Chapter 77: Do Something

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Yichen carefully tended to Mochou all night. He was not only worried about Mochou but also there Little Grape. When morning finally came Yichen could feel him stirring in his arms uncomfortably.

"Mochou, my sweet bae, what's wrong? Is it your stomach? Any pain or discomfort?" Yichen stuttered to ask. He was afraid of what Mochou might say because it could mean something more terrible was happening inside his body.

"My whole body hurts but I think my stomach is... okay." Mochou said. He curled up in Yichen arms and rested his head above Yichen's heart to listen to it's strong healthy heartbeat.

It was around time for Yichen to prepare to leave for work. However given Mochou's condition he couldn't bare to leave his side. Even the thought of carrying him to the clinic didn't feel right. He wanted to avoid moving him too much. Torn between what he wanted to do and what he needed to do Yichen had a difficult choice to make.

"Yichen, stay with me?" His voice was so quiet Yichen barely heard it. Once he did his decision was made. He decided to remain by Mochou's side and wait until the Doctor or his brothers came looking for him.

"I'll stay. If that is what you want I will stay." Yichen said.

Satisfied Mochou once again fell asleep in his arms.


Knock... knock

It was still early morning when Yichen heard a knock at the door. Mochou had fallen asleep again. He would normally have tried not to wake him. However, due to his head injury Yichen had actually been waking Mochou up every couple hours.

As he expected the loud knocking caused Mochou to grumble. Yichen raised his hand and softly caressed Mochou's face.

"Bae, I'm going to go answer the door. Stay here." Yichen said.


"It's best you don't move right now. I'll be back soon." Yichen said as he gently slid out from under Mochou.

Ugh* Mochou grimaced in pain. After a long night the pain from his injuries had only gotten worse. Seeing him suffer Yichen was also in pain.

"I'm sorry my love." Yichen said as he gently tucked him back under the warm quilt. After making sure Mochou was comfortable Yichen left to go answer the door. When he opened the gate he saw Doctor Yen staring back at him.

"Yichen, has something happened? It's unusual for you to be late for work." He asked with concern. Yichen looked back at him with a furrowed brow.

"Mochou was attacked yesterday while I was at work."

"Attacked! Who would do such a thing? Is he okay? What about the baby? I'll go get my medicine kit." He said. Despite his age he seemed ready to run back to the clinic.

"There were four young boys around nine or ten years old. Mochou isn't familiar with many people after being ostracized for years. However he did hear the boys call one of them Jun Jie. I think..."

"Jun Jie! Like father like son to think he had become rotten to the core. Mochou has been hurt by that family for far too long. He deserves happiness. How dare Jun Jie attack Mochou and pull him back into that mess of a family." Doctor Yen exclaimed. His gentle calm face turned crimson in rage.

Yichen was surprised but also touched to know that he wasn't the only one who was angry over what happened to Mochou.

"Doctor, I can't leave Mochou's side right now. When they attacked him he was pushed and fell. They then threw large stones at him. Yichen said. When he did he looked down at the ground and noticed the scattered rocks concentrated near the gate. Following his gaze Doctor Yen also noticed the rocks.

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