but Y/n grabbed his wrist making Jeff wince softly "I cant sleep, I keep hearing everything that happened I feel my mind slipping more and more every day all I want to do is kill or hurt something and nothings making it go away!" Y/n growled softly as he gripped Jeffs wrist tighter making a few tears fall from his eyes "we can go killing if you want to?" Jeff asked as he gave a small tug on his wrist trying to pull it from Y/n's grip "its not exciting enough" Y/n sighed as he dropped Jeffs hand "we'll go see Hel, he has hunts on the first full moon of every month, you'll enjoy it" Jeff said with a smile as Y/n sighed softly "ok" Y/n said as Jeff grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the mansion, they walked in and up the stairs to Hel's room that was covered in large scratches, Jeff knocked and held Y/n as Hel opened the door half asleep and rubbing his eyes "Jesus Christ your skins to bright" Hel groaned as he covered his golden cat slit eyes making Y/n smirk "we need to talk" Jeff sighed as he pushed Hel out the way and walked into his room to see lots of plants on one side of the room with a single bed under the window and his desk next to his bed and a few playboy magazines on the bed with a bloody knife on top of them "you better not be asking for fun" Hel said as he walked over to his bed and picked his long sleeved black hooded top up "no, not this time. but it is an idea" Jeff shrugged as Hel pulled his top on and shook his wings "Y/n's been itching for more then a hunt, his mind keeps slipping" Jeff said as he softly rubbed Y/n's hand with his thumb "you seeing and hearing things more often? fell like there's an itch in your head and crawling on your skin?" Hel asked as he walked over to a small glass cabinet "yeah" Y/n mumbled as he watched Hel pull out a vile with some green liquid in it "you loose control when it gets to much?" Hel asked as he glanced over watching as Y/n nodded "how bad is it?" Hel asked as he watched Y/n glance behind him "bad" Y/n said as he looked over "take this, it will make you feel more like yourself for a while, come back when the itching gets bad again" Hel said as he handed the vile to Y/n.

Y/n looked at it before he drank it and coughed shaking his head "are there any side effects?" Jeff asked "his sex drive might skyrocket, he might need to kill a little more often might do something else or nothing hard to tell with what he is. I host a hunt tomorrow night for a few friends, don't be late" Hel said as he handed Y/n a small card with a golden raven with its wings spread "eight pm tomorrow, scratch that just before" Hel said as he grabbed a bottle of vodka and picked up one of the magazines as he lay on the bed, Jeff pulled Y/n out and closed the door "you feel ok?" Jeff asked as Y/n rubbed his head "I'm cold and dizzy" Y/n mumbled "why don't you go take a nap, I'll get you some food and water" Jeff said as he kissed Y/n's cheek then walked to the stairs as Y/n walked back to their room, Y/n lent on the wall as his vision was starting to black out making him groan softly as there was an annoying pounding in his head, he managed to reach his room and close the door before his legs gave out and he fell curling up on the floor shaking as he felt his teeth starting to hurt and a burning feeling in his veins, Y/n felt his skin heat up like he was on fire before his eyes turned red and the itching was back like something was trying to claw its way out from under his skin the laughter now louder before Y/n realised he was laughing, Jeff walked in and put the drink down "Y/n" Jeff said as he knelt down and touched Y/n's shoulder but before he knew it he was on his back with Y/n's teeth in his throat, Jeffs mouth was covered as Y/n bit down harder and ripped part of Jeffs shoulder off making him scream into Y/n's hand as tears ran down his cheeks, Y/n sat up eating the flesh before he let out a satisfied sigh and looked down at Jeff a large smile on his face and a sadistic spark in his eyes as Jeffs blood dripped from his lips "Y/n.." Jeff breathed a small sob escaping his lips seeming to snap Y/n back for a few seconds as his eyes softened before he got up and ran over to the window jumping out and running off into the trees, Jeff sighed and whimpered as he sat up holding his shoulder before he got up and ran downstairs making some of the others look over "Jeff what happened?" Ben asked as he walked over "Y/n, I think he's lost it completely" Jeff breathed as he fell to his knees making Ben panic a bit not used to seeing Jeff this defeated and heartbroken "let Jack take a look at you, I'll send Toby and Hel to find Y/n" Slender said as he helped Jeff up "don't hurt him, just find him I'll do the rest" Jeff said as he looked up at Slender tears in his blue eyes "ok, go see Jack" Slender said as he gently pushed Jeff towards Jacks room and walked up to Hel's room with Toby.

creepypasta x male reader one-shots book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora