Chapter 23- Yoshitsune and Benkei

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*Ally's POV*

I left to go find Hyosuke, Enya, and Goyo. If I were those two... Where would I go? I thought and continued to walk.

It's really cold out... Maybe I should have grabbed a sweater... I sneeze. "Ally!" I look over at the voice and Hyosuke, Enya, and Goyo all stood there.

"You guys are mean!" I yell at them and they laugh walking over to us. "We saw our chance and we took it." Enya said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Don't make that face." Goyo said poking my cheek. I rolled my eyes and we walked around the carnival.

"Are you hungry?" Hyosuke asked as we walked past a couple food stands. "A little." I say and they all dash off.

I watch them run to the stands but everything began to spin and grow hazy. "Ally?" Someone calls our behind me but I never got to see who it was. My vision grew dark and my body collapsed onto the ground.

When I wake up I'm back in my room. Something was off other than feeling woozy. Someone's arms are wrapped strongly around my body.

I weakly looked over to see who it was and saw Yoshitsune. "Y-Yoshitsune!? What--"
"Wait, calm down. You have to rest. You were unusually cold so I did what I could to warm you. This was the best way." He interrupted me.

"I was just at the carnival... And then they left to go get some food... What happened after that?"
"You passed out. You have a terrible fever."
"A fever...? But I don't get sick..."
"Even we get sick, sometimes. It's bound to happen to everyone."
"Ugh... I feel horrible..."
"Just relax in bed. I'll get Benkei to bring you some tea and soup."

He said and stood up. After he let go I started to shake from the coldness. He ran out the door and I rolled in my blankets around trying to get warm. Not long after Yoshitsune came back. "You still cold?" He asked and I nodded still shaking.

"I'm freezing... I feel awful... This is horrible..." I complained. "It is getting quite cold out now. Benkei is fixing up some stuff with Hyuga and then Benkei bringing it up.

"Alright... Thank you. I appreciate it." I say with a small smile. "No problem. You should rest now." He replied gently petting my hair.

"Um... Yoshitsune?"
"Can... Can you warm me up...?" I asked sliding the covers over my red cheeks. He smiled and got on the bed. Wrapped in his warmth, I drifted off to sleep.

When I wake up Yoshitsune is still in the same spot softly playing with the ends of my hair. "I'm glad you fell asleep. Sleep is the best thing for a fever."
"Yeah... I feel a little better but not exactly back to normal health."

He chuckled and I tilted my head, confused. When I did he softly took the back of my neck I'm his palm and kissed me. I tried to push against his chest but I was too weak to get away.

I heard the door open and Yoshitsune calmly looks over at Benkei holding soup and tea on a tray. "Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to intrude!" He said turning red.

"Not at all Benkei. Would you mind looking after her for a while?" Yoshitsune asked and Benkei nodded.

Yoshitsune fled the room and Benkei set down the tray on my nightstand. I tried to sit up and he helped me then brought the tray to my lap.

"Thank you Benkei, it looks good." I say and Benkei blushed again. "N-not a problem."

I try to eat a spoonful of the soup but I was shaking like crazy. Benkei gently put his hand over mine, taking the spoon. "You can't eat like this. I'll feed you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry."
"Alright... Thank you so much, Benkei. You guys are always there for me but I just wish I could make you guys happy in some way."

He brought the spoon to my mouth and when I had it in my mouth he looked at me and blushed.

"Mm... Benkei? Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah... But I know how you can make me happy, right now."
"How's that?"

Benkei set down his spoon and his hand grazed across my cheek and held the back of my head as his head moved closer.

His lips brushed against mine and I gripped onto his shoulders trying to get away but I'm still too weak.

Benkei let go and He grabbed my spoon again, continuing to feed me the soup.

Everyone kissed me...

Why are they doing this?

What kind of sick joke is it?

What will they gain by messing with me this way?

~ To Be Continued ~

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