Creepypasta x insane male reader

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Toby crawled into Y/n's bedroom window to hear the familiar screaming and shouting, Toby sighed and peaked out the crack in the door to see Y/n in his brothers doorway holding a bat as his brother was on the floor screaming and crying with blood running down his head as he was holding his broken arm "Y/n!" his mother shouted as she ran in and knelt by the brother "he shouldn't piss me off then!" Y/n shouted as he swung the bat into the tv knocking it from the shelf and into the wall across the room "Y/n! go to your room take your meds I'll deal with you later!" she shouted back as she picked up the brother then walked downstairs and out the house, Y/n screamed and destroyed the room a bit more before he walked back to his room and kicked the door open to see Toby sitting on the bed waiting "h-ey Y/n" Toby said with a smile as Y/n put the bat down "why you here?" Y/n asked as he grabbed a bag and threw some clothes into it "I w-anted to see y-you" Toby said as he watched, Y/n shook his head and pointed to the window "she's probably called the cops on me again" he said as he pulled his long black hoodie on "w-why did you h-urt him again?" Toby asked as he got up "he called me a bitch" Y/n said as he grabbed his bat and put it under the floorboards by the bed "w-why don't you c-ome home with me f-for a bit?" Toby asked as he climbed out the window onto the small ledge and helped Y/n out "sure, beats hiding in the abandoned house across town" Y/n said as he closed the window then jumped off the roof with Toby following.

They walked into the mansion a while later to see Hel and Jeff were running around with Masky angerly chasing them as Hel held his mask and Jeff his pills as Slender was trying to get them to calm down "Y/n" ben called as he ran over and jumped on the spot holding a controller "hey benni" he said with a smile he was picked up in a hug and spun around making him laugh "hey Hel" he said as Hel put him down "why you here? you finally killed them yet?" Hel asked as Slender walked over "not yet, my brother only got back from camp last night and I haven't finished soundproofing the basement yet" Y/n said "oh come on, its taking forever you want some help?" Hel asked with a grin showing off his sharp teeth and two sets of fangs "I wouldn't mind, but not for about a week" Y/n said "you hurt your brother again?" Hel asked with his head tilted his white hair moving to show his pointed grey ears as his hood was down showing his black horns "your mother called the police again?" Slender asked making Y/n look up at him as he nodded "I sent my brother to the hospital again" Y/n said as he scratched his neck "well your welcome to stay, although everyone's in some level of heat so I'd advise you be careful" Slender said before ben screamed as Jeff was chasing him with his knife out "lets go get a toy" Hel said as he grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled him to the door but Toby pulled him back "he n-eeds to eat and p-put his stuff a-away" he said making Y/n huff "why don't you go put my stuff in my room" Y/n said with a smile as he held his bag out "I'll make you some food for when you get back" Slender said as Toby took the bag "thanks Tobs, we'll hang out later" Y/n said as he kissed Toby's cheek then grabbed Hel's hand letting him pull him out as they ran off into the woods, Hel stopped and picked Y/n up before he took off making Y/n wrap his arms around his shoulders.

Hel landed a bit later and put Y/n down "you want your own toy this time?" Hel asked as he crawled up a tree and hung off a branch looking over a small camp "you know what I'd rather do" Y/n said as a smile crept onto his face as Hel dropped down next to him and smiled "then lets go get them" he said as he wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist letting him wrap his arms around his shoulders before he took off again, Hel landed on Y/n's roof and held his arm as he lowered him to the window watching as he opened it before Hel swung him in and crawled in onto the celling "when will they be back?" he asked as he dropped down and looked around "an hour or so, doesn't look like she called the cops. help me set up the basement" Y/n said as he grabbed his bat and put the floorboard back "this is gonna be fun" Hel said with a wide smile as he walked out the room "I cant wait" Y/n said with a small laugh as he led Hel to the basement where two chairs were waiting with rope on the floor and a table with some tools was in the corner, Hel looked over the tools "you ready for this? you cant go back after" Hel said as he looked over to see Y/n smiling as he fiddled with his bat "oh you do care" Y/n teased making Hel smirk as he walked over then gently pinned Y/n to the wall with his hands on his hips "I guess I do, your the first person I've met that's like me" Hel said as he lifted Y/n's head to look at him "violent with a morbid curiosity?" Y/n asked before he was pulled into a kiss making him blush as he kissed back then they heard the door open making them pull apart and grin "play time" Y/n said as he walked to the stairs, Hel's eyes lit up and the lights started to flicker as all the doors and windows shut and locked, Y/n pointed under the stairs and walked up as Hel hid under the stairs listening as footsteps came closer to the door before there was a thud and Y/n's mother rolled down the stairs, Hel grabbed her ankle and dragged her over as he covered her mouth before Y/n's brother rolled down the stairs with Y/n walking down after closing the door.

Y/n laughed as he walked over to his brother "Y/n what are you doing?" he called tears running down his face before he looked over to see Hel holding their mother with a cold sadistic look in his golden cat slit eyes "oh hush now Brandon, this has been a long time coming" Y/n said with a large smile as he walked over to his brother making him cry more as he scrambled back "Y/n stop please" his mother begged as she shook Hel's hand off her mouth but he quickly pinned her down as Y/n laughed "oh mother dearest, you've ignored me and my issues since Brandon came along, how could you not understand this would happen?" Y/n asked as he looked over to see his mother crying "why don't we get started?" Y/n said making Hel smile as he dragged Y/n's mother over and threw her in a chair as Y/n quickly tied his brothers wrists to the back of the chair. After a few hours Y/n and Hel were making out against the wall as his mother and brother were dead slouching on the chairs "you looked like you enjoyed that" Hel said as he kissed over Y/n's neck making him let out a breathy moan "it felt so good, but I'm hungry and we should go before morning" Y/n said as he tugged on Hel's hair making him groan softly "we'll celebrate with the others tonight" Hel said as he ran his cold grey hands up Y/n's top making him gasp softly "you in heat to?" Y/n asked as Hel picked him up making him wrap his legs around his waist and felt Hel nod as he nipped at Y/n's neck "I'll sort you out later, come on" Y/n breathed as he ran his hands over Hel's bare bloody chest and smiling as he made a low rumbling purring sound before he put Y/n down "get your stuff, I'll get the petrol" Hel said as he picked his top up and pulled it on, Y/n pulled Hel down a bit by his horns and kissed his cheek before he grabbed his bat and ran off upstairs to his room as Hel started pouring the petrol over the bodies and room making his way upstairs and through the house. They stood outside the house and Hel handed Y/n a match as he wrapped his arms around his smaller waist and kissed over his neck, Y/n smiled and lit the match his eyes lighting up as he threw it at the house watching it go up in flames as he let out a small laugh and turned to face Hel who smiled "welcome to the family" he said before he took off and flew them back to the mansion.

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