Not enough (Salma Paralluelo)

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Salma and you had been bestfriends way long before you two started dating, you knew each other pretty well more than people thought you did. The first year of you two dating went pretty well, you had moved into her apartment.

You'd go to every game you could, you knew how much it meant to her if you could take the time out of your day to go watch her play. Salma's teammates were very welcoming into their little group, they were really close for a team. Sometimes you'd go out when they would celebrate a win, you had lots of fun with all of them 

It was when salma started coming home late and not spending enough time with you when you started to feel something was off. At first you thought maybe they were having longer training sessions, but one day you called Jana to ask her if salma was near because she wasn't picking up. Jana simply explained how they didn't have training that day, then your mind went to where you didn't want it to go.

All the possible scenarios ran through your mind.

You decided to push it off, you and salma started to get real distant. It honestly made you think that the day was gonna be any day now. The day that conversation was going to happen, you mentally prepared yourself, even though you didn't want it to happen. 


You were both home, but you were in opposites sides of the apartment. She was in the living room, you were in the bedroom folding the laundry. You were tired of it, tired of doing all the work around the house and she just sat around. It was her day off, usually you'd go out somewhere but she was sat in the living room. 

You got mid way through her laundry when you threw it on the bed, you walked into the living room and walked in front of her. She didn't bat an eyelash at your presence. You sat down next to her and looked over at her, she had all of her focus set on the movie she was watching.

"Salma." you said out loud.

Her head turned to look at you, she nodded her head up at you. 

"You know i've been meaning to avoid this conversation but if you want to break up- just say it already...i'm not your maid, i'm not gonna do all the work around the house." you snapped. Salma's eyes widened a little and she shook her head as she sat up properly on the couch. 

"What are you..." she began saying. "Don't deny've been so distant and i tried letting it pass but- i'm not gonna stay here if i'm not wanted." you said. "I don't want's the last thing i want on earth.." salma said, she had an upset look on her face. You had the right to be upset, but what was she upset about?

"Then why....did i do something?" you asked her sounding genuinely worried. "No, not at all..." salma looked hesitant. "Are you gonna tell me why you've been going out so much, without me? And why you've been so distant these past few months?" you asked.

"Y/n..." sala looked down at her lap. "I just.." she stopped herself.

"You can talk to know this." you reminded her, she was your bestfriend before she was your girlfriend. You told each other everything.

"I know..i'm sorry i've been distant it's just that i've been scared." salma said, now you were more confused than before. "Scared of what salma.." you asked. "Of us...of the future we want. I want to be with you but part of me is scared..what if we spent all of our time together and you get tired of me." salma said, you instantly understood her. "What if you end up realizing i'm not enough and you want to start seeing someone else-" salma said.

"That's the stupidest thing i've ever heard, i don't want to be with anyone else but you Salma...i don't think i could ever get tired of are enough." you smiled and pulled her hand onto your lap, holding it. 

"You meant it?.." salma asked. "I mean it all the way, i love you." you told her. Salma started smiling and leaned in placing a long kiss on your lips. Once she pulled away you smiled. "Please don't ever leave me again...if you ever feel like that please talk to me, it's what i'm here for." you said.

"I will, and i love you too"


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A/N: Gonna try to do the requests i've gotten so far, smut will be last cuz that take a LONG ASS TIME

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