Hyosuke: Chapter 4- My Racing Heart

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*Ally's POV*

- Halloween Night -

"Ally! Let's go!" Hyosuke yelled at me from downstairs. "I'm almost done! Just go without me and I'll call you when I'm done so we can meet!" I replied getting annoyed.

"No we will stay together!"
"Well then shut up and let me get changed!"
"I want candy!"
"Child! I will eat half your candy if you don't stop bugging me about this!"

Hyosuke shut up. I sighed and walked out wearing Hyosuke's ninja outfit. "Alright we can go now." I said to Hyosuke who was dressed as a red fox. Hyosuke started pouting. "I'm not a child..."
"Where is everyone else?"
"They went to the park so we could meet up there."
"Okay sweet let's go."

As soon as I stepped outside there were dozens of people walking by wearing scary or unique looking costumes. "Let's go!" Hyosuke said walking out of my yard and into the crowd. "Wait!" I yell at him and I lost him in the crowd in no time. I looked around  but I couldn't see him. I walk into the crowd and didn't see him there either.

Where did he go...? I wondered to myself and tried to push myself out of the crowd. Then felt a tap on my shoulder. I look back to see Hyosuke. "I thought I lost you!" I pouted. "Haha! Were you scared?" He asked laughing at me. "N-no!"
Hyosuke grabs my hand and holds it up. "Here! Now we won't get separated!"

My heart raced faster than ever as he pulled me through the crowd of people. Once we were out he still didn't let go of my hand. "Uh... Hyosuke?"
"My hand."
"Does it bother you when I hold you hand?"

How do I respond to that!? Will it be obvious that I like him if I say no!?

Hyosuke suddenly stops and faces me. He doesn't say anything but he stares into my eyes. I open my mouth to say 'no' but no words came out. My face was flushed as Hyosuke kept his hand locked with mine. At first I thought it was my imagination but now I know that Hyosuke's face is getting closer to mine. I clench my eyes closed and felt his breath on my skin and his hand on my cheek.

Not a moment later a voice startled us. "Hyosuke! What are you doing!?" My eyes flung open to see Hyosuke's face right in front of mine. We both looked towards the voice to see the rest of the guys walking over.

"Dammit you guys! What are you doing over here!?" Hyosuke yelled frustrated. "We were coming to find you guys. You were taking an awfully long time for getting changed." Sohma explained and Enya crossed his arms and leaned closer towards us. "What were you two doing just now?"

What WERE we doing!? I wondered to myself and everyone looked down by our hands. I look down to realize Hyosuke and I were still hand in hand. I quickly pull my hand away from his, embarrassed. Hyosuke changed the subject. "Let's go trick or treating! I want some candy!" He said and pulled Hyuga by the collar. Hyuga groaned as he was being dragged away.

I start walking with the rest of the guys and Kazemasa asked "seriously, what were you guys doing?"
"Well I lost Hyosuke in a crowd so after he found me we had to make sure we wouldn't split up again so we held hands. After that he suddenly stopped... And..." I stop and Kazemasa nods.

Hyuga and Hyosuke came back to the group after that. Though when Hyosuke came back he kept looking at his hand and then he clenched it looking sad. My heart felt like it was stabbed with a dagger when I saw him sad.

We went to a few different houses before we could hear screams in the distance. "Oh there is a haunted house up ahead." Goyo said and Benkei grunted "again!?"

Goyo and Enya took off running towards it and the rest of us ran off after them. When we got there Goyo and Enya were jumping up and down excited. "Let's go in!" They both said and everyone agreed. Only...

"You coming Ally?" Yoshitsune asked and I shook my head. "Sorry I'm not too great around stuff like this... I'll wait here for you guys..." They all looked at me worried and then went inside. I walk across the street and sit on a cinder block. I look around to see everything dyed with black with small sections of light from the lamp posts.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

When I open them I see Hyosuke.

~ To Be Continued ~

[DISCONTINUED] Class Ninja (Shall We Date?: Destiny Ninja)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt