Chapter 20- First Kiss?

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*Ally's POV*


"Hey." A voice called out to me. I felt the bed being shook. "Nngh... What...?" I asked and sat up from bed, rubbing my eyes. "We need to go to school." Mizuki said standing by my bedside. "Fine..." I sighed and looked to my left and saw Kazemasa. "Don't forget, we have a tutor session tonight." He said.

I nodded and got up. We quickly got ready and walked to school. "Where is the rest of the guys?" I asked. Kazemasa sighed "they slept in. We were the only ones that got up on time so I think they will come later."
"I see... Wait so why did you wake me up!?"

They chuckled and I smiled. I couldn't help but remember Hyuga and Sohma's kiss. I wonder how Hyuga is doing... I haven't seen him since the kiss. I've seen Sohma but he's acting like it never happened.

Maybe that's for the best. I look up and before I know it, I bash my head off a pole and I start to fall over. My hands got caught by both Kazemasa and Mizuki. "Your zoning out a lot lately. If you keep this up, you will walk right into traffic." Kazemasa said and pulled me back up.

"Sorry..." I sighed and walked around the pole. We hurried off to school.

- Lunch -

I walked up to the table with the guys. They all look at me and I dart my eyes around. "What?" I asked. "Have you had your first kiss?" Enya asked bluntly. "Wha!? W-why!?"
"Just curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat, you know!?"
"Oh come on, just tell us."

He said and they continued to look at me. "Yeah... Actually. I had it stolen from me... I didn't see it coming..." I said and blushed deep red. "Wait, how recent was that!?" Hyosuke asked and I shrunk back.

"This week..." I said and Mizuki looked over. "Who?" He asked and shrunk back and put my head down. I held up two fingers  with my head still down. "Two people you guys know..." I sighed. I slowly looked up and they were shocked. "Two!? Both in the same day!?" Benkei asked.

I quickly shot a glance at Sohma who has been silent the whole time. He was smiling. They all repeated "Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?" I scratched my head and cleared my throat. Everything went silent.

"My first kiss was... Hyuga." I said and Sohma jumped out of my seat. "I was too late!?" Everyone looked over at him and he sat back down and put his head on the table. "That's what I meant but 'and stuff'... I didn't think you would have kissed me too!" I said and everyone stood up. "He kissed you too!?" Hyosuke asked and I nodded.

"What a woman. Getting two kisses in one day." Enya said leaning in towards me. "Oh please..." I said gently pushing him away.

"Have you even dated anyone, but just haven't kissed?" Goyo asked and I shook my head. "I have no experience with love and relationships."

"You can be." Enya said sliding back over to me. "Pardon?"
"I mean... I'm free if you wanna--"
"Playing hard to get I see."
"Your crazier than I thought. Why would you want to date me anyways?"
"Well, why not?"

I look over at him with a look.

"Shut up and eat."

~ To Be Continued ~

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