Chapter 5- Bullies

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*Ally's POV*

Everyone sits around me against the wall and continues to eat.

"What are you doing?"
"We are eating lunch, what are you doing?" Sohma said laughing. I showed a small smile and then quickly shook it away. "No, I mean... Why are you sitting with me?"

"No one should sit alone like that. Plus, your an interesting girl. We want to know more about you." Hyuga said not even looking at me as he ate.

"I appreciate it but you should listen to those girls. You shouldn't get concerned."
"Non sense!" Goyo said and ruffled my hair. "Eek! G-goyo cut it out!" I told him to stop but I laughed.

I realized again... This is the destiny ninja characters. Why do they even want to hang out with a nobody like me? Goyo stopped and looked at me.

"Are you okay? You suddenly gotten gloomy."
"Oh! Sorry. I'm fine." I looked up and saw the girls that were just with the guys. They all looked over and began whispering.

I stood up with my tray. "Where are you going?" Benkei asked as I walked away. "I'm finished. I'm taking a walk." I say and walk away.

*Yoshitsune's POV*

We watch her walk away, putting away her tray. "I think she hates us." Mizuki said. "She said we shouldn't be concerned. She's a strange one isn't she?" I said as we all gazed at her. We notice the girls that were bad talking her walked out going her way and we glared.

"That can't be good." Enya said and Hyosuke flung himself up. "I'm going to make sure she's okay!"
"I'll go too." Mizuki said and followed after Hyosuke.

"That's strange..." Kazemasa said and I asked "What is?"

"What's strange about Mizuki?"
"He never gets involved with others."
"That's true, but I'm glad to see he's starting now."
"Yeah. I think that girl has something to do with it though."
"I think so too."

*Ally's POV*

I walk down the halls and realized I've been followed by the girls who were sitting with the guys.

Crap... What do they want now? Probably to bully me again... I thought I myself and I found myself at the indoor swimming pool. I turned around and they all glared at me, putting their palms to their hips.

"You know, you are quite the little brat aren't you!?"
"Why don't you just go cry to your parents about how terrible your life is and how much you wish you never existed?"

They laughed and tears formed in my eyes as I looked down. I'm use to being bullied but it still hurts. "Look, she's crying already!"
"What a wimp!"

One of the girls reached into her bag and another girl grabbed a bunch of my hair. "Ow! Stop it!" I screamed as they yanked my hair towards the girl going through her stuff in her bag.

She pulled out a pair of scissors. I struggled to break free but it was too late. She already cut off a bunch of my hair. They let me go and laugh.

Next was my worst nightmare...

The girls continued to laugh and they all pushed me into the pool. I kicked my legs and tried to stay up but it was no use. I couldn't swim.

I started to drown as my lungs began to fill with water. I hear the water move as if someone jumped in. In the corner of my eye I saw Mizuki hurrying over towards me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up out of the water. I started coughing up water catching the edge of the pool.

"Are you alright, Ally!?" I looked up and saw Hyosuke and Mizuki pulling himself out of the water.

Hyosuke held out a hand towards me and I hesitantly took his hand. He pulled me out of the water and onto the floor.

"Those girls are the worst! I can't believe them! Making a girl cry like that and trying to drown them!" Hyosuke yelled furiously and Mizuki nodding.

"You two..." I said panting. They tilted their heads. "What's the matter?" Mizuki asked.

"Thank you."

~ to be continued ~

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