Creepypasta x child male reader pt3

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Y/n woke up in the early hours of the morning to hear screaming and crying, he rubbed his e/c eyes and climbed out of bed walking to the door to hear the noises were coming from Hel's room, Hoodie walked out his room to see Y/n at Hel's door holding his fox plush "Y/n" he said as he walked over and picked Y/n up moving him away from the door "is dad ok?" Y/n asked as he looked up at Hoodie who sighed softly "he'll be ok, stay here" Hoodie said as he put Y/n on his bed then quickly walked out, Y/n waited for a bit then heard louder shouting and screaming before he heard heavy things being thrown around, he shook softly as tears slipped from his eyes and held his fox tighter before everything went quiet and he heard Hoodie scream, Y/n quickly got up and ran out the room to see Hoodie on one of the large tables with Hel over him at his throat as Hoodies eyes were rolled back "dad" Y/n whimpered as he stared in fear, Hel sat up with a little of Hoodies blood on his lips and a cold look in his golden cat slit eyes "Y/n" Hel said as he walked over but Y/n quickly ran to his room and slammed the door before he dived under the covers and curled up hyperventilating and crying, he heard the door open and Hel walked over "Y/n" he said softly as he sat on the bed but Y/n stayed quiet holding his fox tight "Hoodie will be ok" Hel said as he pulled the covers off Y/n a bit but he stayed curled up, Hel sighed and got up then walked out the room leaving Y/n alone.

Hoodie walked into the room a bit later "Y/n" he said softly making Y/n sit up before he ran over and jumped on Hoodie holding him tight, Hoodie smiled and hugged him "hey, its ok I'm ok" Hoodie said softly as Hel lent on the doorframe watching, Y/n ran his fingers over the bandage on Hoodies neck then looked over to Hel who was looking at his claws "did dad apologise?" Y/n asked as he looked back at Hoodie "sort of, don't worry about that why don't we go to L.J's carnival" Hoodie said making Y/n smile "can uncle Toby come to?" Y/n said as he bounced up and down "sure, I'll call them while you eat breakfast" Hoodie said as he stood up "yay!" Y/n called as he ran over to Hel "can I have ice-cream for breakfast please dad" Y/n begged "no, not for breakfast, you'll get enough sweets at the carnival" Hel sighed as he picked Y/n up and walked into the main hall "pleaseeee" Y/n begged as Hel sat him at the table "no" Hel sighed as Y/n stuck his bottom lip out and gave him his best puppy eyes "Hoodie what's it doing?" Hel called as Hoodie walked over "he's begging, its so cute" Hoodie said as he pat Y/n's head "you cant have ice-cream for breakfast" Hel sighed crossing his arms "but Hel, he really wants it" Hoodie whined as he also put his lip out "don't you start to" Hel sighed as they both let out a whine, Y/n kicked his feet under the table as he and Hoodie happily ate ice-cream "your the best dad" Y/n said as Hel took a long drink from his flask "fuckin lost to a child and a dick" Hel huffed as he put his flask down "isn't it worth it to see our smiles" Hoodie teased "your not helping" Hel sighed before Toby and Laughing Jack walked in "Jackie" Y/n called as Jack picked him up and spun him around "Y/n, you ready for a day of fun?" he said with a large smile "w-we're gonna eat so m-uch candy!" Toby said "fuck me" Hel sighed "maybe later, come on" Hoodie said as he pulled Hel up.

Y/n stepped out the portal holding Hel's hand and his eyes lit up as he saw the lights and rides of the carnival "what you want to go on first?" Hel asked as he looked around "that one" Y/n said as he pointed to a ride and pulled on Hel's arm "ok just stop pulling" Hel said before Toby grabbed his other arm "c-ome on" he whined as he also pulled on Hel's arm "I cant get on the rides, my wings don't fit" Hel said making Y/n whine before Toby picked him up "we c-an go on the r-rides" he said before he ran off with Y/n laughing "why don't we go play some games" Hoodie said as he grabbed Hel's hand and pulled him to one of the stalls, Y/n and Toby ran around going on all the rides and eating as much candy as they could "dad dad dad!" Y/n called as he and Toby ran over holding candyfloss, Hel put Hoodie down and crouched down as Hoodie blushed and pulled his mask down "what?" Hel said as Y/n tilted his head a bit "what are you and uncle Hoodie doing?" Y/n asked "don't worry about it, you ready to go see L.J's show?" Hel asked as he picked Y/n up "I d-on't feel so g-ood" Toby mumbled before he puked "gross" Hel sighed before he noticed Y/n looking a little pale "Y/n ya good bud?" Hel asked before Y/n puked up a load of candy "great" Hel sighed as L.J walked over "again Toby" he sighed "I think its time to head home" Hoodie said as he helped Toby up "b-ut there's still m-more candy" he whined "you two can come back another day" Jack said as a shadowy portal opened by them, Y/n whined and sneezed "great" Hel sighed as he pushed Toby through the portal and walked through with Hoodie following.

"I'll go get him some medicine, keep him warm and keep a bucket near him" Hoodie said before he kissed Hel's cheek and walked out the longhouse dragging Toby with, Hel carried Y/n to his room and changed his clothes before laying him in bed, Y/n sneezed again and curled up sniffling as Hel put a bucket near him "can we go back tomorrow?" Y/n asked as he yawned "when your feeling better, you want some food?" Hel asked as he gently stoked Y/n's h/c hair "I'm cold" Y/n mumbled as Hoodie walked in with a bag "hey, how ya doing?" he asked as he put the bag down "go make him some food" Hoodie said as he grabbed the medicine and Hel walked out "this is gonna taste bad but its gonna help you get better" Hoodie said as he tipped some onto a spoon and put it in Y/n's mouth, he coughed and whined as he curled back up "can you stay?" Y/n mumbled "of course hun" Hoodie said as he sat down against the headboard and let Y/n cuddle up to him as Hel walked in with a bowl of meat for Y/n "your gonna get sick Hoods" Hel sighed as he handed the bowl to Y/n who ate some "he's to adorable, come cuddle" Hoodie said as he and Y/n made grabby hands at him "no" Hel said as he stood up but Y/n whined "please dad" he said as he cuddled up to Hoodie, Hel sighed and lay in the bed letting Y/n and Hoodie cuddle up to him as he wrapped his wings around them, Y/n smiled and yawned as he slowly fell asleep enjoying the warmth of his new family.

creepypasta x male reader one-shots book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें