Christmas Special

141 9 15

*Ally's POV*

I sigh and look outside at the falling snow. Its going to be Christmas tomorrow huh...? I thought and began to smile to myself.

"Hey pretty mama, lemme whisper in your ear." I heard someone whisper into my hear from behind me and I flung myself around to face them. "Enya! I'll have you know I'm not a mama, or pretty! I'm not a pretty mama!"

Goyo walks into the room. "What? Your so adorable Ally!" He said and Enya nods. "He's right. And you are pretty... Pretty hot!" I roll my eyes. "Excuse me Mr. Womanizer, that kind of stuff doesn't work on me."
"Wha!? Womanizer!?"

Goyo laughs and I look at him. "Shut it, foreign fancy-pants playboy. Same goes for you." I sneer and walk out of the room. I run into Hyuga. "Telling those freaks off now are we?" He asked and I sigh. "They deserve it for ruining my good mood..."
"Finally! Someone who understands my pain!"

I laugh. "I have to go out for a bit. I'll be back later." I say and he stops me. "Wait, where are you going?" He asked. "I thought we were doing a present exchange."
"But that's for Christmas."
"Christmas is tomorrow, Hyuga."

He yells and runs out the door. "Of all people..." I sigh and leave as well. I pick up a present and went back home. When I got back no one else was home. "Hm? Hellooo?" I call out but no answer.

Where is everyone? I wonder and sit down on the couch. Not too long later everyone comes in with presents. "You ALL forgot!?" I asked and they scratch their heads. "Christmas arrived so quick, I didn't think it was time yet." Benkei said scratching his head. "There is such a thing as a calendar but, hey. At least you know now."

They all place the presents under the tree. "I am going to set up some more decorations tonight." Kazemasa says and I nod. "Sure! Would you like some help with that?" I ask and he shook his head. "I'll be okay for tonight."

- the next morning -

There were paper snowflakes and shiny lights decorated all through the house when I woke up.

Wow... Kazemasa really went all out didn't he...? I thought to myself and accidentally bumped into Mizuki. "Whoops! Sorry about tha--!?" I was cut off my a sudden kiss. I burn bright red as he points above us. "Mistletoe..." He says and I sigh. "Great..."

I step back and Hyosuke stops beside Mizuki. "Kiss..." Mizuki mutters and grabs Hyosuke's face leaning closer. "W-Wait Mizuki! W-what are you doing!? I don't swing that way!" Hyosuke shrieked and ran away.

"Maybe you should lay off a bit, Mizuki... Your scaring our entertainment." I say and he laughed silently.

Everyone gathered around the tree. I put numbers on all the boxes while Yoshitsune wrote numbers on small pieces of paper. Yoshitsune throws them in a hat and we all pick out numbers.

They grab the presents with the number on it and we spun a bottle to see who unwrapped first. "Enya." I say and he unwraps it. He looked in the box rather disappointed. "What did you get?" I ask and he holds up a pink dress. I couldn't help but laugh.

Sohma spoke up. "Oh you got my present!" He said and Enya glared at him. "What kind of present is this!? I'm not a female or a cross dresser!" I spin the bottle containing my laughter and it lands on Kazemasa. He opens it and...

"I got goyo's present... A frilly bow... Thanks?" He said holding it up. "Oh man, what has this become?" I ask giggling to myself.

Hyuga got high heeled boots
Goyo got black feathered earings
Mizuki got eye makeup
Sohma got lipstick
Benkei got nail polish
And Yoshitsune got a purse.
Hyosuke and I were left.

The bottle lands on Hyosuke. "Hey, this is Ally's present!" He said and everyone starts complaining about how they want to trade presents. Hyosuke unwraps it. The smile that was on his face disappeared within seconds.

"How to pick up women...?" He asked holding a book with the title 'how to pick up women'.

Everyone laughed at him and I look at my present. "This is Kazemasa's present." I say and unwrap it.

"Pie?" I ask and look at Kazemasa. "Yeah... Everyone loves pie." He said with a straight face and smile. "Well, why don't we all share it?" I ask and they all nod.

After I got back from the kitchen I walk back to see Enya in the new dress he got, Kazemasa with a bow in his hair. Hyuga trying to walk in high heeled boots, Goyo with the black feathered earring in his ear where his other earring should have been, Mizuki wearing eye makeup, Sohma putting on some lipstick, Benkei, attempting to put on nail polish, Yoshitsune throwing his purse over his shoulder, and Hyosuke intently reading his book.

... What just happened?

~ End Of Christmas Special ~

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