Anokhi's anger

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Sorry friends, I will not give any excuse for not uploading the chapter because that reason is personal, which I will not be able to tell, hence I can only say sorry. 😔

In these 5 days, I haven't given chapters on any platform nor have I been able to contact anyone on social media. I know I have troubled you a lot, that is why I can only say sorry. 🥺

And one more very important note, I will not be able to give the regular chapter till 2nd June. That is why I am telling you this in advance, hope you all will understand me and thank you so much that you all waited for me and my chapter.

And don't worry I will not leave story in middle and I'm all healthy , but the reason is something else. 😟 sorry for inconvenience

Please click on the star⭐ and give your valuable comments about today's chapter in comment box. 🥺

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Preeti's house_

Preeti woke up late today due to fatigue from last night's accident. She got up stretching herself. Then her attention went to Vikram's coat which she was still wearing. Seeing it, Preeti again started remembering last night's accident and Vikram's words. She gathered herself and closed her eyes, leaning her face on her shoulder. She could still smell Vikram's perfume from that coat.

"Preeti, forget whatever happened yesterday, you have to become strong and this Gaurav has to learn a lesson. I cannot leave him like this. After what he did yesterday, he has crossed all limits." , Preeti said to herself. Anger had come on her face.

She got up from the bed and tied her hair in a bun. She took out the coat and kept it on the bed and came in front of the mirror. When she saw her face in the mirror, she was shocked to see gulaal on her face.

Touching her cheeks, she said, "Hey, where did this gulaal come from? Yesterday I did not play Holi and while sleeping there was no gulaal on my face, then where did this come from?" She stopped while saying this.

Her eyes went to her palm. When she read Vikram's message written on her palm, she understood that Vikram had applied gulaal on her.

Then her eyes from the mirror went to the pillow on the bed where a chocolate was kept. She picked up the chocolate and seeing it, a small smile came on her lips.

Then Sudhir's voice came from outside, "Preeti beta, if you have woken up, then come quickly, let's have breakfast."

"Yes I am coming papa", Preeti said in a loud voice and kept the chocolate in the drawer and went to the washroom.

After bathing, she had breakfast with Sudhir. She did not tell anything about last night to Sudhir and neither did Sudhir ask her but Preeti was sure that Sudhir must have known because seeing Vikram's coat on her body and Vikram holding her in his arms, Sudhir must have questioned her and perhaps Vikram must have talked to him and made him understand. Otherwise Sudhir would not have looked so calm.

Preeti was very satisfied that Vikram had told her father such a big thing and also made him understand. Leaving the house, she went straight to the police station. She filed a complaint about Gaurav's misbehavior last night and went to her office and filed a case against Gaurav and sent a notice to Mittal Mansion.

The same Gaurav was taken to the hospital after Vikram beat him so much. His family was with him, but he did not know that a blast was waiting for him after he went home.

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