We can keep it a secret for a while. (Leah Williamson)

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Ever since you joined arsenal, you noticed the girls were really welcoming. You instantly became friends with everyone, especially with a certain someone. At first you thought you were just friends, until you started hanging out without anyone else. You went on a few dates together, except at the time they weren't dates. 

Eventually you realized you didn't you didn't just want her as a friend, it took one night out for you to tell her the way you felt. The morning after leah confronted you about it, you felt embarrassed about it. In your head you thought you just ruined your friendship with her, but it was quite the opposite. 

Leah revealed that she felt the same, you decided to keep things on the low. You'd go over to her place a lot to just be with her, things weren't official though.

That is until she asked you to be her girlfriend, it caught you off guard you didn't think she'd do it that soon. But you really did like leah, she knew how to talk to you, she knew how to keep a conversation going, she made you feel safe and you felt like you could open up to her about anything. 


You were on a small holiday in greece, leah had surprised you with the trip for your birthday and since arsenal had the week off it was perfect timing. Everything seemed normal until you arrived to greece, leah started acting so cold. Not mean or anything just cold. She'd act more like a friend than your girlfriend. You wanted to confront her about it, you found her sitting in the hotel bed so you thought it was a good time to have a talk with her.

"Uhm..leah?" you said walking over to the bed, you sat in front of her and she looked up from her phone. "Hm?" she said putting her phone to the side and looking at you. "I wanted to..talk with you about- well.." you paused for a second, you tried to think of what words to use carefully. 

"I wanted to ask if we're okay..." you said looking up at her. "Of course we're okay..why wouldn't we be?" leah scooted closer to you and held your hand in her lap. "Well, you've been acting different.." you said.

Leah looked down, looking disappointed in herself as if she just got caught. "Leah?.." you asked.

"Listen..y/n..you know i love you right?" leah looked up at you. You felt like someone just grabbed your heart and yanked it out of you chest, it all seemed too familiar. "Are you trying to break up with me?.." you took your hand back.

"No, no no no." leah quickly said shaking her head, you felt your heart start beating normally again. "Then-" you shook your head. "I've been thinking..." leah paused. "..What would people think of us dating?" leah said looking at you.

You didn't know how to respond to leah.

"I mean...we do have a bit of an age gap but- it's nothing for us to worry about." you smiled trying to lighten up the mood. 

"Y/n...you're 20, i'm 27." leah said. "I don't want people getting the wrong idea.." she shook her head looking at the ground. "So what...you wanna break up?" you scoffed. "No...i just- i don't know.." leah said looking defeated. 

"Leah...i love you...i love you for you, not because of anything else and i know you love me too." you said. Leah looked up at you and nodded. "If people don't like us being together that's on them...but i'm not just gonna lose you because people want us to be with other people." you said. 

Leah smiled and held your hand again, she brought it up to her mouth and kisses it softly. You smiled and caressed the side of her face with your other hand. "If you're not comfortable with people knowing yet, we can keep it a secret for a while." you reassured her. 

"You always know how to talk to me.." leah smiled. "That's what i'm here for.." you smiled at her.

"And that's why i love you." leah said.


Requested Anonymously

A/N: Chelsea is back at the top of the league...how are y'all feeling?

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