Chapter 32

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I woke up that Monday, I stayed locked in my room the whole day Sunday. I took a shower and I got out.

I put on a white shirt and black legging, I buttoned up my red plaid shirt and slipped on some combat boots. I fixed my hair and put a black beanie on.

I grabbed my book bag and phone and walked downstairs. It was a thunderstorm but it fit my mood.

I saw Blake and we walked out, we rode to school and we got out. I walked in and I walked past the boys but there was no Grayson, I went to Sloane.

"Please tell me you still like me," I said.

"Yes I do," She said.

"I feel like a bitch," I said. "I can't believe it." The bell rang and we walked to class and sat down. It went past boring, then went to second. Morello was talking and suddenly the power went out, the storm must've knocked it out.

Soon the principle dismissed us and we ran out, we drove home and I walked into the kitchen. I saw Bryce was feeding Kali, I walked around to the fridge and opened it but it shut again.

"Don't think you're off the hook," Ben said but I didn't look at him.

"You're about to make a big deal out of nothing," I said.

"You disobeyed me Braylon," He said.

"You weren't even here," I said.

"That didn't mean anything," He hissed.

"It's nothing new for you never being there for me," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Where were you that night?" I asked. "I yelled for all four of you, nobody came."

"That's not fair Braylon," He hissed.

"I lied to Chase and he still doesn't know the truth," I said. "I never told him, I told him everything, but I never told him. I was too ashamed."

"Braylon, you never told anyone what really happened," He hissed in a whisper. "We knew the simplicity of it, but you never told us what happened. You didn't even tell Carter and he's your fucking twin."

"I never cried and I never screamed, but in in my head, I was begging for you to come," I said.

"Braylon, I'm sorry," He said.

"Sorry won't fix how broken I am," I said.

"Braylon," He said softly.

"Everyone told mom, she'll get over it, it's just a phase," I said.

"You shut us out," He said. "Every time we asked, you wouldn't talk and you wouldn't even move."

"Did you ever think about why I did it?" I asked but he didn't say anything, I turned around and I grabbed Kali. I walked upstairs and to my room, I locked my door. My phone beeped and I grabbed it.

From: Pretty boy

"Can you meet me?"


To: Pretty boy

"Yes, where?"

He texted me the directions and I got changed, I changed Kali and I picked her up. I walked to my window and I held Kali to my chest. I climbed down the vine fence and I jogged to my car, I put Kali in and I climbed in my seat. I pulled out and I started driving through the rain, I parked and I left Kali. I walked into the warehouse and looked around.

"Grayson," I called and I walked in further. I heard a gun cock and I stopped.

"Still such a gullible little girl," I heard his voice, I turned around. "Don't you try anything or I will put a bullet through your head."

"Please, come on just let me go. I won't tell anyone," I said with a pleading voice.

"Is Braylon Monroe, scared?" He asked and smirked, he walked closer.

"Please, you don't have to do this," I begged. "Don't kill me." He pointed it at my stomach and I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

"Your stomach and make it slow and painful?" He asked. "Or in the head so quick and painless?" I opened my eyes again.

"Have some mercy," I said and he shook his head.

"Not for you," He said.

"Can I at least say one thing?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, I kicked the gun from his hand and it slid across the floor.

"How stupid can you be?" I asked, I punched him and he swung but I caught it and twisted it. He went for the gun but I grabbed him, I kicked his nose and I grabbed the gun. He was on the floor with his nose bleeding. I had the gun pointed at him. "Did you really believe I'd be scared of some pathetic gun?" He got up.

"Put it down before you hurt yourself," He said and I cocked the gun.

"I don't have balls but I have more heart than you ever will," I hissed.

"I know you Braylon," He said.

"Not to well," I said, he kicked the gun and came for me but I grabbed the board and I hit him. He fell and he was out, I went to walked out but I heard a gun cock.

"You're not suppose to turn your back," A voice said, I heard a loud noise and I fell. I felt something wet and I saw blood, I closed my eyes and something touched my neck. "Should've learned." I heard Kali crying and I gulped. I peeked and he started to walk out. I looked into the dark and I tried to get up but I was weak. I heard my car door shut and I heard Kali, I got up quietly.

"Haven't you learned I don't give up easy?" I asked weak, he turned around to me and smiled. "Now Kali." She clawed his face and he dropped her, I grabbed the gun and I pointed it at him. He went for Kali but I pulled the trigger. I threw the gun and I fell, I saw blackness.


23 won! So if you said 23, congrats. You won bish and thank that lovely person for giving you this chapter. Mwah!

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