Chapter 1- A Tutor

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*Ally's POV*

"Ally, your late... Again!" Mr. Mellow yells at me with a rather annoyed voice. "Sorry, I'll try harder!"
"You have been saying that 27 days straight. Take your seat."
"Yes sir..."

I sighed and walked to me seat with the class giggling at me. I opened my notebooks and textbooks then my friend Sakura sitting behind me tapped my shoulder.

"What do you want?"
"Are you always going to greet me like that now? How rude."
"Sorry but... Seriously. What do you want from me now? Food? Money? Cheat sheets?"
"No, I just want to know why your late everyday.
"Well... It's all one reason.... I just get carried away..."

I paused for a second and turned around to face her. "Destiny ninja."

"Destiny... Ninja... That's dumb."
"What...!? Are you kidding me...!? It's the best thing ever...!"
"Right right... You told me about this many times..."
"Ah, destiny ninja... It's adventure, romance, action, and mostly ROMANCE!"

"Um... Ally--"
"A girl with no memory, finds her soulmate as you would say and tries to regain it as they fight for the three sacred treasures!"
"Ally! Please st--"
"But I would kill to be the mc! She-- owwww!"

Before I knew it, I was speaking louder and louder and someone smacked the back of my head with something hard. I look over and my teacher stands there with a ruler, smacking it against his palm.

"Oops..." I sigh and the teacher speaks in a rough voice. "Detention."
"Aw man... Again...?"

-After in the Detention room-

I sit down and slouched over as Mr. Mellow walks in. "Ally, Ally, Ally... What are we going to do about you?"

I shrug and say "give me a reward?"
"You already know the answer for that... Listen, Ally... I'm not sure what your doing wrong now a days and I'm not sure why but you grades are getting lower and lower. We need to fix that."
"I know..."
"*sigh* Ally. Maybe you better look for a tutor. It doesn't have to be someone you pay or anything like that but... Maybe even a classmate."

The teacher got up from his seat and signalled for me to follow him. I got up still slouching and walked behind him through the halls.

"There are some new students and most of them have top notch grades. They can help you. They will be here tomorrow and I want YOU to show them around and make friends with them."
"Wait, why me!? I've never done anything like that before!"
"That's why I'm letting you take the role this time. I think you will like them."

We reached outside and the teacher and I got into the bus, getting me home. "I would like to speak with your parent or guardian, if that's alright with you."
"You want to talk to her? Then we have to go someplace else. She isn't here."

We both got back onto the bus and stopped at the hospital.

"Your mom works here?"
"... Let's go see her."

I entered a hospital room "mom, my teacher is here to see you."
"Come in dear."

My mom laid down in the hospital bed with a slow heartbeat. "Has my daughter been troubling you? I'm sorry about her."
"It's alright, it's about her grades. They are rather low for such a bright young woman."
"Oh dear..."

After a while of talking my teacher and I left and we both went our separate ways. I went back home and played some more destiny ninja.

~ to be continued ~

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