Breakfast and Bruises

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Amy's POV

"Wakey Wakey." Stormie shouted from the end of the bus. I rolled over and I saw Rydel rub her eyes and groaned.

"It's like eight o'clock. That's like the middle of the night." She said and hoped off her bunk. I laughed and got off my bunk. I'm so freaking exhausted. I'm going to die on this bus. It has caused my body to ache and pain the whole time.

"Why are we up so early?" Rocky asked me and I shrugged.

"Beats me." I said and put some coffee powder into my mug.

"Dad's making egg and bacon rolls for breakfast. They are to die for." Ryland said walking past us.

"Oh great." Rocky paused. "Could he have waited till ten o'clock to do that?" Rocky added rolling his eyes.  

"Bacon!!!" Romeo yelled running outside to meet his grandfather.

"Romeo, shh." I said before he exited the bus. Ross ran after him outside. Savannah walkedover with some milk for our coffee.

"We have a day off soon, how exciting is that?" She said enthusiastically.

"Day off? Sav, you don't do anything." Rocky said.

"Excuse me, but she has the most important job ever." Riker said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What's that?" Savannah asked.

"Being my girlfriend." Riker smirked kissing his girlfriend.

"Ewwww." I said scrunching up my nose. 

The day off is in Colorado, which was timed perfectly.

"Oh, we could have a small party for your wedding to Ross." Savannah smiled.  I shook my head.

"No it's fine." I said taking a sip of my hot drink.

'Oh come on. We could have a small tea party. We could all dress up." Savannah added.

"Ross doesn't want it to be a big thing." I told them.

"Why not?" Riker asked.

"You're married! If you weren't with Ross, I'm telling you every guy would want you as their girlfriend." Ryland said sitting down.

"Even me." Savannah said. I laughed and shook my head.

"I think because of the whole thing with Courtney he just wants it to be kept on the down low." I suggested.

"That's stupid." Riker laughed.

"Amy, if we got married it would be full of camels and elephants and-"

"We are not getting married Ryland." I said rolling my eyes.

"Breakfast is ready." Mark said hitting the back of a pan with a wooden spoon.

We all walked outside and sat around the car park eating breakfast. Stormie walked over and sat with me.

"Are you okay dear? You look lonely sitting by yourself." She smiled and sat next to me. I didn't even realise I was sitting by myself until she walked over. I guess I was just talking to myself the whole time.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.

"Look, if you and Ross are having troubles, you can always talk to me. Even if it involves you two having sex. Is that the problem? You guys aren't having enough sex. I read that a young couple should be having sex at least once to twice a week to have a stable relationship. Do I need to get you and Ross some sex toys to lighten up the mood?" She asked.

"Stormie!" I gasped flushing red.

"I don't think that's necessary." I told her embarrassed.

"Are you homesick?" She asked me.

"I little I suppose." I told her.

"Well, I'm sure we could have a girls weekend. We could have some mother-in-law and daughter-in-law bonding time." Stormie said and I shrugged. It wasn't a bad idea.

"It's just weird. Being on tour with Ross. He seems so distracted. I thought that being on tour would be fun, I mean traveling and all of that is really fun, but I need to go back to Los Angeles and work. I can't speak to clients while we are on a crowded bus at midnight." I told her. "I think working right now is my top priority." I told her. "I love Ross, with all my heart, but I really need to focus on my career for a while. I'm the worst wife ever." I told Stormie.

"Oh no you're not." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. "You are the best wife for him. You keep him grounded, he doesn't stop talking about you. Ross has no taste in fashion at all, at least you can help him make me look like he is wearing something decent. He'll understand that you need to go back." Stormie smiled and I nodded.

"I suppose I'll leave after Colorado. I've been told that I need to try one of their omelettes." I told her.

"That's one of the things I miss most about Denver. The omelettes." Stormie laughed and I nodded.

"Mommy!" Romeo said as he walked up to me.

"Yes baby?" I asked him and he lifted up his jeans to show me the gravels cuts on his legs.

"Shall we go get you some band aids?" I asked him picking him up.

"Yes. The batman ones." Romeo nodded and cuddled me.

"Stay here. I'll grab them." Stormie said kissing Romeo's head and walking off.

"Hey Champ. What happened to your knees?" Ross asked him.

"I was playing football with Uncle Rocky and Ellington and I fell." Romeo said and showed Ross the palm of his hands which also had grazes on them.

"Ouch. That would've hurt." Ross said and used his water bottle to clean Romeo's hands. I looked at the two boys. I'm just being silly, Ross isn't being to distant, is he? I must just be an annoying clingy wife. I'm going to turn into one of them. Stormie came back with a packet of band aids and fixed Romeo's small grazes and wounds. Some of the wounds may turn into bruises, but he can live with that.

"All better." Stormie smiled.

"Yay! Now I can play football with uncle Rocky and Ellington again." Romeo said and ran off. I was going to say something but I didn't. He can learn from his mistakes.

I looked at Ross and he looked away. Okay, maybe something is up.

Hey Chicas comment your thoughts!!!!!

QOTD: Favourite Hot or Cold Drink.

Me: Mocha :-)

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