Chapter 18

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"Delia, I have to goa check on Kali," I said. "Can I please have my phone back?"

"Fine," She said and gave it back.

"Bye, little one," I said and walked out, I got in my car and I drove to the house. I walked in and Sloane and Desmond was playing with Kali. "Hey, guys."

"Hey babe," Sloane said.

"Hey," I said.

"How's Chase?" Desmond said and Kali ran to me.

"They said he's improving," I said and I picked Kali up and kissed her cheek.

"You talk to Grayson?" Sloane asked.

"Don't say his name," I said.

"It's been a week," Desmond said. "You should talk to him."

"I got Kali, thanks guys," I said and they looked at me.


"Thanks guys," I repeated stronger and they got up. They hugged me and left, I walked upstairs with Kali and got her an outfit. I took a bath with her and she splashed water. I laughed and I got her out, I finished and got her dressed. I finished and I was drying my hair as my phone rang. "This is Braylon speaking." Kali laughed and I smiled, but it dropped just as quick.

"It's bad," Doris said and I hung up the phone and grabbed Kali.

"Mama," She said.

"We're going on a trip, baby," I said and put her in her seat. I drove to the hospital and I got Kali, I got up and went up. I walked fast to Chase's room and he looked worse, I breathed deep and I looked at Kali.

"Hey," I heard Isaiah and I turned to him. "We can take her."

"You sure?" I asked and he nodded, he took her and walked out. I went to Chase and I wiped a tear that slipped. "I wasn't gone even an hour. These are the things I came to you for, to talk to." I scoffed and sat down and scooted next to him. "Even after that fight we had over pizza, I flipped out just because you forgot breadsticks. I was gonna runaway and get my own breadsticks and throw the sauce in your face." I smiled and something hit the door, my head shot up and my smile dropped.

"Um, hey," Sloane said, with Desmond there and Grayson.

"What's that doing here?" I asked.

"Not the time," Desmond said. "You have to be mature for Kali."

"Why? I think we already showed that we can't be," I said.

"You're not being very mature right now," Sloane said, I looked at Chase.

"People are like trees, it's takes a while to mature and grow," I said and Grayson walked out. I looked down at Chase.

"You want some pizza?" Desmond asked. "I know Kali would love some."

"Desmond, I can hear your tummy screaming I'm starving, go get a pizza," I said. "You too Sloane." They both walked out and I laid my head down on the bed. "I wish you could tell me what really happened between you and Sophie. The truth, because I really need that." I closed my eyes and breathed deep.

"Bray," I heard a hoarse voice, I looked up and at Chase.

"Oh my god," I mumbled and he breathed in deep.

"I'm sorry," He said.

"For what?" I asked, that noise nobody wants to hear, that sound that gets stuck in your head. I heard a flatline and everything went slow motion. "No! Chase! Please, hello Chase, there was no bye!" The nurses pushed me out as I tried to fight back in. The shut the door and I slid down the wall and hid my face in my knees.

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