Hel x fallen angel male reader

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A bright light flashed in the night sky as a bright portal opened up and dropped Y/n through, he hit the floor with loud snaps his bright white feathered wings faded grey with black tips with blood staining some of the feathers, Y/n coughed up some blood and went limp wrapped in his wings. Y/n groaned and woke up a bit opening his glowing e/c eyes a bit to see he was in an old looking room with a wall full of strange plants, Y/n sat up and took a deep breath the calming smell of smoked oak and vanilla filling his nose, he looked around seeing he was on a double bed with a simple grey fluffy blanket and two large fluffy grey pillows with a desk next to the bed with a pc gaming set up and a few papers with vodka bottles littered around and a half full ashtray, Y/n got up and stretched his wings noticing he was now wearing a black top and trousers that were to big, the door opened and Slenderman walked in with E.J behind him "ah your awake, your safe here" Slender said before they all heard a loud demonic growl and a scream "what are you?" Jack asked as he walked over making Y/n step back "I'm a fallen angel, where am I?" Y/n asked as Jack grabbed one of his wings and pulled it out looking over them "your in my house, why were you thrown out?" Slender asked as Y/n pulled his wing back "I killed another angel in a fit of anger" Y/n shrugged "I see, well if your willing to keep killing you may stay, but the creatures here are far from human, I will let you settle in and we can talk about the terms of your stay later" Slender said, Y/n nodded "what other creatures are here?" he asked as Slender opened the door and stepped out with Y/n and Jack following "some demons, a god and some weird humans and animals" Jack said before they heard another scream "a god?" Y/n asked as he followed Slender down the hall "yes my son, for the time being I suggest you stay away from him" Slender said as he stopped at a room and opened the door with a tendril "why?" Y/n asked as he stepped in and looked around "we have no idea how he'll react to you, he could kill you he could take unwanted interest or he'll just avoid you" Jack said before Jeff and Toby ran over knocking him over as Hel was in his shadow form chasing them.

"fair enough" Y/n mumbled as he looked over the bed "feel free to wonder around and meet the others, I will get a few other things sorted for you like clothes and food" Slender said as Jack took off after the three boys "boys please its to early for this" Slender sighed as he walked out closing the door, Y/n took a deep breath and opened the curtains letting the sunlight in before he heard a static like sound and the lights flickered before the tv turned on, Y/n tilted his head and stepped back as he watched a teenage looking elf boy crawl out "whoa, what are you?" ben asked with a small smile as a small steady stream of blood like tears ran down his cheeks "an angel, what are you?" Y/n asked as he took note of Bens pale skin and dark red circles around his blood red and black eyes "undead technically, I'm Ben" Ben said as he looked around the room "are you staying? have you met the others yet? why'd you get thrown out?" Ben asked as he sat on Y/n's bed "dude to many questions" Y/n sighed "oh right come on" Ben said as he grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled him out the room then downstairs "who first, oh the kitchen bros" Ben said as he pulled Y/n to the kitchen where Masky, Hoodie and Dr Smiley were standing around talking and drinking some coffee "that's Dr Smiley, Hoodie and Masky" Ben said pointing at each one making them look over before Ben pulled Y/n to the living room where Hel, Jeff, Toby and Jack were play fighting on the floor "the one with wings is Hel, Jeffs the pale one, Toby's the weird one with the hole in his cheek and you've met Jack the one in the blue mask, then there's just the girls, they're probably in their rooms" Ben said making the four boys look over, Y/n stepped back as he felt a cold angry gaze on him "hi" Y/n said with a small wave "w-hoa you can f-fly to can y-ou turn into an-anything how f-ast are you?" Toby said in excitement as he pulled Y/n's wings around "leave him alone dumbarse" Jack growled as he grabbed Toby's hair and threw him back over to Hel who quickly grabbed Toby's leg and dragged him off making him scream "hey we're going hunting come on!" Jeff called as he ran after "are you coming hunting? do you eat human like most of them?" Ben asked as he looked up at Y/n with a small head tilt "I eat meat, don't really care what kind" Y/n shrugged "I thought angels would eat human food or fruit or something" Ben said "well we're more of a species then actual ya know gods workers and things, we just live in a different realm, most of us are carnivores and eat raw meat" Y/n shrugged "oh, fair enough come on if we don't leave soon there wont be anymore humans left in the woods" Ben said as he grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled him out.

Y/n flew around the clouds above the woods taking in the warm night and soft glow of the moonlight and stars before he saw a Shadow pass over him making him look up but he saw nothing, Y/n slowed down a bit as he heard whispers telling him to run or hide before he heard a low demonic growl echo around him making him stop dead where he was looking around "what's a pretty angel doing here?" he heard a deep but soft voice whisper with a slight russian accent "who?" Y/n breathed as he turned around to where he thought the voice was coming from but saw nothing but clouds "angels are rare here" the voice said again making Y/n turn around as it sounded like it was behind him "what do you want?" Y/n called as he looked around before spotting a Shadow with large wings and glowing gold eyes in the clouds to his left, Y/n moved back a bit as he stared at it but it stared back before the cloud darkened and moved towards Y/n covering him making him panic a bit "your the one I was warned about, Hel right?" Y/n called as he turned around hearing the wings moving around before they grew feint as they moved away, Y/n sighed and flew back to the mansion, he walked in noticing no-one else was back yet as he walked upstairs, he heard a low growl then his back hit the wall making him grab the hands on his waist as he looked up seeing Hel's cat slit gold eyes staring down at him "wh-what?!" Y/n breathed as his hands shook softly "pretty angel" Hel said softly as he ran his claws over Y/n's neck and to his collar making him gulp softly as Hel leaned into his neck and sniffed it a bit before he pinned Y/n's wrists to the wall and sank his fangs into his neck, Y/n gasped and tried to wiggle out of Hel's grip the pain quickly turning pleasurable as he felt like he was being drained "get off!" Y/n breathed as his e/c eyes started glowing brighter as he felt his legs starting to shake and Hel's arm snake around his waist holding him up against his chest "please" Y/n breathed struggling to keep his eyes open before Hel was ripped away by a tendril around his ankle letting Y/n fall to the floor wrapped in his wings and shaking softly barely conscious, he heard some growling and screaming before he felt like he was being picked up then everything went dark.

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