You feel like home (Mackenzie Arnold)

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You'd been together for almost 4 years, something you loved about mackenzie was that you both grew up in the same area. Meaning when she would visit, she would be able to stop by your place anytime. But something you hated was how far she was, she was a professional footballer player, you knew that before you started dating. 

You still hated how far she had to be, in a whole new country. When you found out you'd have a whole week off of work, you knew what you were doing. You bought the plane ticket for friday, so you'd get there in time fo her game on sunday. The plan was to surprise her at her game, you'd bought the ticket for that as well.


The flight to england was long and exhausting but once you touched down, you were able to go to your hotel room and sleep normally not having to worry if you were gonna crash. 

The day of the match, Sunday, was a pretty anxious day for you. Mackenzie and you hadn't planned when you'd visit each other next but you just wanted to see her. But you were nervous about how she'd react to you coming over and not telling her. The ticket you had gotten was in one of the front rows. 

You had gotten to the stadium and you found your seat easily, you looked around nervously but they still weren't out on the pitch. Once you saw them walk out of the tiny tunnel, your heart started to pace 10 times faster. 

You saw mackenzie walk out but she was looking down at the ground, they lined up and faced your direction. Mackenzie finally looked up and looked out into the crowd, you weren't sure if she could see you but you waved at her. The fans cheered for the teams as they were gonna started any minute. 

Mackenzie blocked her eyes from the sun and looked straight at you, a smile grew on her face. A new smile, one that had happiness written all over it, she stuck her hand up and waved at you. Throughout the game, she had that smile plastered right on her face.

Once the game ended, she took a drink of water and kept staring at you holding her hand up to tell you to wait a second. They had been playing against Manchester city, meaning she was playing against alanna who had walked up to her. They seemed to be talking about something when they both turned to look at you, mackenzie was pointing straight at you. Alanna seemed to be trying to look for you, finally alanna spotted you and they both waved at you. 

You waved at both of the girls, they were both your very close friends. Mackenzie was more than a friend obviously but that didn't mean you didn't miss them both.

Mackenzie made her way over to you, you stood up and walked over to her standing behind the railing still.

"Hey, i missed you so much.." mackenzie said pulling your face down, she placed a small quick kiss on your lips. You leaned the most you could without falling. "I missed you more than you know baby.." you smiled down at her.

"Hey listen, drive to my house...i'll meet you there, i've got something planned.." mackenzie smiled as she walked away.


After leaving the stadium you took your rental and drove to her house, you knew the address by memory already. Once you got there, you opened the door with your extra key that mackenzie had given you. You walked in, instantly you smelled mackenzie even if she wasn't there yet. You were glad she had moved to england to play for a better team but you couldn't help but miss her at home. 

After making yourself at home and sitting down, you heard the doorknob turn and the door opened. Mackenzie walked in, she quickly closed the door and dropped her bag next to the door. You walked over to her, arms wide open and she pulled you into a tight hug, she didn't let go easily.

"Baby..." you laughed as you pulled away a little, her arms still wrapped around your waist. "I missed you so much, you don't even know-" you smiled looking up at her. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming.." mackenzie asked.

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." you smiled at her. Mackenzie smiled and leaned down to press a kiss against your lips. 

"Come on, let me get dressed and then we're going out to eat." mackenzie smiled as she walked into her bedroom.


After getting dressed, she drove you to a nice little restaurant that you had been to before. It was your favorite and she knew that. You were sitting down in a table for two, you had not stopped talking ever since you got into the car. You wanted to take every second of this in, since it didn't happen often.

"So where are you staying at?" mackenzie asked.

"Well i booked a hotel..." you answered as you started eating your meal. "But you're staying with me for the rest of the trip right?" mackenzie asked.

"Yes, if that's okay with you.." you smiled.

"I insist." mackenzie nodded at you as she took a bite of her food. You smiled and nodded, "I really did miss you- everyone misses you at home.." you said.

Mackenzie smiled and put her hand over your which was placed on the table, she held it tightly inside of her palm. "I miss being home more than you know...i miss my family and my beautiful girlfriend..but you know, you feel like home. So i'm not complaining right now.." mackenzie held your hand up and kissed the back of it gently. 

You smiled and felt your stomach do that thing, you really did miss her. It all felt like a dream, being here with her.


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