Anokhi confronts the truth

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Hardik's words were beyond Shivika's tolerance and she slapped him.

Hardik put his hand on his cheek and looked at Shivika. Her face was filled with tears by now and she was showing immense anger along with pain.

Shivika grabbed Hardik's collar and said angrily, "What did you say, if I meet any other boy, I will fall in love with him too. So this is the place of my love in your eyes. Thank you very much Hardik Khurana for not accepting my love, otherwise I would have fallen in my own eyes that I sacrificed my love for a person who does not have even respect for my love. You are tired of me, you are very tired of me , so today I will solve all your problems. From today onwards, I Shivika Parimal will never come after you pleading for my love. Now you will never have to get irritated. Be happy in your life." Saying this, Shivika left Hardik's collar in a flash and turned to go.

She saw Shivaay standing behind her and was very angry. Maybe he had heard their entire conversation. Seeing him, Shivika looked away and Hardik also bowed his face. 

Shivaay came to him in anger and as soon as he raised his hand to hit hardik, Shivika caught his hand. Shivika said in a choking voice, “Let it be Shivaay, I have finished everything. Now I don’t want to start it again in any way and yes don’t bring me in between our friendship.” Shivika said this much and went away from there and Shivaay started looking at Hardik in anger. Hardik stood with his back towards him and held the railing tightly.

After some time Shivaay came to Hardik and turning him towards himself, looking at his face said, “I never stopped my sister from loving you, never stopped her from doing whatever she wanted, from being immature, do you know why? Because I thought that she has chosen a very good man for herself whom I know. If my sister stays with him, she will be very happy. But I was wrong. You are a very good man Hardik, just not right for my sister. Till date I never stopped her, but after what I have seen today, even if Shivi had not decided to forget you, I would have removed you from her heart at any cost.” Saying this, Shivaay also left from there.

After he left, Hardik punched the wall hard. His fingers were hurt and blood started flowing from there. He sat on the ground with the support of the railing.

One of his hands was on his knee and his face was bent. The next moment tears started falling from his eyes and wetting the ground. He saw a picture in his phone.

It was a picture of a girl who was in same age as hardik and was eating noodles with him in the college canteen.

Hardik looked at the girl and said, “Rakhi, today I have created so much hatred for me in Shivika's heart that she will never love me again. I did the right thing, Rakhi. I don't want something like what happened to you to happen to her too. We both loved each other, I was happy with you but after that night in college, you went away from me forever. Whoever stays with me, something wrong happens to them and they goes away from me forever. First mom dad, then you, now I don't want anything like this to happen to Shivika. She deserve much better than me and she will get it too. Then she will forget me.” Saying this, Hardik started looking towards the sky with moist eyes.

On the other hand, Shivika ran to her room and closed the door. Shobha, who had just come out of her room, was shocked to see Shivika crying like this. Shivaay also followed her.

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