Anything to make you feel better. (Kerstin Casparji)

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You were about 6 months pregnant, more than halfway closer to giving birth. Starting a family with your girlfriend kerstin was the best idea you had, that is until you started getting closer to actually giving birth.

Throughout the pregnancy, you found yourself having more arguments with kerstin more than when you weren't pregnant. You thought it was just the hormones but you didn't want to use that as an excuse all the time. You loved kerstin and sometimes you knew you were in the wrong, but she just let you have at it.

Even when you were in the wrong, she didn't bother fighting back. You felt bad everytime she would mess up a tiny bit and you'd be yelling at her the next second. That's what happened this particular day. 

You had gotten upset with kerstin because she had said she was going to the store, she even asked for what ice cream to get since she knew it was one of your biggest cravings. It took her about 2 hours to go out and get that, you didn't understand why it took her so long. But when kerstin tried to explain herself you just sent her to the room. 

She had bags in her hands, loads of them. Kerstin didn't argue back and she just walked to your shared bedroom. You walked over to the couch and sat down carefully, after thinking about it you realized how stupid you acted.

All because of ice cream?

Ice cream had nothing to do with it. You were like this all the time, any tiny little thing triggered your whole mood. You felt bad and wanted to apologize to kerstin, you stood up walking into the bedroom. You looked at kerstin then realized what she had in her bags. 

"Kerstin.." you said looking at the back of her head. She quickly turned almost as if she got caught doing something illegal. "Yeah?" kerstin said turning to look at you. "What are this what you what took you so long?" you asked walking closer to her. "I wanted us to be prepared..i know we still have months but-" you shut kerstin up by pulling her closer to you and hugging her. Kerstin wrapped her arms around you and held you close not wanting letting go.

"I'm sorry.." you apologized pulling away from the hug. "For what sweetheart?" kerstin seemed confused. "For yelling at you earlier..when you came home..i didn't know.." you looked at the baby bottles, blankets, baby wipes and baby clothes on the bed. 

"It's fine, don't apologize..i know how pregnancy can make you feel. Don't worry about me..." kerstin shook her head and smiled. "I can just finish up making the baby bag later..-"

"Ow.." you said holding your stomach as you sat on the bed. "What is it? Are you okay? What's wrong?" kerstin asked quickly. "It's nothing..i just- i think the baby is kicking...he's been doing that all day it's been killing me..i think that's why i kind of went off so easily." you said rubbing your stomach.

"Can i feel it..." kerstin asked looking at you. "Of course you can..this is our baby." you smiled, kerstin got on her knees in front of you and lifted your shirt revealing your baby bump. "Right here.." you took her hand and placed it over where the baby was kicking. Kerstin smiled at the feeling of her kicking. You smiled at the look she had on her face, she looked so proud. 

"Ow. Okay that one- that one hurt." you said standing up. "What can i do?" kerstin asked. "I don't know...i usually just let it go but that one was hard." you said rubbing your pregnant stomach. "I'm sorry.." kerstin apologized. "Why are you sorry?" you asked her.

" were the one that had to carry our child.." kerstin started, you knew where she was going. This was a argument you had in the past already. "Kerstin don't start..i choose to carry and i don't have a problem with it." you smiled. 

"Okay then...will you allow me to prepare you a bath?" kerstin smiled at you. "I think that would be promise to put bubbles in it." you smiled up at your girlfriend. "I will do exactly what you want." kerstin smiled.


After kerstin helped you carefully get in the bath, she pulled up a small step stool and sat there with you. She had brought over two bowls and two spoons along with the ice cream she promised getting you. 

"This is lovely girlfriend taking care of me..eating chocolate chip ice cream and having a warm bubble bath." you smiled as you relaxed under the warm water. "Anything to make you feel better." kerstin kissed the top of your forehead.


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