I don't like it. (Katie McCabe)

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Warning: SMUT


It was a normal day at training, you were partnered up with leah for a certain exercise. After doing it, you just kept on talking. She was one of your closest friends at arsenal, considering you didn't talk much with everyone. You noticed something, something unusual. 

You had that feeling in your stomach, as if you were being watched You took a look around as you listened to leah talk, you looked at some bushes and didn't notice anything out fo the ordinary. That is until your eyes landed on a certain someone, Katie.

She seemed to be staring at you, not just looking, staring. 

She didn't look amused, but yet again you weren't her favorite person in the world. At least that's what you thought.

"Y/n..." you heard leah call your name, you turned back at her and shook your head. "Yeah- Sorry.." you apologized. "Did i lose you?" leah chuckled and smiled at you. You smiled and shook your head. "No- sorry, i'm just- i think i need to go to the bathroom...will you excuse me?" you said looking up at leah.

"Yeah of course, go right ahead.." leah said. You smiled and walked inside the building, you took a deep breath in and walked into the bathroom. It was empty, even the halls outside were quite empty, almost everyone was outside on the pitch training. You didn't really have to go to the bathroom, after seeing katie stare you down you felt like you needed a breather.

You weren't sure why she was always so stand offish with you, when you first got here you tried to be friends with her during bonding night. Katie just seemed cold, but it was only with you. She seemed to be pretty fond of everyone else on the team, but you.

You were washing your hands, trying to distract yourself from whatever that was. Until you heard the door open, you thought maybe one of the girls were gonna use the bathroom or one of the staff members. It was the last person you were hoping it would be. You turned to look at who came in, katie walked in slowly standing behind you. You turned back to the sink and washed your hands.

"What do you want katie?" you said drying your hands with the paper towels. You didn't hear anything, you turned around and looked at her. She was staring at you, not the way she was looking at you before. Her face was relaxed, her eyebrows weren't pushed together at all like they usually were when you'd interact. 

"What.." you said looking at her.

Katie stepped closer to you, her hand went to the back of your head and you felt her pull your face towards hers. Suddenly your lips were connected, you had your eyes closed for a second but quickly pulled away. You stared at katie, more than confused. What was her game and what was she playing at? 

You thought she hated your guts, but here she was standing in front of you. 

"What- why did you do that.." you asked. Katie looked at you, she seemed hesitant in answering. "Because.." she said but paused herself. "Because.." you repeated. "I don't like it..." katie said. 

You shook your head. "I'm sorry...i'm not following here." you said feeling confused as ever. "I don't like how you were talking to leah...the way she made you laugh." katie said. You looked up at her and furrowed your eyebrows. "I thought you hated me...why do you care who i talk to?" you said.

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