Eyeless Jack x male reader pt2

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Y/n and Jack stepped out the portal outside a nightclub, Y/n held onto Jacks arm a little tighter as he looked around "its ok" Jack said softly as he led Y/n in and to a vip area where they saw a few women on the large sofa kissing and touching each-other as Hel sat in the middle with a beautiful woman on his lap sitting sideways as her head was tilted up a bit and Hel was at her throat so all you could see was his horns that stuck out his hood as his hands were on her waist and his two large black wings were wrapped around the girls closest to him "Hel" Jack sighed, Hel looked up a bit before he pulled away from the woman showing the four sharp fang holes in her neck before her eyes flashed orange and they healed with a small shimmer "get me a drink love" Hel said slapping her arse as she walked away with a smile "this the kid?" Hel asked as he sat back a bit "he's not a kid" Jack growled making Hel smirk as he looked over Y/n his gold cat slit eyes seeming to scan over him making Y/n hide behind Jack a bit as the woman walked back over with a bottle of vodka and a drink for Jack and Y/n "come sit have a drink" Hel said before the woman whispered something in his ear making him sigh softly before standing up, Y/n sniffed his drink but Jack quickly took it off him and put it on the table next to his one "come on, we'll talk upstairs" Hel said as he walked to a small barely visible door at the back of the vip area and walked in with Y/n and Jack following, they walked up the stairs and Hel opened it to show a hallway with a few doors with numbers on them, he got to the one at the end and opened it walking in as Jack and Y/n followed, Y/n looked around to see a large modern apartment with large glass doors at the back covered by blackout curtains that were open a bit showing a balcony with the living room being the first room with a large sofa and tv with a man sitting on the sofa reading a book wearing a black skirt and matching crop top, Hel lent over the sofa by the man "I'm gonna be in the office for a bit" he said making the other man look up "sure, don't take to long" he said with a smile as Hel kissed his cheek then walked to a door that had a few scratches on it "come on" he said waving Jack and Y/n over.

They walked over and followed Hel in to see a desk near the back wall with a window also covered by black out curtains as a few glass cases lined the walls filled with different objects and strange looking viles "so, why did you need my help?" Hel asked as he drank from his bottle of vodka and sat on his desk pulling a joint and some powder from one of the draws "Y/n, he was bitten by a vampire last week" Jack said making Hel hum as he lit his joint before he looked over "what kind?" he asked "we don't know" Jack said as Hel put some of the powder on the back of his hand and sniffed it "come here" he said as he looked over, Y/n stepped closer and let Hel move his head to look at the bite as he took a drag of the joint "have you had blood yet?" Hel asked as he grabbed Y/n's hand and drew a symbol on with his claw that glowed gold "I've had some of Jacks" Y/n mumbled "doesn't count, he's technically not alive" Hel said as he got up and walked over to one of the cases and pulled out a small vile of blue liquid "then no" Y/n said "you hungry?" Hel asked as he glanced over and pulled another two viles from the cabinet before he walked back over "yeah" Y/n mumbled as he scratched at his arm under his red hoodie, Hel opened one of the viles and grabbed Y/n's arm before pushing a needle in and taking some blood making Y/n jump "you craving anything specific?" Hel asked as he put the blood into three separate empty viles then put a little of the other liquids in "I don't know" Y/n mumbled as he watched Hel add some of his own blood to the viles and shake them before putting them on a rack then walked over to the cabinet pulling out four other viles "smell these" he said as he walked back over and handed them to Y/n who opened the first one and sniffed it before he cringed a bit and put the lid back on letting Hel take it before he sniffed the second one "that one doesn't smell to bad" he said as Hel took it and put it down next to him, Y/n sniffed the third one "it doesn't really have a smell" he said as Hel took it and put it with the other one Y/n didn't like, Y/n sniffed the last one and let out a breath as he felt a shiver run through his spine.

"you have an aversion to sunlight or religious items?" Hel asked as he checked over the viles with Y/n's blood in it to see one of them was on fire as the second one was drying up and the third had turned blue "sunlight burns, I don't know about religious items" Y/n said as Hel glanced over "well, good news, your not entirely a vampire, the weakness to sunlight will fade as you get stronger" Hel said as he grabbed a couple more viles "but?" Jack asked with his arms crossed "but you'll need to feed on human blood regularly, you'll also start to grow scales and probably gills" Hel said as Y/n scratched at his arm more "what am I?" Y/n asked "a nymph technically, they live in the water and feed off human blood, some like the one that infected you prefer to live on the surface and don't kill the humans they feed from, you'll only need to worry if your legs start turning into a tail" Hel said as he messed around with Y/n's blood and some more strange liquids and powders "so a vampiric water nymph?" Y/n sighed as he scratched his neck "yes, try not to itch so much you'll damage the scales" Hel said "I don't want to feed off humans, cant I drink animal blood or something?" Y/n asked "you can but it wont be as filling and will leave you feeling Ill, I can get you human blood but I wont do it for free" Hel said as he opened a small fridge and pulled out a blood bag before tossing it over "what will it coast me?" Y/n asked as he picked up the bag "I could use some more security around here, the girls have been complaining" Hel said as he finished his joint and put it out in the ashtray on the desk "I don't have to wear an outfit right?" Y/n asked "not one like the girls no, I'll text you later and get someone to drop off some food, if you wanna make it last longer you can water it down a but it wont fill you up as much" Hel said as he cleared the viles away "thanks" Y/n mumbled as he walked over to Jack, Hel opened a portal and Y/n walked through "you still owe me" Hel said as he looked over at Jack "we'll talk later" Jack said before he walked through the portal it closing behind him.

Jack sat next to Y/n on the bed as he was staring at the blood bag "I can go put it in a bottle for you, so you cant see it?" Jack said softly "yeah" Y/n mumbled as he handed Jack the bag, Jack put his mask on the bed then kissed Y/n's head before he walked out the room and downstairs, Y/n sighed and turned the tv on putting a horror movie on as he sat back against the headboard and brought his knees up a bit and chewed on his sleeve, Jack walked in with a bottle and sat down handing it to Y/n "you ok?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around Y/n's shoulder "yeah, I just miss eating, it feels weird" Y/n said as he drank a little from the bottle and sighed softly as he lay down a bit more and rested his head on Jacks chest "I expect it would, maybe we can find something you can eat?" Jack said as he played with Y/n's hair "hopefully" Y/n said as he drank a few mouthfuls from the bottle "I can also bring you food, it may take me a little bit though, I have to get enough for the others to" Jack said softly but only got a quiet hum as he felt Y/n slowly go limp as he fell asleep for the first time all week, Jack smiled and moved the bottle to the table and put Y/n under the covers before he pulled his own hoodie off and lay in bed cuddling up to Y/n and kissed his neck before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep.

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