Hel x shadow male reader

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Y/n peaked out from behind a tree his bright e/c eyes scanning the outside of the mansion seeing the last of the lights go out, he looked around before he quickly crawled over and up the wall stopping on the second story he looked like a dark shadow in the shape of a person with glowing eyes the shadows hiding his body shape, he peaked into the window to see the dark hallway on the stairs its dirty red carpet and walls with blood stains here and there lit up a little as the moon shone through the window, Y/n opened the window and crawled in closing it behind him then crawled onto the celling making his way to the end of the corridor, he quietly lowered himself then opened the door stepping in and taking a deep breath smelling smoked oak and vanilla, he let out a low rumble and closed the door before walking over to the bed to see Hel asleep shirtless on his back with his arm and leg hanging off as he still held the nearly empty bottle of vodka in his hand, Y/n walked over and carefully took the bottle putting it on the floor as his eyes lit up with excitement, he crouched down and gently ran his fingers through Hel's fluffy white hair being careful of his horns making Hel groan softly as he turned his head away, Y/n crawled onto the bed and knelt down before he ran his clawed fingers over Hel's chest and looked up at him as he growled and turned over wrapping himself in his black wings, Y/n rolled his eyes and climbed off the bed before he lifted Hel's wing a bit and blew some green powder into his face then watched as Hel shuddered a bit before he went completely limp, Y/n crawled out the room closing the door before he crawled down the hallway.

Hel took a short deepish breath and opened his golden cat slit eyes a bit as he moved his wing, he sighed and looked around before sitting up and stretching, Slender opened the door with the others behind him except they looked like animals but with their masks fitting them "Hel, would you mind helping" Slender asked as he tapped his hoof on the floor as he was now a large pale humanoid elk, Hel looked at them and blinked the slits of his eyes focusing and un-focusing before he huffed and lay back down wrapping himself in his wings, Slender sighed softly before Toby crawled in and over to the bed looking like a large raccoon, he crawled onto the bed and sniffed Hel's face before he crawled under his wings and nudged his hand, Hel curled up more as Toby sighed and crawled out "b-breakdown" he said "everyone go downstairs" Slender said as he walked over, Toby stayed and jumped onto the bed "Hel, can you hear me?" he asked as he softly stroked his hair "we need your help, would you feel better if we get you a human and some vodka?" Slender asked then felt Hel nod "ok, we'll be back soon" Slender said as he and Toby walked out, Hel sighed then shifted into his shadow form and curled up more fiddling with his feathers, Y/n crawled out from under the bed and quickly pulled Hel from the bed pinning him down, Hel just staired in slight shock with his head tilted slightly before his wings lit up gold and he quickly kicked Y/n off and grabbed his sword as he turned around growling still crouched on the floor, Y/n chuckled and wiped where his mouth would be before he quickly moved over and ripped the sword from Hel's hand before he grabbed his hair and threw him to the floor holding him down by his horns with his knees on Hel's wings pinning his arms as he growled, Y/n smirked and turned him over then quickly tied his wrists together before a portal opened up beneath them dropping them through.

Hel grunted as he landed on a hard surface, Y/n looked around before he got up and grabbed Hel's leg dragging him through what looked to be dark woods with a small cabin not to far away, Hel sighed and looked around seeing everything looked shadowy and dark, Y/n dragged Hel to the cabin then picked him up and dropped him onto the large bed, Hel growled softly and quickly curled up wrapping himself in his wings, Y/n tilted his head and reached out touching Hel's wing only for it to shake aggressively as the small spines of the feathers spiked up cutting Y/n's hand like a small sharp needle, Y/n pulled his hand back and thought for a second before he got up and walked over to the small wardrobe then walked back over, he pushed the small box over and under Hel's wings watching as his wings twitched before he opened the box seeing a white rose with red tips on top of a heart with a note that read 'be mine' Hel tilted his head and opened his feathers a bit to look at Y/n making him make a low purring grumbling sound, Hel closed his wings and sighed before he opened them, Y/n tilted his head and moved closer then gently grabbed Hel's wrists and used his claws to cut the rope "let me out" Hel said quietly as he wrapped his arms around himself keeping his wings tight to his shoulders, Y/n moved the box and sat between Hel's legs then lifted his face noting he looked tired and defeated, Y/n shifted from his shadow from to a more human one, shadows floated from the tips of his h/c hair as his e/c eyes glowed softly and his s/c skin looked soft and untouched, he had a slim muscular body with a few scars here and there on his upper body and arms as he was only wearing a thin pair of black trousers, Hel looked over him as Y/n gently pulled his arm out and kissed over his wrist and up his arm listening as Hel let out a breath, Y/n kissed over Hel's shoulder and up his neck before he pulled back a bit looking at Hel's eyes then his lips before he quickly moved in and kissed Hel feeling him shudder.

