I knew you could do it. (Erin Cuthbert)

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It was the semi finals against barcelona, you knew it was going to be a hard match. Everyone even knew that it wasn't going to be easy, barcelona was a great team. You were going to be benched for the game since you had some knee discomfort but you still wanted to show your support to the girls. 

Especially Erin. 

Erin and you had a different kind of relationship, you were best friends. You lived together at the moment and spent almost everyday together. Ever since you switched clubs and came over to chelsea, erin took you under her wing. She made sure you had somewhere to live, made sure you knew where to go, basically took care of you.

At first you thought you felt a certain way towards her because she was so caring towards you when she didn't have to be. But soon you came to realize it wasn't because she was caring, well that was just a plus on the side.You realized maybe those feelings were in a 'more than a friend' kind of way.

In your head you thought she would never see you in that way, so you tried to push those feelings away to keep things professional. 


You were sitting on the bench, it was about to be close to halftime. It was near the 40' minute when you saw some of the girls passing the ball towards each other. The crowd started gasping and you saw the ball being passed to erin, in a matter of seconds the crowd screamed and the ball hit the back of the net. 

You felt so proud of chelsea scoring the first goal, it was against barcelona and not only that but it was your best friend who made the goal. You were more than proud of erin, she was captain and she scored the first goal. 

If you were out there on the pitch you would've been the first one to run into her arms and congratulate her, but you were on the bench.


The match ended and the whistle blew, you smiled and ran onto the pitch with the rest of the team. You made your way to erin, she was waiting for you with open arms. You hugged her and smiled holding her close to you. 

"I knew you could do it.." you said into her ear. "You don't know how proud i am." you said.

"I'm so glad you're here..." erin said into your ear. You smiled as you pulled away from the hug. "I wish you would've been out here with us." erin said looking straight at you. "Me too...you guys did amazing though.." you smiled. "You scored the only goal...do you know how impressive that is?" you tilted your head. 

Erin shook her head and smiled at you. "It was alright.." she said."Mm...whatever you say.." you smiled and started walking back with the girls.

You were walking besides erin when you felt someone grab your hand. You turned to look at erin, she was looking down at your hands. You furrowed your eyebrows a bit confused as to what was going on. 

"What do you say we celebrate?" erin asked. "Are the girls going out somewhere-" you asked.

"No..i mean." erin paused for a second and looked around. "I mean just you and I." you heard her say.

"Just us?" you asked. "Yes...i know this nice restaurant.."  erin suggested. "Only if you want to of course, if you don't i understand-" erin said.

"I'd love to." you smiled and held her hand. 

"Good." erin smiled.


A/N: PSG vs LYON 👀 today has been so stressful 

Requested by: wosoforlife

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