Y/n moved his hand to Hel's face and pulled him closer deepening the kiss as his other hand gently ran over his shoulder and down to his hip, Y/n groaned softly and pulled Hel's legs around his waist before quickly reconnecting their lips and pushing his tongue into Hel's mouth where they fought for a bit before Y/n won and explored Hel's mouth making him whimper softly into the kiss, Y/n pulled back and sat up smirking as Hel was in his normal form with a blank look on his face and slightly intrigued look in his eyes "its taken me a while to find you" Y/n said his voice sounding a little scratchy "why?" Hel asked as he tried to move away a bit but Y/n lent in and kissed down his neck "your mine" Y/n said lowly against Hel's neck making him shiver "I don't have a mate!" Hel growled before he gasped and moaned softly feeling Y/n roughly bite into his neck, Y/n pulled back a few seconds later smirking as a small shadowy crescent moon on Hel's grey chest "mine!~" Y/n growled as he ran his hand down Hel's chest and pulled his trousers down a bit but Hel growled and held Y/n at arms length making him tilt his head confused "I need food a joint and vodka" Hel said as he scratched at his neck cutting it a bit, Y/n smiled and quickly got up and walked out the room then back in with Hel's old rolling box and a few blood bags with a bottle of vodka, he put them on the bed then sat down watching as Hel dug his fangs into the bag then drained it in under a minute as Y/n rolled him a joint "you uh, been takin my stuff" Hel said as he opened the vodka and watched Y/n finish rolling the joint "I've been watching you for a while, I had to be sure" Y/n said as he held the joint out with a smile "you've known the whole time?" Hel asked as he lit the joint and took a long drag "yes, I wanted to watch you for longer, your different, simple yet complicated your emotions are clear but your reactions to them are strange" Y/n said as he watched Hel smoke the joint "we cant all be perfect, what do you want?" Hel said as he looked up from putting the joint out on his arm "you, I only want you" Y/n said watching as Hel tilted his head a bit "you could have gone many very different ways and kidnapping me is the one you went with?" Hel sighed as he sat back crossing his arms.

"it was the best way to get you alone" Y/n said as he pulled Hel over "cant get out of this now" Hel sighed as he drank from the vodka "what is this place, what are you?" Hel asked as he looked over at Y/n who sat next to him "this is my home, its safe from humans and only I can get in and out, I'm a shadow person technically. I've been alive for century's watching humanity" Y/n said as Hel lent on him letting Y/n wrap his arm around his waist "when were you born? how did you find me?" Hel asked as he got comfortable "early Victorian era, I was watching one of the humans you took, I followed you back home and saw you torturing them in your room. it your reactions were strange, you were happy, laughing and talking as if this was a normal human behaviour" Y/n said as he softly ran his fingers through Hel's hair as Hel asked questions and listened to Y/n's answers enjoying the way he was mindlessly playing with his white hair, Y/n looked down a bit later to see Hel asleep with his head on Y/n's chest and the empty bottle of vodka in his hand, Y/n smiled and lay down a bit more getting comfortable as he closed his eyes "I'll try again later" he mumbled as he held Hel's hand that was over his chest and pulled him closer.

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